Don't bring a sword to a gunfight

Durin's words came somewhat unexpected. Fighting a king magus without being one yourself was very difficult. Usually, a lot of coincidences were needed for that to happen and that was fighting just one. Durin was talking about taking on a whole group of them.

Now the king magi came into view. A full one hundred of them! And as far as I could tell, 60 were real king level magi or fighters.

"Please tell me most of them are fakes."

'Night Owl, I hate to disappoint you but more than half of them are real. King Durin, do not underestimate them. The real ones are all experienced veterans that can fight incredibly well and have no fear of kamikaze attacks.'

"Not to worry. I couldn't hope to defeat them all but if we can weaken them while you preserve your strength, that would be a favorable outcome."

'Where do you take this confidence from?'

"It may seem like we are lagging behind other races in overall power, but I assure you, we have progressed in our own way."

While we were talking, the king level undead had reached the vicinity of the wall. A true king magus stepped up and was about to introduce himself as customary for them but the roar of thunder interrupted him.

A blue bolt of lightning tore through the air and hit him square in the chest. When the lightning had passed, the magus was still moving but a sizable chunk of his torse was missing. Losing control of his flying, the wounded undead fell straight into the burning flames below and burned up.

Admittedly, I was flustered and looked around rapidly to find the source of that attack. As everyone had frozen up from shock, another two bolts of lightning tore through the air with resounding thunder booming along.

One bolt ripped through a bunch of fakes and the other approached a warrior looking guy who punched the lightning head-on and remained mostly unhurt.

By now, I had found the source of these attacks. Behind the wall, hidden in the mountains stood three spider-like machines that had a spear mounted on their backs. Around the spears, a residue blue lightning was still visible as they were probably recharging.

'What are these things powered by? Their power output is insane!'

"Right! Right! They are each powered by an elemental origin. These three all have a lightning origin as their core and can fire very potent strikes."

While the strikes were truly powerful, to me, a glaring weakness remained. They were still recharging and by now, the undead magi had spotted them too.

'I think it's time to join the fight.'

"We can still further weaken them!"

'You could, but it would be far more effective if we held them back while you fire.'

Not waiting for Durin trying to talk me out of it, I flew up to block the undead. As I had feared, the real king level undead weren't stupid like the rest. One came forward to engage me while the rest split up and went around me heading for the dwarven machines. The fakes originally wanted to fight me too but received a command from a real one and went around me too.

Night Owl was similarly engaged by only one while the rest avoided him and his domain.

I'd have to hurry up and go after them. The one facing me was the king fighter who had blocked the lightning. His muscle-packed upper body was bared and his long hair swayed in the wind.

"I am Mars, divine strength of Sparta. I have risen from my blood-soaked grave to-"

'yes, yes, Eldar, life, now go die.'

I rushed at Mars and threw a punch straight at his chest. Accepting the challenge, Mars reciprocated with a punch of his own. His punch arrived before mine but showed no effect when it connected. Mine on the other hand connected to his chest and made him cough up blood.

As my fist was still touching his chest, I grew branches out my fist, directly piercing through him.

"Internal domain? Damn you!"

Quickly absorbing his innate understanding into my body and sealing it, I chased after the others. This time four king magi turned to delay me. Funny wasn't it? First I had been the one delaying them, now they were delaying me.

Meanwhile, the first real king magus had reached the air space directly above one of the mechanic spiders.

"Secondary cannons engage!"

At Durin's command, four smaller but longer barrels emerged from the spider's main body and unleashed a barrage of lightning charged bullets at the incoming magus. Their lethality wasn't comparable to the lightning strike but still managed to push back the flustered undead.

Now, I would have to take care of those four idiots. Unfortunately, due to Mars they now knew of my internal domain that made me invulnerable to their attacks.