Chapter 2: Trials and Temptation

"Every fruit you can eat. But not the fruit of the tree covered with thorns. You will die."

God let men to eat every fruit they see except of the fruit came from the tree covered with thorns. For that could bring them Death.

One day, when Adam wandering, Eve went inside the forest and stumbled towards the forbidden tree. The tree she saw were not just covered with thorns, there was also a lizard binding at the tree.

As she saw the lizard, she asked why he's at the tree God forbids.

"I just got here when someone binded me here. He fed me the fruit, and look! I can talk. I know how to talk! Look Eve, ate this also. You will have the knowledge that I took from the fruit. There's nothing will happen if you try. Just take a bite."

—"But God told me not to ate that fruit. That could kill us."

"But look! I didn't die. God just didn't want you to eat the fruit because you will get the knowledge like of him."

Eve gently put her hand towards the fruit but the thorn caught her hand. She took her hand as she felt pain getting thorn.

"What was that?!"

—"That's just a thorn. Don't worry, it will heal after you eat the fruit. Just believe me."

The woman again tried to pick the fruit and she picked it.

"Now, just take a bite. It won't harm you. I swear."

Eve took a bite of the fruit. And when she bites it, she got conscious of her surroundings.

"Wow! You're right. I saw everything. I know how beautiful the world is. I got to have Adam bite this so he will know what I saw."

—"Right, let him bite. Go!"

After Eve rushed to Adam, A person's figure appears behind of the tree.

"Good work, Lizard. You tempted her to bite."

—"Who are you? My Lord?!"

When he turn around. He was surprised and frightened for what he discovered.

"You're not Lord God! Who are you?

No. You. You're the one who put me here. So I could eat the fruit. You're Satan. You set me up.

If God knows about all this, I'm dead."

—"Who told you to eat the fruit? Did God told you not to eat that? Now, you'll die if God caught you. Quickly, hide!!"

The Lizard quickly runs towards the forest and hid himself.

On the other side, Eve who just came to Adam, urged Adam to bite.

"Adam, look! I got a fruit for you. Here."

She give Adam the fruit and he bites it without question.

But, after that...

"What fruit is this, it's so delicious. What tree it came from."

—"It came from the forbidden tree."

"What!.... What did you. Our Lord will get mad if he found out about this."

Just then a voice were heard in the midst.

"Adam. Where are you?"

—"I am here, my Lord. We are here"

"Where are you. Why you didn't show yourselves."

—"We're afraid my Lord, because We are naked."

"Who said you are naked? Have you eat what I told you not to eat?"

—"Eve gave me the fruit and I ate it."

—"The Lizard told me it's safe to eat the fruit. He tempted me and I picked and bite it."

"What Lizard? Who give him an authority to order you to ate it? Is it me?"

God called the name of the Lizard "Serpent" and the Lizard was summoned in front of God.

"Serpent, who give you permission to eat the fruit?"

—"My Lord, I were used. Satan put me there. My Lord, I beg your forgiveness."

"Serpent, because of your foolishness and temptation, I will took your feet from your body and I will cut your wings. You will live all your life crawling, for you are fool and greedy. You will be cursed all of your lives eating the dust."

God cast his curse on the Serpent and the Serpent rushed crawling inside the forest.

After God delivered Man's Fate, Adam and Eve were banished from Eden and was cast down to the East, the place that is called Earth.

"Your Fate has been written before you were born. Forgive me, my children."

—"The Seed has been planted, it is the time could tell when it began to sprout and bloom. Until it withered and fades away.

However, the Seeds sprouted from it's fruit will mark a new beginning."

God passed through the smirking Shadow. God disappeared but, the Shadow remained watching Men walked away from Eden.