Death and Rebirth

Dammit! Why of all people would I be killed! There were hundreds of people there, so how exactly was I the one that was killed?! That damn bastard with his gun! Argh! Anyway, where the hell am I? Is there an afterlife after death or something?

This damn black space! Freaking nothing here! Uh, wait a minute... Damn! That's a white light there! I don't know what will happen, but getting to that white light is better than this endless darkness!

I force my body to float towards the white light, but I felt a force pushing me back each time I got near. I continue to try reaching the white light and when I finally do manage to reach the white light, I felt unbearable pain attacking me.

ARGH! What is this pain?! Dammit! I was so close to the white light! No! I need to reach that white light because I have a feeling it will be good if I do!

I force myself to bear with the pain as much as I can and slowly float up to the white light and reach out with my hand, placing it onto the white light. Then, I felt myself being sucked inside of it and didn't resist because I felt the pain fade while I felt a cooling sensation over my body.

Before I knew it, I was out of the black space and within a white space instead. Not feeling pain any longer, I felt relieved. I began looking around the white space I found myself in when I heard a deep voice from behind me.

"Greetings, young one."

I quickly turn around and found myself staring at a man with a handsome face and long silver hair reaching his waist. His eyes were golden and he had a long purple robe on his body, which made him look very majestic.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"I am God. And you are currently within my Domain."

I was surprised by the sudden declaration of him being God, but it wasn't too far fetched as I already somewhat expected something like this to happen when I found myself within that black space from before. This only confirms it.

"Why am I here?"

"You were killed before you time, so you were brought here as an apology. You will be henceforth reincarnated within a world of your choice, with a few abilities as well."

No wonder I died when hundreds of people were in front of me... Well it's not like my life was a good one. I might of only managed to live until 22, but my life was pretty shitty. Being an orphan since 3, I had to resort to all sorts of things to live until now.

"How will this whole thing work exactly?"

"You will choose your world first, then the Wheel of Fortune will appear and you will be given 3 chances to spin it, and whatever you land on is what you shall obtain in your next life."

Wheel of Fortune? Damn, isn't that some sort of Divine object? Well, this guy is God, so it makes sense he would have access to it, I guess. Well, I always wanted to go to a cultivation world, so this is the best chance for me to.

"Well, I would like to go to a cultivation world, as I have always wanted to do that."

"Not a problem, there are millions of worlds like that out there. Now then, spin the Wheel of Fortune three times and the process will be complete."

A large rainbow colored wheel appeared before me, and I instantly recognized it as the Wheel of Fortune. God gestured for me to head to it and so I did. I saw a lever with the number 3 on it, so I figure it is the number of uses I have.

I grab the lever and pull it down, which causes the Wheel of Fortune to start rotating. I also noticed that the number went from 3 to 2, which means my guess was right. The Wheel of Fortune eventually stopped and it was pointing at a tiger, which confuses me what it does.

"Congratulations. Your first spin landed on the Heavenly White Tiger, which means your race will be Heavenly White Tiger in your next life. The Heavenly White Tiger is a very strong race that could easily rival Gods when they are fully mature."

I was surprised by the sudden race change but didn't mind it as having more power is better than anything in a cultivation world, as it is a hellish world for ordinary people. While it sucks not to be a human again, I would most likely be able to get an ability to change into a human in the future.

I grab the lever and pull it down for the second time, changing the number from 2 to 1. The Wheel of Fortune spun at a speed I couldn't see clearly, making it impossible to guess what I will obtain in the end. It eventually stopped on a blue box with words on it, which confused the heck out of me.

"Congratulations. You obtained the Xenoth System. The Xenoth System will follow you in all your lives henceforth, as it binds with your soul. Even if you shall die in this world, in your next life you will still have the Xenoth System. It has multiple features which it will explain once you are in the new world."

My eyes widen once I realize what it was. A System! The strongest cheat of all! Just like those cultivation novels where the protagonist obtained a System to assist him in strengthening fast as heck by doing multiple things.

This will be very good for helping me raise my power in the future, so I am looking forward to it. Finally, I grab the lever and pull it down once again, spinning the Wheel of Fortune for my last time as the 1 changed to a 0.

The Wheel of Fortune landed on a colorful box, which I had an idea of what it was. Still, I didn't take wild guesses and waited for God to tell me what it was.

"Congratulations. You obtained the Box of Gifts. The Box of Gifts will provide you with 3 random things once you open it. It could be anything, such as a twig or a stone, or some godly cultivation method or pill."

Yes! It is exactly what I thought it would be! Although the chance of obtaining something good is very low, the fact that I obtained three very good things from the Wheel of Fortune means my luck must be good!

"Now that you have finished everything, it is time for you to be reincarnated. Step into the Door of Rebirth and you will be born anew in the new world of cultivation."

A gold and purple door appeared in front of me, and I don't hesitate to step into it. I felt something enter me and it made me pass out instantly, as if it was impossible to stay awake during the process.


Urgh... My head hurts like hell.... I raise my hand to hold onto my head when I notice something wrong. Rather than my normal hand, my hand is now a white paw that seems to belong to a very small cat.

I nearly freaked out before I remembered what just happened, so I calm down and look at my surroundings. Unsurprisingly, I found myself surrounded by countless trees, meaning I am within a forest of sorts.

'Right, I got that Xenoth System thing, but how exactly do I activate it?'

[Xenoth System activating... 1%...]

'Oh. Well that saves me the trouble of activating it myself, but I wonder how long it will take for it to reach 100%. Well, let's search around where I am to get a better bearing of my surroundings, just in case it is dangerous here.'

