A welcomed gift

Seeing as it would be useful to their group, we decided to take it all back to the tent base. We plucked each plant and herb and threw them all into a burlap sack to make it more convenient to carry back.

By the time the whole garden was bare, the sack was the same size as Fedora-San. Of course, it didn't weigh nearly as much.

We dashed back to the base camp with Fedora-San carrying the sack over his shoulders as he ran. As we were walked through the camp, soldiers would give us the side-eye, staring at the burlap sack like it contained someone's body.

We made our way over to Kuro's tent to report our findings. Walking in, I spot Kuro talking to some of the soldiers about the current situation. After seeing us enter the tent, he sends the soldiers off. "What do you need."

Fedora-San tosses the body bag onto the makeshift desk Kuro is sitting behind. The bag of herbs lands perfectly in the middle of the table without rolling it and excess movement. He states in a perfunctory way,"Supplies." He then leaves without saying another word, even yawning on his way out.

Fedora-San doesn't show any of the respect I see displayed by Manbun and the others. I decide not to follow him and stay behind to give Kuro a more in-depth explanation.

I watch as Kuro, who seems used to Fedora-san's behavior, open the sack in front of him. He looks in to see a mountain supply of herbs and plants all mixed together. They must have moved around as Fedora-San carried it back to camp. I explain,"While I was here, I started my own garden and grew a bunch of herbs and food I though would be important. Luckily, it ended up on this side of the wall..." My voice cuts off prematurely as Kuro looks up to inspect me, trying to see through my intentions. Noticing his stare and guessing his thoughts, I say," Although I came with them, Im not sided with anyone. Just treat me as an onlooker and I'll do the same." I could tell him the truth, that I just want to help whomever I can, but I doubt he would believe that for even a second. So I spoke a white lie. Although it's true I'm basically an outsider in all of this, I still see Manbun and the others as my friends, and I'll protect them to the best of my abilities.

Kuro seems to believe my words, that, or he's desperate for any supplies he can get his hands on. Either way, he accepted the bag of plant as I explained their uses.