Chapter 6B: Before the Fall

At the Church...

A young Priest wakes up from his sleep. He found himself lying at the front of the Altar. As he rises up from the floor, he recalls about his Dream.

"John, the time has come. Go forth! Deliver my coming.

For the day of Judgment has just began."

He stood up from sitting and rushed his way out of the Church. At the front hall, Rev. John seen the strange phenomena. The crowds are looking at the sky witnessing the strange form of the Sun and the 4 pillars of light stroke the ground.

"John. just ignore it. You have something to do.", John said to himself.

He continue walking ignoring the crowd. He follows where the pillars is. A passing car stopped when it saw him.

"Father, where are you going? Get on." , the driver said.

"Thank you."

John accepted the offer and ride with it.

"I want to go where that pillar of light is."

"What a coincidence, I also want to go there and have a look." ,the driver said.

As they arrived, they found themselves at the Bayside. There are 4 pillars of light appeared. 1 of it struck on a coast and the others appeared at the middle of the ocean.

Fr. John goes out of the car and walk towards the Light Pillar.

"Father John! It's dangerous to go there! Stop!"

—"Don't worry. I know what I am doing."

As he entered the light, he's a bit surprised when he found a group of people. They're wearing a formal attire. A bouquet of flowers. A Wedding Ceremony.

The Ceremony stopped when the huge pillar of light struck directly at them. The crowds are stunned, unable to move their body. Fr. John discovered that the wedding is of someone dear to him when he found the bride. The bride is wearing a beautiful white gown. Her face is so lovely. Beside her is a handsome groom. They are standing at the front of a priest.

"Lisa. I'm sorry."

Fr. John touches her face as he misses that woman for a long time. When his hand touched her face, it's like the freezing spell has been broken. The bride can move her body. She seen a familiar face crying front of her.

"Brother Elven. You changed alot. I'm sorry, I put you into this. It seems like it is the end of the World. I never had a chance to make amends on you. I'm sorry that I make you feel miserable. I just can't accept it."

—"No. It's not your fault. This is my choice. Don't be sorry for everything. I understand. I was the one who's at fault. It was a mistake that I put myself into your World and hoping that I can be your man. I disgraced you. I humiliated you. I am what I am now is because of God chooses me. There's nothing to do of what I have felt for you."

"But, I... did care for you. I... am sorry."

—"Don't worry. This is not the end of the World. Your friends, your family. They will all be okay. I am here to stop that and give the World a chance.

There's just one favor I would like to ask of you..."

"What is it?"

—"Hold my hand."

When Lisa hold John's hand, suddenly they began floating up inside the pillar of light and ported elsewhere.

In the unknown land. Everything is dry. Hot breeze. Tornadoes everywhere.

"Where are we?"

John walks towards the tornado and seized it.

"This is the place between timelines. The Future-Past. The Time where Life is no longer present. This is Where I came from."

Wondering... Lisa doesn't understand what John means by his words.

"I don't understand. Who are you really, John?"

"Would you hate me if I say I am this World's Shade?"

Lisa became angered of John.

"John! Please be direct to the point and tell me what's going on here."

"Lisa, Calm down. I send you here with me to show you the upcoming events in the future... That I don't like to happen."

John put his hands on Lisa's shoulder, and they teleported again elsewhere.

When they arrived, they found themselves at the middle of War. At the other side, there are sick people lying on the streets. War Vehicles pass on them, crushing the bodies of sick men. A granny and her child are begging for alms at the streets but, soldiers passesby hit the granny to the ground.

"Look at them, Lisa. This is the future of Man. This is the future I wanted to prevent from happening."

Lisa turns around and found Priests of Different religions waging Wars.

Explosions everywhere... Volcanic Eruptions... Greedy Men...

Lisa is saddened for what she sees. Tears fell down from her eyes. She knelt down upon seeing we what is happening around her.

John touch her shoulder and she hugged him while crying heavily.

As Lisa freed herself from his arms, She found themselves return back to a place where her wedding is being held.

"Another thing, Lisa. Don't ever be influenced by Greediness and Power. I'll leave the World in your care."

—"Is those really what will happen in the future?"

John stopped a moment and wiped Lisa's tears.

"Actually, God already made a judgment to prevent it from happening."


John turns away and looking up the sky.

" Death."

—(Tears again falling her eyes.)"Is there any other way?"

John faces Lisa.

"This is why I asked you Lisa. Why I show this to you...

Everything is at your hands now. So that I could let go."

—"Why can't you stay here? Please..."

"I have been here for long. They are waiting for me. I have to go back, so that I could help you..."

—"You still don't answer my question. Who and what really are you?"

"I have told you. I am this World's Shade."

Gradually, the pillar of light is vanishing. John's flew along with the vanishing light, fading gradually.

People at the Wedding unfreezes. Lisa still looking farther at John's fading.


As John's fading gradually, farther from the distance, his face changes slowly. A face that everyone on Earth knows. A familiar face of a Man, that saved the World from Death long ago.