Plan B

Luckily, I was selfish enough to keep the garden on my side, but looking at the state of it... someone else can have it.

The entire garden is overgrown with my plants. Entangled and overlapping, it just looks like a colorful mess. can it grow so much, is such a short period of time... wait, don't tell me it happened again. Just to make sure, "Um...exactly how long was I unconscious for?"

"Mmm, bout a week" Fedora-San answers lazily, taking his time to 'think about it.'

Shi...ttake mushrooms, it happened again...

Usually, a week wouldn't be enough time to let plants overgrow to this extent, but these are MY plants after all. With a quicker growth rate than normal plants, I had to spent a certain amount of time each day, just to maintain them... Sigh, Well at least now there's an abundance of everything I grew.

Guess I should show my first guest around.

I explain what each plant does as he walks through the mess. Food, recovery, sleep, slow-mo, food, food, trap, medicine,...Ah! There it is! My plan B! I tell Fedora-dan to hand me a leaf from a fluorescent blue plant. He silently complies, plucking the leaf and giving it to me before I quickly shove it in my mouth, chew, and swallow.



Dang, I really put my hopes up for plan B, but I guess it's going in the trash. Anti-climactically, nothing happens and pain continues to surge through me...yay. Oh? I think Fedora-San's way of talking is rubbing off on me.

Finished explaining each plant and it's purpose, I end with,"So do you think any of these will be useful to you all?"

He stares at the garden of very practical herbs with nonchalant. I thought to myself,"Maybe they already have this kind of stuff and he's used to seeing it, that's why he's unfazed..." but the word Fedora-San muttered under his breath surprised me.

"...amazing..." The voice was almost inaudible, but with my super-hearing, I managed to hear it. I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing. I though he was the unfazed type that would be effected by the things going around him, but I guess I was wrong.

Actually, if you look into his eyes, you would be able to see a hint of suppressed glee.