I stand up and try to walk, and much to my surprise, it was very easy to walk on four legs rather than two. I figure it is a bonus of my new race, so I shrug it off and began slowly walking around the area I am at.

I didn't find any beasts or people, but I did notice multiple plants around. Nearly all of them made me feel a dangerous feeling come from them, so I decided to detour around them. There were a few that gave me a refreshing feeling, so I decided to come back to them once my Xenoth System activated and see what they were.

After walking around for a few hours, I suddenly found myself at a small lake, much to my surprise. I walked closer to it and looked into the water, and managed to see my reflection on it. Much to my surprise, I saw a very cute little cat, or in my case, tiger.

Purple eyes and white fur with golden lines on the body, the tiger looks very cute and a bit holy. Well, I already know this is me, so I am a bit interested in this new body of mine, as it looks very interesting, to say the least.

[Xenoth System activated... 100%... Greetings Host.]

'Oh! You are finally activated now. It took a few hours. God said you would explain the features of yourself, so can you do that?'

[Of course, Host. I am called the Xenoth System, and I was created by God millions of years ago. I have multiple features, which consist of a Status, a Shop, a Quest Station and a Storage. Host can see multiple things on the Status, such as name, race, gender, age, cultivation or in my case levels, techniques and skills. The Shop will allow Host to buy multiple things to assist you in your life. The Quest Station will issue Quests randomly, which will give Host rewards upon completion. As for the Storage, Host can store anything that is not living inside of it, and time inside the Storage is frozen, so nothing will rot or rust.]

'Wait, what do you mean levels? This is a cultivation world, so why did you say levels?'

[The Xenoth System functions differently than normal Systems would. Host can kill anything that is living, or things such as Undead, to obtain experience points and raise Hosts level, which in turn increases Host cultivation.]

'Oh, so it is like that. Alright, are you able to explain to me about this world? As I Know nothing about it as of now.'

[Of course, Host. This world is called the Hujin World, and it consists of Four Realms. The Realm Host is currently on is called the Mortal Realm, which is the lowest Realm. The Realm above the Mortal Realm is the Soul Realm, and above the Soul Realm is the Saint Realm. Finally, the highest Realm is called the God Realm, where everyone is at least a God.]

'Four Realms, huh. So I will be traveling to other Realms once I get strong enough? Is that how it works?'

[Host is correct.]

'Alright, explain to me about the cultivation ranks in all of the Realms.'

[Understood. The Mortal Realm has 9 cultivation ranks: Qi Refinement, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, Immortal Body, Heavenly Forging, Venerable Stage, Saintly Exposure and Void Traveling. Each rank has a total of 9 Stages to them.]

'Interesting enough. What about the other Realms?'

[The Soul Realm has a total of 4 ranks: Soul Gathering, Soul Molding, Soul Core and Soul Crossing. Each rank has a Low-Mid-High-Peak Stage to them.]

'Okay, tell me the next Realm.'

[The Saint Realm has a total of 7 ranks: Saint Ascent, Saint Lord, Saint King, Saint Ruler, Saint Monarch, Saint Venerable and Saint Tribulations. Each rank has a Low-Mid-High-Peak Stage to them.]

'Similar to the Soul Realm, it just has more ranks. Alright, tell me about the God Realm cultivation ranks.'

[The God Realm has a total of 6 ranks: God Body, God Soul, God King, God Venerable, God Core and God Being. Each rank has a Low-Mid-High-Peak Stage to them.]

'Interesting. What rank was that God who reincarnated me at?'

[The God who reincarnated you was known as God Venerable Shi. His rank was God Venerable High Stage, one of the strongest beings in existence.]

'Wow, he was only a God Venerable? I thought he would of been a God Being since he reincarnated me... Well, I don't have much understanding of the ranks, so I guess it makes sense I wouldn't understand it. Right, you said I will be shown levels on my Status, but how would I know what my cultivation rank is if it shows levels?'

[I will explain, Host. Qi Refinement is level 1-20, Foundation Establishment is level 21-40, Golden Core is level 41-60, Nascent Soul is level 61-80, Immortal Body is level 81-100, Heavenly Forging is level 101-150, Venerable Stage is level 151-200, Saintly Exposure is level 201-250 and Void Traveling is level 251-300.]

'Damn! That is a lot of leveling I need to do to reach Void Traveling, huh. What about the next ranks?'

[Soul Gathering is level 301-400, Soul Molding is level 401-500, Soul Core is level 501-600 and Soul Crossing is level 601-700.]

'Now it is 100 levels per rank, that is annoying. Next ranks.'

[Saint Ascent is level 701-1000, Saint Lord is level 1001-1300, Saint King is level 1301-1600, Saint Saint Ruler is level 1601-1900, Saint Monarch is level 1901-2200, Saint Venerable is level 2201-2500 and Saint Tribulations is level 2501-2800.]

'Damn! Why am I even getting surprised now, haha. I expected this, but seeing it is just annoying. Alright, show me the God Realm now.'

[God Body is level 2801-3500, God Soul is level 3501-4200, God King is level 4201-4900, God Venerable is level 4901-5600, God Core is level 5601-6300 and God Being is level 6301-7000.]

'700 per rank, huh. Well, I won't be getting to that height for thousands of years most likely, even with the Xenoth System helping me.'

[Host is correct. Even though Xenoth System is Divine, I cannot help Host reach God Realm without 4000 years minimum.]

'Figures. I expected that though, so I am not sad about it.'

I let out a sigh, well, if tigers can even sigh, and lay lay down beside the lake. I felt refreshed by laying here that I just felt like sleeping, but before that I had to do some things first.