Trust Issues

I looked at him with a questions all over. I haven't seen any of my friends and you think this is okay? Maybe it is okay. I hope it is all okay. I nod and lay my book back on the table. I needed to relax. My body was so tense at the moment. I think he could tell. He was watching my reaction to him.

"Why so tense, my dear? I haven't done anything to harm you. Have I?" He asks. Touching my jaw line with the side of his index finger.

I shake my head no, looking down to the ground. He's right. He has never hurt me. I don't know why I'm so mixed feelings about him. He's not bad at all. He never said anything or done anything that signals he's a threat to my person. There's no immediate red flags. The only red flags is that none of my friends has shown up today. But that isn't caused by him. He didn't do it. Or at least I don't think.

"Then why are you questioning whether you can trust me or not, my dear? Have I not shown you enough to prove my worthiness of your trust?" He moves his finger down to my chin, lifting my head to look him in the eyes. His face was mellow, his eyes soft.

I try to look away. I can't find myself able to. I look back into his eyes. "Show me." The bell rings and I grab my notebook, breaking out of his gentle grasp. I head inside to my next class.

My mentor meets up with me in front of my class. Before I head in, she grabs me by my arm and tells me that my sister called. I look at her. She pulls me down the hall a little to talk to me more in private. She explains that my sister was worried about me and wanted to check up on me. My mentor proceeds to ask me if I wanted to go home. She knew I wasn't having that much of a problem, but maybe it was best I stayed home.

I shrugged my shoulders and started for my classroom. She grabs me once again and tells me that I am going to go to the main office. I turn to her. "I'm staying in school," I say to her with a stern voice.

She lets go of me. I continue to my class and sit in my seat. She entered a little later and sat in the back with her laptop. She was stunned at the sudden "attack" I gave her. For the first time in a long time, I took notes in class. I paid attention to what was going on around me. Not dazing off. The time passed just as fast as when I don't pay attention.

It was now time for my final class. The teacher that yelled at me last week for snickering in his class. I thought about it for a little bit. Do I want to go to class or do I want to go home? If I stay at school, it can prove to my sister that I can stay in school even though I didn't take my medicine. If I don't skip this class I can tell that stupid teacher that he has no right to yell at a kid for giggling slightly in his class. But if I leave, maybe I'll have more time with that man. Get to know him a little bit better. Give him a chance.

My mentor asks me one last time if I am okay. I tell her I want to go home. I was done for the day. My desperation to get to know this man was eating away at me. She escorted up to the main entrance of the school. My mentor takes a step into the security office, making a phone call to my sister. She talks for a minute or two before she waves me in, handing me the receiver. I told my sister I was ready to go home despite the school day almost being over. She was relieved that I was ready to go home.

It didn't take her long before she had pulled into the visitor parking lot on the campus. She wasn't parked long when I jumped in. I was tempted to tell her to floor it. I didn't though. We finished our routine for after school. I didn't show her my new drawing. I felt like she didn't need to know. I was almost too happy to see the peak of the house as we neared the top of the hill to the driveway.

I dashed in the house, running to my room. I closed the door. He was sitting on my bed, staring at his pocket watch. "You're late. my dear." He exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, I went out for lunch and I.." I started. He interrupted my explanation.

"You wanted me to show you more ways you could trust me. I'm here to show you. Are you ready?"

I looked confused. "I suppose?"

He stands up from my bed and comes up behind me. He bends down to whisper into my ear. "Good. Now, listen carefully." He smiles, placing his hands on the hems of my shirt and jacket. He lets go. "Your turn." He whispers.

I place my hands where his were. His hands were placed on top of mine. His hands warm. Together my jacket was off and on the floor. We grabbed a hold of my shirt, taking that off as well. His hands found my waist. His touch gentle as a feather, grazing up and down my stomach. I closed my eyes, my body feeling weird. I've never been touched like this before.

"Now, doesn't that feel nice?" His words echo in my ears softly. I found myself nodding my head yes, without comprehending what was being said or done. I continued to mimic his movements. My body completely naked. His hands on my hips walked me over to the bed. He turned me around, I laid down on the bed, my lower legs over the edge.