6.Another world 2

Me:ok let's go to a world called dragon ball


Me:'System take us to a random timeline'


And then a portal opened in front of us

Me:let's go

Sarah:ok let's go

We entered the portal and we were in kamis tower

Kami:who are you

Me:my name is Lucifer

Sarah:my names Sarah

Popo:why are you here

Me:no reason

Goku:who are they

Kami:they are..friends

Me:'System which timeline

System:host is in an alternate dragonball universe that is a little different

Me:oh ok

Me:what is my power level


Me:ok that's enough

Kami:you are weak so why are you here

Me:oh I am just sealing my power here

And all of my power was let out and kami fainted and popo and goku,after few hours

Kami:uhhh what happened

Me:oh you knocked out,ok Sarah let's go

Sarah:by mr.kami

Me:ok where you wanna go

Sarah:let's find a house

We flew to a vast forest and I cleared the trees and made a mansion and a garage and pool and I got some cars,super cars

Sarah:what are those

Me:those are cars,let's go

We hopped into a car and started driving to the city and stopped in front of a house

* knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock*

Panchy:why are you here

Me:I am here to see dr.briefs

Panchy:dear someone's here to see you

Dr.briefs:what can I do for you

Me:I am looking for a ball with stars

Briefs:oh yes I have one

Me:can you make a tracker

Briefs:sure it will take few days

Me:ok we will be back in a week


We went back home

Me:we will practice some techniques

Sarah:ok,what is it called

Me:the first one is called Kamehameha,here is the Manuel


We trained in Kamehameha wave for few hours and I perfected it, it took 1 day for Sarah to perfect it

Me:good job

Sarah:that was pretty cool,what's next

Me:we have to go somewhere else


Me:you'll see

I grabbed her hand and teleported to king kai planet

Me:teach me the best technique you got kai

Kai:you have to give me something

Me:how about I make your planet bigger

Kai:can you


Kai:ok if you do then I will teach you few techniques


And so I waved my hand and the planet instantly got bigger and the house became a mansion

Me:there you go

Kai:thank you

Me:no problem

Kai:ok the first technique is called kaio-ken

Me:ok what is it

Kai:it currently goes up to times 20 and the next technique let's you go higher but no one has learned it yet

Me:ok let's learn kaio-ken

It took us 1 month Sarah got up to times 10 and she can hold it for 10 minutes and I can go up to times 20 and can hold it up to 20 minutes

Kai:you have to be able to hold it for longer

And yes we did get the dragon ball raider

Me:we will stay until we perfect it ok Sarah

Sarah:yeah that's good I mean we need to be more powerful

Me:ok let's spend few years or more

Sarah:that's good



Sarah:that was fun

Me:sure was

In this 10 years a lot happened me and Sarah got married and she can hold times 20 for 1 year without any backlash and I can hold it for few years and we also learned the new techniques it was spirit bomb,and super kaio-ken we can go up to 100

Me:let's go back to our home

Sarah:yeah let's go

When we got there it was a little dirty we went in and saw people in it and it was bulma,goku,Yamaha,vegeta,krillen,and few more people

Bulma:who are you get out of my house

Me:your house I made it myself what do you mean

Goku:how did you make the house

Me:like this

I waved my hand and the house disappeared

Bulma:hey what did you do

Me:well I made it I can take it

Goku:I believe you

Me:you should

Sarah:get out!!

Bulma:ok ok

Goku:I remember you it's lucifer and Sarah right

Me:oh yeah goku

Vegeta:you know these weaklings

Goku: whisper*vegeta shut up or he will kill you

Me:ok leave

Yamaha:ok bye guys I will be going first

And soon everyone left

Me:that was something

Sarah:when are we going back

Me:we will leave whenever we want

Sarah:what do you mean

Me:well there it's already 10 years but time stopped 1 month before the portal opens

Sarah:ok that's good

Me:ok let's do something

And when I was talking there was a pink guy flying and I knew who this was and it was Kid Buu

(I don't know which villain came first and it is a alternate dbz so remember)