Chapter 4: The Lamb

"And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof."
—Revelation 5: 5
" And he (the Lamb) came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne."
—Revelation 5: 7

The Lamb. Lamb refers to a baby sheep. An innocent being. On the old times, lambs were killed as a sacrifice for Redemption. God obliged men to sacrifice a Lamb when they have sinned or to take away evil spirits.

"My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together."
—Genesis 22: 8

God will provide a Lamb as an offering. For men have sinned. It is only a man that can take as a sacrificial Lamb to be redeemed. That's why Jesus was born to save us.

For our sins, he took the punishment that is really meant for us. For he didn't do evil deeds, he is qualified to be a Lamb.

We were cursed to justify and give punishment to the Lamb because of the temptation.

We killed him because of our sins. However, it is not easy to take the punishment. He had to die and live the punishment to hell for us to be saved.

At the 3rd day, he rose from the dead and accompany his disciples for the last time before his ascension to heaven.

But what really happened?


Year 2000, God descend from heaven to save not humanity alone but to retrieve the Lamb. The Lamb is the spirit of Christ which in possession of the Chosen. But not only the Chosen has the Lamb, but everyone. It is said "The Sheep in a Wolf's Cloth" will return to God.

Priest John resumed his mission to deliver the words of God. At one of the churches, the young man stood up from his chair and went inside the church.

He kneeled at the altar and pray to God.
While praying, something strange happened. The image of the Dove at the ceiling began to move. It rounds through the ceiling and flew towards the Altar.
The Altar shines sparkling that the young priest noticed.

He stood up and the Dove flew around him and went through his body.

'After that, everything became dark. Just then, I heard a loud voice as of a trumpet saying, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and The Ending." Before me, I see a dust of sparkling lights beginning to form a familiar figure.
He came closer to me as he touches my chest. Then, he said, " My Son, the time has come. It's up for you to decide, the Fate of the Lamb. " When he said that, his body disperses and passes through my body. After then, It's like memories are recalling on my mind. A memories of a certain person that has been tortured and killed. I can feel all the pain and sorrows. It seems like I am that same person. I saw everything, I remembered everything. It flashes rapidly on my brain. It's getting heavier. My head. "Aaaaahhh!!!"

Yes, everything returned to how it was. I was drove unconscious and everything, all was but a dream.'

—"My Lord, He's Alive!"

A young maiden said in surprise after witnessing the miraculous event.

The coffin that kept a Jade body of a man that was crucified and died was found empty. Three Angels surrounded the Coffin and told the good news to Maria.

The woman run as fast as she could to deliver the good news to all the disciples.