Chapter 3: Road to Redemption

"Beginning of this day, sufferings and despair will haunt you day by day.

You will be bound under my guidance. It is then, hatred and jealousy would kill your children."

—"But, I will forgive you for what you have done. For it is not your own doing alone you did that Sin. You are just a slave of your own contempt. You cannot escape from it if your soul was already tainted.

Only I could show you the Enlightenment."

God that sitteth on the throne said it upon after Man banished from Eden.

After mankind banished from Eden, they found themselves at the Oasis. A place in which are low of resources. When they first step on the said land, There's only few trees, desert plants and herbs.

" This is the punishment for us. Who ignored his commandments. Eva, you should know by now not to betray laws of our Lord. From then on, we have to pray everyday for his forgiveness."

—" We also have to be thankful for giving us the chance to atone for our sins. "

A year later, Eva gave birth to a twin brothers. And they named them, Abel and Cain.

Cain was born a farmer, while, Abel is a shepherd. Everyday, Abel brought a firstling of his flock of sheep and offer it to the Lord God. However, on Cain's side, he felt jealous of his brother for his offering was rejected by God.

Even though, on Lord's view they are equal in his heart, but on Cain, he is treated unfairly. He felt rejected and started to be disrespectful to God and his faithfulness fell.

On the day before dusk, Cain killed his brother. And the Lord knew of it and called out Cain.

"Cain, what did you do to your brother?"

—"He's busy on herding his sheep. Why did you ask? Am I my brother's keeper?"

"Cain, why are you like that? Why didn't you love your brother? Why is it should be done on you two? Not only you have no respect on me, you also killed your own blood."

Cain got his consciousness on what he did and trembled to the ground. After realizing that he did is wrong, he became ashamed.

His eyes turns to his bloody hands that is shivering, not because of a cold night, but because of fear of punishment to him.

Raising with his trembling cold voice, he said to himself,

"My punishment is greater than I can bear."

—"And now, the World has cursed you. Which has opened it's mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand."

"From now on, I will be haunted by my own guilt. And therefore, there will be many of my own kind would kill me. For I killed my brother."

—"But whoever would try to take you down, the vengeance that bring forth to them is sevenfold."

Cain felt sudden regret of the action he did. He thought that God doesn't care for him and that his punishment is Death. But who have even thought of this? As for Cain decided his punishment to himself. God Instead put a blessing to him.

Then Cain left the presence of God and of his family and travelled alone in the Wilderness. There, he met and encountered vagabonds that tried to kill him. After the encounter, Cain left heavily injured but, he couldn't die. For God protected him.

"Committing Murder is a heavy Sin. It is just the beginning of unjustly deed mankind will commit. Jealousy, hatred, envy, and lie could come into this conclusion. The killing. The War.

When is this cruelty will end?"

—"This freedom is your choice. Only you could end it. But it seems you don't want to stop them. Those pity human, Only if they knew.

If this people of yours would still continue to corrupt the World, forgive me I will deliver judgment to them. Whether you like it or not."

On the Wilderness of Nod, Cain found his wife and built a city after his son's name Enoch and his bloodline began to prosper. However, the curse still lived on his family that they will live hunted everyday by their kind.

After Abel died and Cain left, Adam and Eve begot their third child and they named him Seth.

And thus the story began.

The World had Three Realms. The Upper Realm which is Heaven, The Lowest Realm which is Underworld, and the Middle Realm which is the Universe.

On the Upper Realm, where Dreams of God is being imagined, is also the home of Immortals. On the Middle Realm is where God fulfilled his Dream and became Living Things and also the home of Mankind/Mortals. On the other hand, the Lowest Realm or Underworld is an empty Realm. A Realm that shouldn't existed on the first place.

At first, Underworld is a hallow place with no living beings existed, however, After Satan had entered the State, Hell become the World of Corruption and evil entities.

Even God is the owner of the Three Realms, and the Three Realms is himself, And Even the Heaven is the Upper Realm, There is the only Realm where God can be found in flesh. And it doesn't existed on either of the Three Realms even it was been on Mortal Realm. The Realm is called Eden. And the Middle Realm is once part of it.

The Universe and Underworld are parallel to each other as it both came from the two Realms; Eden and Heaven. Whereas Eden and Heaven was projected by God, Underworld and mostly parts of the Universe is projected by God's Shadow. Universe and Underworld is supposedly built by the Sinners, however, God wanted to takeover the part of it to save his people.

After Adam and Eve were fated to have sinned. Darkness took them away from the Light. God had accepted the consequences however, given them a chance to return if they successfully live in godly manner not known to Sin on their lives. But it is impossible to do so, for Evil could corrupt their mind. So God left Eden and lived as a Mortal. He Foretold his coming at the time of Moses until the time is right for him to come.

On Seth's time, After God left the Heaven, some of Immortals also crossed the bridge to the Mortals. They wonder why God wanted to save men. They wandered around the Realm to get the answers. However, Lucifer knew their coming. Shadow gave punishment to the Angels by binding them to the Universe so that they cannot come back to Heaven. On the other hand, Lucifer who is the instrument of Evil, persuaded the Immortals to conceive with the Mortals and rule the Universe.

As God knows what happened, he made an action. In order for the humanity saved from the punishment, he should took away one of Seth's descendants from the Universe. God came to Noah on his early age and took him as his disciple. He provided shelter the whole family of Noah and protected them from the outside World. When Shadow began to make judgment, God commanded Noah to make an Ark for his entire family and took pairs of Living animals and Fowls with them, clean and not clean.

As God saidth, he will deliver a great calamity to bring Death to have sinned in the World. All people and living beings died Mortals and Immortals except for the passengers of the Ark.

Supposedly, All living things should have died, but, God prevented that by taking the family of Noah with him and several pairs of Living creatures and plant seeds with him. Because of the despair, the Shadow brought forth his Judgment that killed all the Living on the Universe. The God and The Shadow are the same being, however, they are not the same Person. Mankind can call God their God and they can call the Shadow.

God is merciful, lovable and caring. While the Shadow is the one who is Contradiction of that. He is numb but he feels sorrows and despair.

God's Words can also be Shadows Words if it commit Judgment and Disposal. God feels what Shadow feels for they have the same feelings. But when Shadow gave his Judgment, God saves.

When Adam and Eve had committed Sin, the Shadow took them to the Universe where Death is inevitable. The Universe is his body but also God's. It is once the Realm of Death but when God put Life on it, it gave part of him to the place. And when he lived with the place, the Universe became Alive.

"I am who I am. The God of your fathers, I was at the Beginning. I heard the cries of my children. Tell them that I who sent you. Tell them that I shall Come to free them. For I Becoming and free them from the hands of slavery."