A troublesome situation

I spend the next week helping the soldiers in any way I can. Finding edible fruit and vegetables. Using the herbs from my garden to help heal the injured soldier. I also spent quite a lot of time with Leopard-kun, Kuro, and Fedora-San, and have gotten accustomed to each of their personalities and styles. The only person I haven't seen much of was Hypocrite. I've been putting effort into keeping my distance with him. I'm not sure what it is...but he gives me bad vibes.

Oh! I've also been experimenting with the giant vine walls that I unconsciously created, trying to figure out how to bring them down or create an opening somehow. There hasn't been much success in that area. Whenever I try to move the vines, I can feel my materialization of by fairy body start to flicker like its about to disappear. I was only able to create a small hole the first time I tried, but it quickly closed up. Afterward, I felt physically and mentally drained, so I'm not sure if I can do it again. It's even worse if I try to move my consciousness into the vines. The moment I think about it, the vines start sucking me in and I get the bad premonition that I won't be able to get back into my fairy body. Other than the times I try to use my plant powers, I don't feel anything wrong and my form feel overall stable.

But this can't go on forever, eventually the food will run out and as the food supply starts to decrease, I know the soldiers will become more insecure and worried.

The only explanation I could come up with was that my power has a limit and is currently drained right now, like how I can only maintain my human-sized form for a small amount of time. And if my conjectures right, that means I'll have to go back to the main tree to get cured. After all, the first time I used too much power and got tired, I ended up sleeping in the main tree to rejuvenate.

But if that's true, I have to take my chances and risk losing my physical form to open up a hole in the wall. My plan is to open up a hole in the wall and throw a plant in it that will maintain the hole, at least for a little while. I was inspired by the potion I was given by Magi-kun during the capture the flag game. I created a gummy type fruit at the garden, before everything happened and the vines appeared. Originally, I only made them as an experiment, I didn't think they'd actually come in handy.

The only problem with my plan is that I won't be able to do it by myself. While I open up a hole in the vines, I'll need someone else to put the gum around the edges of the hole. I ended up telling Kuro my plan and the fact that I needed to go to the main tree to remove the vines.