Favain Again

Favain never physically touched people. I felt honored to get a hug from him. A long hug. I didn't want to let go. What if it was the last time I was ever going to get a hug from him again? But the look on Dolion's face almost made me second guess myself. I looked up at Favain. He gave me a warm smile.

"Would you like to go out in the back yard with me?" He asks.

I nod my head yes. He takes a hold of my hand and we walk out to the back yard. When we passed my sister, she didn't seem to notice me exiting the house. Out back we sat down on white wicker deck chairs. Butterflies flying around my stomach, bumping into the sides of my belly. I felt my face slowly heat up.

He watched my face change colors from pale to blush. My eyes sparkling in the sun. He never seemed to be happier. I heard him chuckle for the first time, which led me to blush a little harder. A smile spreading on my face.

"You're adorable. You know that right?"His hand found a place on my cheek. I rested my face on his hand, continuing to smile. Not really giving him an exact answer. It didn't seem to matter to him that I didn't answer. My facial expressions seemed to give him the answer he wanted.

My sister popped her head outside. "Oh, there you are!"

I jumped at her voice.

"Mom wants to talk to you. She's on the phone." My sister held out her phone.

I gave Favain a look. He shrugged his shoulders in return. I mimicked his shrug, going over to my sister to answer the phone.

"Hello?" I start awkwardly.

"Hi, dear! I wanted to check up on you. Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"No reason. I'm just checking up on you. Am I not allowed to do that anymore? I thought we had a good time this last weekend."

"No, you're fine. I just..you.. Never mind. Have a good day, mom. I'm kind of busy."

The other side of the line was quiet for a moment. I was about to ask if she was still there. "Oh. Okay, that's fine, dear. Have a good rest of you day too. Bye." She hung up.

I shrugged my shoulders, handing my sister back her phone and going inside. Favain seemed just as confused. He chased after me.

"Wait. Where are you go..." His voice stopped. I turned around curious of what was going on. Favain was standing there. His body motionless, his eyes with fear. I turned around and saw Dolion leaning up against the wall at the end of the hall. I looked back at Favain. "Who is that?"

Dolion took a step out of the shadows. "Where are you going, kitten?" Dolion asked me. He completely ignored Favain.

I stood in between the two men. Turning my head back and forth. Watching both of them. "I um..." I coughed because of the awkwardness lingering in the air. "Dolion, this is Favain. Favain, Dolion." I tried to introduce them to each other. They just continued to make glares of looks at each other. Favain giving Dolion looks of confusion and fear. Dolion giving Favain smirks and domination looks back. Not afraid. Ready to conquer.

Favain attempted to overcome his fear. Taking a calming breath. He was about to say something when Avilasa came out nowhere. "Oh, so you are Dolion. You know you're very intimidating, sexy, handsome..." She stopped herself.

Dolion acted like she wasn't there. "Come here, kitten. We need to have a little talk." He gave me a firm look. I stayed silent. Glancing back at Favain. Avilasa cocking her head to the side, just as confused.

"You are not obligated to go with him." Favain tells me. I was about to run to Favain. Dolion stopped me.

"Kitten. I'm not telling you again." His voice piercing my decisions.

I nod. Turning back to him, trudging along behind him. Dolion enters my room first standing in front of my bed. His arm crossed. Not really understanding what was going on, I entered my room, observing his disappointed state.

"Close the door." He stated. I obeyed. I could hear his foot tapping vigorously on the wood floor. I turned around, slowly starting to feel bad for something I'm not sure was my fault. "Come here." He stated. I followed and got closer to him. I felt his gaze as he glared down at me. "Kneel." I fell to my knees.