Chair guy part 2

Actually, that's something I've been wanting to ask about for a while now...

Chair guy...

More specifically, who was he and what exactly happened to him. All I know is that he died protecting Manbun. I only know of his existence because I was spying on Manbun and the others secret meeting in the underground labyrinth. Even after all this time, I still don't know who he was, but I do know he had the same level of importance as the others, since he had his own chair in the meeting room.

It's something that's been on my mind for a long time now, I've just never had the right opportunity to ask, especially with everything that happened between me and the others...

I guess now's as good a time as any, though I'm not sure if I want to find out from this kind of person. Can I even trust his words? Do I have a choice? I'll...just have to see where thing conversation plays out.

"Yeah I know Chair guy...Why?"

"Chair Guy...Well, I guess that's a good foundation. What do you know about him?"

I recall what Manbun told me," During a battle, he died protecting Manbun."

Hypocrite sneers,"Protecting? HA! There's no way he died protecting that man, he must of used...******* as a shield."

"What?! Why?" Manbun's not the type to push others off a cliff for his own survival, plus those were his true emotions when he talked about Chair guy's death.

"Because he was our spy." Hypocrite's words echoed in my ears.

"spy...?" What? What is he talking about?

"Yes, we planted him and he slowly gained the trust of the base's Commander and his most trusted soldiers." He must be talking about Manbun and the others. "We planned a surprise attack and with the help of *******'s sabotage, we had the upper hand. But...I sorely underestimated their overall strength and the battle ended up being fairly even. It was when we realized we didn't have the advantage anymore that we sent a coded message to ********. While everyone was busy fighting, he would kill the Commander. He wouldn't be suspected because of his "loyalty" and since the Commander would be on the battlefield, it would look like an enemy soldier killed him. It was the perfect plan...but..." His face turned twisted and grew dark. He snarled," I miscalculated once again. I never would have expected him to go low enough to use ****** as a shield and because of that...because of me..." Hypocrite went silent. this true...? I-It can't be, right? Manbun's not someone that would...

I then remind myself of what continent I'm currently on and what kind of place it is. I saw so many people being murdered right in front of my eyes. For the sake of winning a far are the people ion this continent willing to venture? What is their bottom line?

My thoughts are taken back to reality as I hear the murmurs of Hypocrite. He's rocking back and forth with his hands covering his head. It looks like he's reliving something doesn't look like an act.

So Chair guy was really a spy? Did Manbun really use him as a shield? If he's probably because he figured out Chair guy was a spy and no longer needed him...