Chair guy part 3


Before I can wrap my head around all the new information flowing through my brain, I receive a welcomed distraction.

*sniff sniff*

Leopard suddenly wakes up and pounces toward the fire, leaving me behind. He grabs the meat that was starting to burn from neglect. Not at all fazed by the temperature of the meat, he gulps down an entire rabbit before either of us can do anything.

Hypocrite takes action first,"Hey! Don't eat the whole thing in one go! You'll choke!" He slaps the back of Leopard's head in reprimand. It looks like Hypocrite is back to normal, but the rims of his eyes are slightly red.

"Ok, ok." Leopard resigns but argues," It was gonna burn if I didn't touch it though!" Leopard sits in the corner and pouts.

Hypocrite also realized the other meat was burning and quickly brought it away from the heat. He cuts the meat off the bone, skillfully getting the most out of the hare. Leopard seems to have turned around at some point. He drooled as he stared at the meat.

Hypocrite gave him half the meat before offering me some. I shook my head,"I don't need to eat." If I don't eat, there will be more for them. It's not like I'll regain energy by eating anyways, it would be better to have them eat more and regain more strength.

I sat in the corner as they grubbed on the meat. I guess even if Hypocrite is suspicious of me, he wouldn't let me starve. It looks like we won't be going back to our conversation any time soon, but maybe that's for the better. I need some time to wrap my head around all of this.

So Chair guy was a spy the whole time. I still have no doubt that he was important to Manbun and the others. The pained expression on Manbun's face when he talked about him was real. But Hypocrite's broken expression a moment ago was also real. So...who's side was he truely on. Listening to Hypocrite, it's sounds like he really did backstab Manbun...would Manbun use him as a shield in retaliation? I just can't understand it... I've also spent time with both sides and I don't think I could hurt either side. What was running through Chair guy's head when he was making these decisions. I can't imagine. Even if he really did sabotage Manbun, he was given orders to do so. It wasn't necessarily his own decision...but does that make it okay? I...I don't think it does. At least I wouldn't be able to justify it if I were in his shoes.