
I begrudgingly head into Manbun's house and surprise surprise, who do I find but the commander himself. Manbun is solely focused on the map on top of the table, pushing figures that are similar to chess pieces to different places on the map. He either didn't notice my presence or is ignoring me...I vote for the latter.

If I'm being honest, I'm a little annoyed, not just at Manbun, but the whole group. I haven't talked with a single person today. I haven't laughed once. I haven't even smiled yet! Where's the reincarnation of my dreams?! One filled with gay ikemen and bromance!?

But no, I haven't even seen half of the group and the other half is completely ignoring me. I get that they're busy, but then what does that make me? Useless?

Filled with built up annoyance I fly towards Manbun. Before I can think twice, I plop myself onto his messy head of chocolate brown hair. Digging myself into the thick fluff, I comfortably sigh.

Manbun, on the other hand, reacts completely different. The millisecond I landed on his head, his whole body turned stiff. "You...when..."

Hmm? Ah...maybe he really didn't notice me? Now I feel a little guilty *chin scratch*. I would move to face him in a respectable manner, but...his hair is to comfortable, my body's gone soft and is completely relaxed...I don't wanna move. I decide to answer from the top of his head,"Just a second ago. By the way, why is everyone so busy?"

Manbun's aura turns stern after I finished speaking. Ah, is he mad for disrespecting him? He is a commander, after all. I begrudgingly pick myself off from his fluffy, so fluffy hair *cough* and sit on his desk.

Waiting for him to reprimand me, I try to mentally prepare myself. But before I could, Manbun hesitantly ask,"How much do you know?"

Eh? What? How much do I know of what? Subject man, I need a subject. I tilt my questioningly.

"I see...so nothing...that explains why you haven't left."

"Haven't left? Why would you think I left?"

"Well you were gone for a month, so we assumed you left."