Durin's ace

Fighting four opponents would hold no danger for me but take a long time. So I decided to take a little risk.

As the four floated a few meters away from me, they wanted to once again introduce themselves. This was my chance to end this quickly!

'Life domain expand! Within my domain there is only life, all death shall be eradicated!'

I let my life domain expand out of my body. Taking advantage of the antagonistic relationship between life and death, I targeted the essence of these undead and circumvented their innate understandings.

Of course, this held some risk. I felt the javelin before I saw it. A wooden javelin wrapped in life magic phased right through the boundary of my domain, continued on, and buried itself in my shoulder.

I really shouldn't have formed pain neurons when I condensed this body! Four more undead down in return for a javelin through the shoulder. Not the best trade-off but an acceptable one.

Retracting my life domain, I used some lightning to destroy javelin and grew over the hole in my chest to temporarily fix the damages.

Night Owl had also finished off his first opponent and had now confined all the fakes in his domain and was slowly finishing them off.

The mechanic spiders, however, were not doing well. Despite their suppressive fire and more lightning strikes, they were still besieged by 40 king magi. The first spider was already half broken with its lightning spear broken in two.

Just then, a lightning strike shot down the king maga that had thrown that javelin. Unexpectedly, the lightning strike had come from the wall.

There, Durin still sat on his throne. Just that this throne was now mounted on another mechanic spider. This spider had four additional limbs that were extended into the air. Two at the front, reminding of the claws of a scorpion and two at the back reminding of a scorpion's stinger.

One of the two limbs in the back was a lightning spear like the other spiders had. The other back limb ended in an actual stinger that was surrounded by dark tendrils.

Durin was laughing like a maniac as he sat on his throne with a special looking flare lock in his grasp.

"How dare you break one of my mechanic spiders! Do you know how much resources went into building them? You will feel my wrath! Now taste the power of my ace!"

Realizing the danger of the new mechanic spider, the 20 king magi split off from the group assaulting the other spiders and headed over for Durin.

Actually, let me take back my statement from before. While they aren't brainless like the fakes, they are stupid to only leave 20 people behind to fight three mechanic spiders, me and Night Owl who had just finished off all fakes.

Without another magus with an innate understanding of life, my domain was the bane of these undead. Together with Night Owl's domain and the spiders' fire support we slowly whittled down the 20 remaining magi.

Meanwhile, king Durin was also facing 20 king magi. Atop his mechanical throne, he aimed the flare lock at them and shot a blinding line of light that directly pierced through the head of one of the undead.

19 left as the lightning spear roared again and reduced that number down to 18. As they drew closer, one of the spider's extended front limbs flared up and unleashed swaths of flame. The four undead upfront caught fire and based on their reaction this was no ordinary flame. The 14 remaining ones moved back as the second front limb lit up and sent out a powerful gust of wind. Carried by the wind, the flames carried further and reached the retreating undead. Two more down, 12 left.

This time the undead carefully avoided the space in front of the fire limb and advanced once again. Then the sword limb pierced forward like a stinger and cut another magus straight in two while the lightning spear simultaneously eliminated another. Ten to go and those ten started to realize that they weren't prepared to fight this murderous machine. More so, when the whole thing started to move.

Yes, you read correctly, the spider could move around like a monster spider, jumping down the wall and maintaining a constant shift of positioning.

To my great surprise, Durin finished his battle before us and without sustaining any damage. Although I guess the element of surprise played a huge role.