Chapter 5: The Beginning of the Judgment

"My Father, why had you forsaken me?"

—"My Son, you know I haven't abandoned you. You chose to save them, and now, you are suffering because of their sins."

"(I understand)Father, In your hands I commend my spirit."

—" But my Child, this is just a beginning. There's a huge responsibility I should take on your shoulders. I'm sorry for putting you through all this. I don't want my shepherds be eaten by a snake. But their happiness sought is not just a gift but a curse.

You are the only Way, the Truth, and the Life. You are the Becoming. The Becoming of the new world. Save Them. You are the only hope.

My Son, the herds are all confused. It is you who could lead their way to know me. The World is on the brink of danger. Wolves are feasting their fellows and the lambs and my sheep are struggling.

John, you did know that even the fiercest creatures in the wilds can be tamed. For they also have emotions. They just hid them inside their thoughts so their hearts stop beating. Everyone has feelings. Only you have to find out that spot inside them."

2000 years later...

Age of Colony have passed. Modernization has come close. Almost 90% of the world relies on Technology. But, on this ongoing Modernization, there's still unfinished terrorism in the World. The War of Conflicting Beliefs. The War of Ambitions.

It was long ago since Christ Ascension to Heaven. After his departure, the Birth of Christianity has been realized. His Disciples scattered around the World to start a Crusade. However, during the Crusade, is also the start of another Conspiracy; Deceptive actions using the religion existence.

Over the years, ever since Christianity were spread on the entire world, Catholicism was born by that belief. However, not all people accepted the beliefs. Some of them didn't leave their old Beliefs, some of them continue praising their Old Gods. On the other side, some believers started to think that their religion hid some knowledge from the Bible and that they hid or changed Bible verses. That time, Protestantism has built.

300 years from Catholicism has built, Mohammed received a premonition from an Angel to spread the true God's will. The same Angel who Foretold the birth of Christ appeared in front of Mohammed and showed him the Q'uran, (the Bible book of Islam). From that book, he started a new expedition. He travelled the World to teach and to show the entire World the true Bible of God that he said he didn't revised and it was the hand of Allah wrote it. Because of Contradiction of Beliefs, Catholic Church and Islam religion started a War that initiated Bloody Crusades.

Since then, the two religion couldn't coexist in the same World. That the two of them fought a bloody battle for supremacy.

Although, Christianity and Islam are two opposing beliefs, they have the same roots, the Jewish religion. However, the two always debates the authenticity of their bible and the name of their God.

Thousands of years have passed but still the World is in great turmoil. In the present year, there were the Prophecy of ascending of the fallen. It refers to the birth of Antichrist. But, what really is Antichrist?

Antichrist refers to the direct opposition of Christianity. Their worshipped Gods is the Dragon and the Serpent. There is recently existing Cult religion that praised Lucifer their God. The War of Contradiction of Beliefs greatly contributed them. Because that way, many confused people and rebelling Protestants would seek their aid.

Until now, Christianity and Islam still on War. Even many countries tried to suppress religion and people on different Beliefs tried to get along with each other, Countries of Origin cannot stand on peaceful agreement and continuously fought each other for Dominion and eradicate the Gentiles of their beliefs. Many of their leaders secretly praising the Serpent, manipulating the War. The Terrorism riding on the central plains to annihilate the entire World.

The end is near, but we still hoping, hoping of the Saviour to come. Seeking for Redemption.

God gave his own Son to Guide a lost sheep and to take a Wolf and become a loyal Shepherd.

Time will come, the Deity and King of the World, or the World itself will fought against it Laws. To save humanity, he have to fight the cruelty of the law that man has made.

On the Balcony, there's a man standing on the meadow, watching on the nearby pond. The pond is shallow but can be seen on the clear waters the events of the entire World.