New City

Shaun sat in his place, frozen. It was Mason Spencer in the back seat. Shaun tried to calm himself and started to analyze the situation for now. "Let's see, as of record I have never met him directly so he shouldn't know how I look, but what if mum and dad showed him my picture!? ", while thinking this Shaun was hit by an usual feeling. Guilt. It finally caught up to him, the thought that he had just killed his own parents. Before, his prey were chosen as a test or for fun, but his parents were just the result of his rage. He shuddered thinking that if he doesn't control his rage, it'll get him killed instead. "Wait a min~", thought Shaun, he had seen his face changing, with his eyes red and his grin, but he never thought why his eyes turn red. He made a mental note to find out about it later, but for now he has to take a little risk and see if the fish bites the bait.

Shaun slowly walks upto Mason while hiding his face with a hat and looking down. "Excuse me, if you don't mind, I'm a little motion sick so may I take the window seat for a few minutes? ", he was trying to see if there is any reaction of recognition when Mason saw his face. "No problem, please go ahead", and he slides to make some room for Shaun to pass. No reaction at all, thought Shaun. He wanted to dangle the bait one last time so he takes a bigger risk this time. "Um... sorry to intrude but are you by any chance a police officer? ", Mason quickly sat up straight. "Yeah... Do I know you, young man? ", Shaun confirmed that there isn't any trouble here. He took his hat off and smiled politely while saying, "Actually I had seen you around today travelling in a police car, I was on my way to book the bus tickets ", Mason's expression lightened. He then quickly became good friends with Shaun and started asking him why he was going to New York. Of course Shaun was putting up a facade with all the polite and cheery attitude. "I'm trying to find a job, I'm not that good at studying so I thought maybe I should work till I figure out what I'm good at", Mason laughed stating that Shaun had guts and was really happy to see such responsible citizens.

They finally arrived at New York City, Manhattan. Shaun bid goodbye to Mason and proceeded ahead. Now with a big problem aside, Shaun could finally focus on his next goal. To do that, first of all he needed to find a place to stay.

Shaun walked around aimlessly, looking around and memorizing the streets. On the way back from Times Square, he decided to enter an alley which was a shortcut, as he had memorized. He heard a sob, it was a small and quick one, as if someone immediately gagged the person after that one escaped. He started walking faster and came across two men holding a lady against the wall. One was rambling through her purse while the other was trying to undress her. Shaun ran towards them, and shouted at the top of his voice, "HEY! STOP IT! ", the one with the purse glanced towards Shaun and took out a knife, as a warning, but Shaun didn't move. He started charging toward Shaun, but it was not a good idea to kill them, as he just arrived, so he picked up a broken pipe from the garbage nearby and hit the attacker on the head. He passed out, while the other guy noticed and charged too, but barehanded. Shaun threw away the pipe, took a defensive stance and with the right timing, ducked and then gave an uppercut to the guy. He broke a few teeth and fell unconscious too. Shaun ran towards the lady, who was clearly shaken, but as Shaun held her hand gently, she looked up and thanked him. Shaun suggested to call the police, and so after a few min the police arrived and arrested the attackers. "What's your name, boy", asked the lady, she seemed to be in her early 40's. "Shaun Frost, I'm new here ", said Shaun, then making sure she wasn't hurt, he started to walk away when, "Wait! Thank you for helping me. You said you are new here, do you have a place to stay? ", Shaun's eyes gleamed, lucky! "Not really ma'am, I was going to find a place now", said Shaun, trying his best to keep his cool. "Not ma'am, my name is Mary Kay, and I provide rooms for paying guests, if you would like you can stay there", Shaun tried to see how far he can push this sense of gratitude. "But I don't really have money as of now, I'm here to find a job, so maybe I won't be able to pay for the first month". Mary just smiled and said, "I owe you my life, forget about paying, just help with the household chores sometimes, that's quite enough". Shaun was really delighted with how smoothly stuff went ahead.

They reached Mary's place. It was a nice little house with a room upstairs. Mary was a widow, her husband had died in an accident two years ago, also she didn't have any kids. Shaun liked his room, thanked her and told that he shall hit the bed for now.

As Shaun drifted to sleep, he couldn't help but grin for all the plans he had were about to be put to work. "The game is on! "