Tree Travels [part 14]

While I praise myself for being the creator of such a god-like food, people start walking over to fetch water. When they see the shrubbery of ripened Kami fruit, a look of shock and surprise dye their faces. They drop their worn down pails and run back to town, screaming out things like, "THERES MORE! THERES MORE FRUIT!" or start praising and thanking the god.

...bish, I'm your god, where's my thanks?

Soon the entire village plus the caravan group are surrounding the shrubbery just like yesterday, but this time, they're not in as much of a rush as before. They start questioning Tommy on what to do.

I think the village thought the fruit was like other plants and would take a long time to regrow, so they rushed to grab as much as possible, thinking that that was the only batch there would be.

Now that they know that's not the case, they calm down. They were originally a group of kind people that would be more than welcome to share, but in their starved state the only thing plaguing their minds was hunger and death.

Tommy looks at the citizens he's known for many year,"This plant must have been the gods taking pity on us. As thanks, we shall show the gods that this will not make us greedy, we will spread this fruit to the neighboring villages who are in a similar situation as us *mumbles* for a small sum *mumbles* and praise the gods for their generosity!"

... what kind of preaching bs is this? Ah, whatever, it's their fruit now, they can do what they want with it. I, an amiable god, shall turn a blind eye to this.

After Old Man Tommy's speech, everyone starts celebrating. Some dance and sing, some are hugging each other or cry, some are laughing maniacally, and some are repeatedly kowtowing.

After a period of "celebration", Tommy continues,"Tonight we will hold a feast! We will invite the surrounding villages and have a banquet!" Everyone starts cheering and they soon get to work. Tommy groups everyone up and assigns them roles. Some are messengers and some are collecting the Kami fruit. Annabelle and a couple of others start cooking.

While all of this is going on, the caravan group just watches in a daze.

"Uhh, dad, what's going on, are we still leaving?" ——- whispers.

"I- I guess they'll be fine even without our intervention." The leader comes out of his daze. He walks up to Tommy to say goodbye.

"You won't stay for the banquet?" Tommy looks a little disheartened. It seems he took a liking to the group.

"No, we've already stayed here long enough, but thank you. But I do have an inquiry..."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Can you sell be some of the fruits seed? I'll pay a good price?" Ah, once a businessman, always a businessman.

" much?"

The two go back and forth between prices and eventually settle on one they agree on. They exchange seeds and money before the group hops on the caravan and takes off.