Next target located

After flying out of Blaze-kun's window I head over to the tree I reincarnated into, or as I like to call it, the Main Tree. If my hypothesis is correct, those two should be there at this time of day. Wow, look at me learning smart-sounding words from Magi-kun.

And it seems my hypothesis was correct, I can already spot Nars and Cold-kun 50 feet ahead of me. I hide behind a pillar, not daring to get too close in case the assassin, Cold-kun, senses my presence. Now this is going to be a bit trickier.

Sneaking up to Blaze-kun was rather simple for two reasons. First, he was in an enclosed space so his view was limited and I had many things to hide behind. Second, he was preoccupied with his thoughts so it was easier to catch him off guard.

On the other hand, the both of them are in an open space, there's not a lot of stuff I can hide behind. The second problem is hiding my presence. I assume Cold-kun is more aware of his surroundings, since his line of work includes, but is not limited to spying, protecting his boss from assassin, and hiding in the shadows. With his heightened sense of detection, it won't be easy to surprise him. My best chance is when he lets his guard down and he happens to be with the person that makes him relax. Now I just have to observe and wait for the perfect timing to rush up to them with my superhuman speed and surprise should I surprise these two?

If I try to hug Cold-kun's or Nars' face there's a 80% chance that cold-blooded assassin with kill me instantly. I need to surprise them in a way where they have no chance to or physically can't hurt me... they can hurt me... but they'll hesitate to hurt each other...hmm, I can work with this.

10 minutes later

Ok, this is the plan.

1. Wait till both Nars and Cold-kun let down their guard

2. Quickly fly to them using my fastest speed

3. Hide in Nars' clothes.

I decided to use Nars as my shield instead of Cold-kun because I think Cold-kun will detect my presence earlier than Nars. Also, Cold-kun seems to be wearing some kind of tight-fitting clothing, which would be hard to climb into. This would make Nars seem like the easier target if not for the fact that he was wearing a snuggly-fitted chestplate. I was about to give up on the idea of hiding in their clothes when I spotted Nars' brown undershirt that seems to be make out of some kind of leather hide. I didn't notice it before because of how far away I was.

So this is the plan. Now all I have to do is wait.