5.another world (1)

The maids and butlers were no problem on it and so we headed to the adventurers guild

Me:I would like to register

Sarah:me to

Mike:me to

Receptionist:ok,fill out these form

The form wasn't much

Receptionist:congratulations your F rank adventurers

Me:can you tell us the ranks

Receptionist:of course the ranks as follows F,E,D,C,B,A,S,SS,SSS

Me:thank you

Receptionist:no problem

Me:ok let's go take quest

We took a simple quest like slime killing it wasn't hard it was to easy when we got back to the guild

Noble (Sam):come on please go on a date with me

Receptionist:no means no

Me:I finished my quest and so have they

Sam:get out we are talking

Me:are you gonna give us the reward for killing the slimes or not receptionist

Receptionist:move Sam,how many slime cores do you have

Me:well I got 500

Receptionist:ok 500

Me:no wait

Mike:I have 500

Sarah:me to

Receptionist:ok here you go

Me:thank you

Sam:you,do you know who your talking to I am a noble

Me:and I don't care

He launches a punch at me but I elbow him in the face

Me:get out or your dead

Sam:you,I will kill you next time

Me:is there a quick way to rank up


Me:ok where

Receptionist:follow me

We follow her in a room with a weird looking thing

Receptionist:this is a thing made from magic it helps calculate your punches

Me:so what are the ranks for the punches

Receptionist: for F is 1-50, E is 51-100,D is 101-199,C is 200-299,B 300-399,A 400-499,S-500-599,SS 600-799,SSS 800-900

Me:ok easy

Receptionist:wait I have to tell you that is weight is 1 ton

Me:ok,can we start

Receptionist:who wants to go first

Mike:I will

He gets in a punching stance and hits the thing his hardest and he gets 999

Sarah gets 990 and I get 1000 well I did hold back my punch

Receptionist:we got SSS rankers the first 3😮

Me:so we can take any quests

Receptionist:yes you can


We took the only sss rank quest which was kill a behemoth and the reward was so high

Me:ok this behemoth I will kill it so you don't have to worry


Mike:if your sure

Me:yeah I am sure

And so I took my scythe and started stabbing at the top and cutting it all the way down,it was pretty easy so I tried to cut its legs but it's tails hit me but it didn't do much,this went on for 2 hours until the behemoth gave out a cry of death,which alerted 5 behemoths that were near and I had to unseal all of my power to survive this,I punched 1 and it flew pretty far then I punched the other 4 and they went far to so I used my scythe and put disentagration magic on it and when I touched the behemoths it disentagrated and I took it off because I needed the behemoth so I killed all of them and the end.

There is currently a rumor saying that in few hundred years at the top of the realm there will be a portal for the next realm/world and only the peak can enter and no one is close to the peak of that realm so it's good and I am about to be on transcendent deity rank which is great progress.

Me:let's go home




Me:who is that

Mike:oh she is my girlfriend Rebecca



We reach home and mike and Rebecca are going in but



Me:you will live there

Mike:you mean next door

Me:yes,me and Sarah will live here


Mike:ok see you

Me:let's go in

When I was sleeping I heard knocking on my door

Me:come in

Sarah:I am scared can I sleep with you


And so she sleeps in front of me,and I move up a little and my rod is rubbing on her ass

Sarah:what is that

Me:oh this it's just

Sarah:Wait nooo you can't I am not ready

Me:it's ok

I start kissing her and went to sleep,next morning my father came

Father(micheal):what you doing


Then Arceus goes and grabs micheal and comes back

Me:hello dad



Then Arceus drops him

Me:why are you here it must be important

King:well there is a portal opening to the other realm and you have to Ben on god rank but we don't know which is that since we have only gotten to legend and I know some other realms but no one has made it past legend

Me:when will the portal open

King:in 10 more years

Me:ok you can leave

Sarah:are you gonna leave me

Me:don't worry we four will go

Sarah:how I don't even know that realm

Me:'System how can I raise there cultivation to god realm'

System:there is a pill

Me:buy 3 of them

Sarah:helllloooooo you awake

Me:oh here take this pill


After she drank it her cultivation soared to god realm

Sarah:what how this is amazing

She then jumped onto me and started kissing me and I didn't hold back and started kissing her back,after 5 minutes we stopped

Me:call your brother and his gf


I waited for 10 minutes and they came

Rebecca:why are we here🤩

Me:here take this pill


First mike took the pill and he reached to the peak of god realm


Me:your turn

Rebecca:ok ok

And the same happened


Me:there will be a portal to the next world

Rebecca:how do you know that

Me:you know

Rebecca:yeah only the high nobles are suppose to know and the king

Me:oh I never told you I am Alex the youngest son of the king you can call me lucifer

Rebecca:your Alex hahahaha no way he's weak

Then I got my scythe and put it on her neck

Mike:please don't

Rebecca:I am sorry I did not mean it I was just surprised

Me:never mind,you two can go do whatever you want for 10 years


Me:because in 10 years the portal will open so we will meet in 10 years


Rebecca:sorry,see you

Me:what you wanna do for 10 years

Sarah:don't know,it's boring

Me:wanna go somewhere else


(Where should we go comment below👍👍👍🔥)