Chapter 6A: The Mission

In Asia, John the prophet where came by his mission. In the isle called Patmos, the angel passed by to see John and was talk to him to give a message from the word of God.

"I was the spirit on the lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice singing out loud the testimony of Jesus Christ and then a great voice said to me...

"I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End"

"What will you see, write it in a book and send it into seven churches which are in Asia. Into Ephesus, unto Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, and unto Philadelphia unto Laodicea.

Then the the Angel show me the 7 golden candlesticks and in the midst of the 7 candlesticks, i see a man clothed with garment. He is white and his hair was also white as a snow and he has in his right hand a seven stars and out of his mouth is a sharp two-edge sword.

And after i saw him i fell at his feet like dead and he gave his right hand upon me saying...

"Fear not my child, I am the first and the last, I am the one who lived and was dead and lived again forever. I am the keeper of dead and the King of Heaven."

And i bow to him with great pleasure. And he said to me.

"Write the things that you had seen. The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand were the angels of the seven churches and the seven golden candlesticks are the seven churches.

Back to the Present...

"Where am I? What is this place?"

The man wearing a white robe pull himself together as he stood up on a stranger's place. He put his hands unto his forehead trying to recall what happened but he doesn't remember anything. It's like the time he was born.

It's dark but I can still see a thing. I found myself standing beneath the tree. It's quiet. It's look like I'm at the park.

" I got to find someone who could help me."

I carefully look at my surroundings trying to look for a person that I could ask for directions. Not farther ahead, there is an old man weeping down the ground. He lighten a candle while kneeling down on the grass. But, when he attempted to light a candle, he look at me fearfully. His body is trembling as I walk closer to him.

"Mister, could you help me find a way home?"

I just wanted to ask for a place to go. Why is he scared looking at me? He ran before I could touch him that blew the candle lights off.

I looked down and found a grave below me. I just realized where I really am. This is not a park. This is a Cemetery.

Just then, someone turn the flashlight on focusing my face. But suddenly changed the light's direction to somewhere. It is a guard. He noticed me but he just passing by. I have to get closer to him and ask him.

I stalk to him and grabbed his back.

"Chief, why I'm at the Cemetery? Where is this place?"

He slowly turned around on me. And in my great horror, he is not a guard but a dead man walking. Of my great fear, I ran until I got out of that horrifying place.

Just then, I found myself walking at the streets.

I don't know why every person I encountered avoided my tracks.

It's like they're afraid of something. "Strange". Is the zombie keeps following me? Maybe I should take a look at my back.

I keep looking behind me but, I found nothing. So I keep walking. On my way, I saw a group of few people ahead. Strange, they're not planning to step away. It's seems that I have nothing to afraid of. Because there is anyone I could talk. But, when I get closer, I feel chills all through my body. Then, What the heck! They pass through me? Holly Molly! Am I a Ghost? For my surprise, I followed looking them but, after they pass through my body, they slowly fades like a shadow.

No! They're the Ghosts. I keep walking forward til I pass by the glass window and take a look at my reflection. On a sudden shock, I saw a white lady standing opposite me. No, It is me. I looked like a Ghost wearing this long white garment. And how I wearing this? I didn't even noticed since I woke up. So, that's how it is. Hayzzz. Zombies, Ghosts. What the hell is happening? Why I looked like a dead person?


" I'm sorry Jean, It is the thing I must do. Before anything get worse, I have to stop it. I wanted everyone get a chance. As I did long ago, It is my mission to save the world.

Everyone is innocent, they shouldn't be blamed.

If it wasn't me, who else could? This ends my Death. So, I can grant you all a new Life.

Stand Up, young lady. In this new World, I want you to be their new hope. Go on! And tell the people the Way of Life. Be their Light to subdue darkness in their hearts."


" Jean. Now, I remember. I died. I told her, I will be always at her side to protect and guide her. That's what I promised before I left. And that's the last line I could remember."

Back to where I am, I continue walking to where my feet get tired. " Nasaan na kaya siya ngayon? Hindi ko alam kung ilang taon akong nawala. Kung ano na ang nangyari sa mundo habang wala ako."

I resume walking until I reached the park in front of the Church. Resting my tired feet, I sat down at the bench.

Facing up above the sky, I noticed the clouds started to emerge covering the blue sky.

"It seems the rain is about to fall."