Finally, an upper Advantage.

With that amazing deal made yesterday, it inevitably pushed the two parties towards a deeper Cooperation. 

To be clear, the Goblin Demons will still recieve 100 Gold Coins a month for peace and protection. Putting ego aside, the King thought of this as a good idea in terms of grabbing as many fruits from this branch as possible.

Of course King Michael is still in charge of his own Domain, Kutuk hasn't any authority above the King. Furthermore Kutuk has no intent to become hostile towards the Civilians of Gaster Kingdom considering the hospitality they have been gifted with in the beginning.

King Michael also found it a good idea to label a few places untouchable. The Goblin Demons aren't to attack Pameres Kingdom, Bale Town and the New Lan Zhe. Kutuk agreed right away, considering that there are a lot of Kingdoms and towns in this country alone that his Army could pillage.