
Once Blaze-kun calms down he opens his mouth to ask," were conscious the whole time? You heard everything I said to bonsa... you?" The question cause a some blush to return to his face and my answer only made it worse.

"Oh, was what I said not enough? Do you want me to realest more of what you said?"

Blaze-kun quickly stutters out," N-NO, it's-its fine." Hahaha, he's gone back to his puppy dog personality, so cute. His downturn eyes and droopy ear make me want to pet his head... and now that I have hands, I'm able to.

Before he has a chance to notice, I've already reached the top of his head, patting his fluffy red hair while saying," there, there, it's fine, I'm not the type to blabber about ones secrets but I understand if you can't trust me so how bout this, let's be friends!"

"Eh?" Blaze-kun looks up with a surprised expression. I don't know if he's surprised because of the head pat or the friendship idea tho. Well, let's just keep this up.

"If we're friends, you can keep watch over me and make sure I don't spill your secret to anyone."

Blaze-kun ponders over the idea, "What's in it for you? What do you get out of us being friends?"

I try to smile in the friendliest way possible. Of course, I don't know what it looks like since I haven't seen my face yet, but if it's anything like what I designed it to be, my innocent and naive face should make this statement more believable. I tilt my head to the side, "What's in it for me? I get a new friend!"

Blaze-kun stares at me, squinting his eyes as if trying to peer into my true thoughts to see if I hold any malicious intentions. After a few seconds he seems to give up and says, ""

Aww, ok I just wanna mess with him a little more. "Pinkie promise?" I fly up to him and hold out my hand. Pffhh, seeing this super buff, grown man make a pinkie promise would be the highlight of my day...well maybe not, a lot of things have happened today, but if it was any other day this would definitely top the list. What make this even better is the fact that his pinkie is waaaaay bigger than mine, it's width is around 4x the width of my arm. Seeing him fluster around trying to figure out how to pinkie promise without hurting me makes me laugh, "Hahaha, it's fine, it's fine, I was kidding. I trust my friends." He looks embarrassed, well I've had my fun. Let's leave him alone and find our next target. "Ok, I'll see you around Blaze-kun!" I say as I fly out of the window.

Behind me I can hear, "Eh? Blaze-kun? Is that me?"