
His fingertips slide up my body caressing my breasts. He stands to take his suit jacket off, loosening his tie, unbuttoning his white shirt. He placed the items of clothing he took off on the floor on top of my own. I couldn't help but stare. His muscular body, perfect. Showing off his abs. Upon his return, his hands went straight for my breasts, his lips went for mine.

I felt my legs slowly wrap around his waist. He had one hand on my breast while the other moved up and down, feeling my body. My legs drop, closing together slowly. He backs away once again, standing straight. He places either hand on each knee, slowly spreading my legs. His dominant hand makes its way up my inner thigh.

The muscles in my stomach start to twitch in ecstasy. My eyes close once more, my breathing slowly getting heavy. His finger messing with my genitals, and slowly enters in me. I wanted to whimper in love, but he placed a finger against my lips.

He whispers, "No, my dear. We don't want them to hear us."

I nod my head in understanding and I try not to make a sound. He continues to mess with my body, keeping his finger on my lips as a reminder. A short while in he brings in another finger. Feeling the inside of my body. The pleasure was immense. My body was doing funky things. I felt like I couldn't take anymore pleasure. Pleasure dripping into the cup-the cup filled to the brim. I felt it. The cup tipping and spilling all the pleasure out. I sighed heavily.

I laid there immobile. He smiled at me, leaving me in my room alone. He must have left to freshen up because I heard the sink running for a little bit. When he returned, he sat on the bed next to me, caressing my hair. I turn to face him.

"What is your name?"

"Dolion. But you, my dear, will call me Sir."

"Okay." I responded, about to turn away from him. He gave me a stern look. I thought about what I just said and realized my mistake. "Yes, sir." I corrected myself.

He nods, letting me know that I mended my mistake correctly. "Now, put your clothes on, and go get something to drink."

"Yes, sir." I do as I'm told, leaving the room. I guess he wanted the room to himself or something. I'm not sure what just happened, but it felt wonderful.

I wandered into the kitchen, Katie on the couch doing some work on her laptop. She didn't notice me there until I made some noise. Opening the freezer part of the fridge to get some ice cubes for my water. Katie looks back at the kitchen.

"You doing alright? You were in sort of a rush to you room." She continues to work.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thirsty, so I getting myself some water."

"oh, that's fine. You can take it to your room if you'd like." She smiles at me. I smile back.

Upon my return to my room, he was gone. Avilasa was digging through my closest. "Who was that man in the suit? I saw him walking out when I was coming in the house. He's pretty handsome."

I imagined his face. I smiled. "Are you talking about Favain?"

"No, no, no. This man had purple eyes." She threw me a confused look.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't seen a man like that in my life. Are you sure you are okay, Avi? Only a rare amount of people have purple eyes."

"I swear on my life, he had purple eyes.

"I still don't know who you are talking about. Sorry. " I lie.

"Do you think he'll talk to me, if I stop him?" She looked excited.

"It's possible. But don't get too flirty. Favain might get jealous." I laugh at my little joke.

She smiles slightly. "Sweetie, he has a crush on you. He doesn't care about me, even if I try."

Was she being serious? What about Dolion then? I stare at the floor. How could this be? This can't...

Favian walks in. "Sorry, I'm late, I uh..." He pauses. "Is she okay?" He walks up to me. "Are you okay?" He asks me nicely.

"Hmm?" My thought process was broken. I look around to see who all was there. Favain watches me in concern. I go up to him and hug him tightly.

He smiles and hugs me back, more gentle than what I was doing. Avilasa strolls out the door, not making a noise. She lips to Favain that she will leave us alone. I'm sure she just wanted to go find Dolion. Favain slides his forefinger under my chin, lifting my head so our eyes met.

"I suppose you know already." He says gently.

I shake my head no.

His eyes locked with mine. I felt like I was going to cry but my body didn't want to do what I wanted. "When I'm around you, my heart feels the emotion attachment one feels for another when they feel like they are in love." He pauses. "I guess what I'm trying to say is... I love you."

I don't let go of his embrace. I look up from the ground, behind Favain and out the door. I thought I saw Dolion. I thought I saw him watching us with a disappointed face. I glanced away, but upon looking back, he was gone.