Status and Box of Gifts

'System, how do I use this Status feature?'

[Host only has to think 'Status Open' in their mind.]

'Easy enough... Status Open.'

[Status Screen:

-Name: N/A

-Race: Heavenly White Tiger

-Gender: Female

-Age: 1 Day

-Level: 1(0/50)

-Cultivation Technique: N/A

-Skills: N/A

-Perks: N/A

-Titles: Reincarnated Being

-Points: 0]

'Wait wait wait wait! Please tell me that it is a mistake when it says female!'

[Was Host not told? Every Heavenly White Tiger is a Female, none of them are a Male.]

'Dammit! Fuck, I should calm down. So what if I am female now? Not like gender matters in this world, and I am not even a human so I don't need to care about this shit for now.'

I just shake my head back and forth beside the lake for a few moments before I calm down. If I was a female human, I would probably be targeted by a bunch of scum, but since I am not a human and am a beast, I won't face that problem until I can turn into a human, and even then I can just turn back into my tiger form whenever.

'Right, I was given a Box of Gifts from the Wheel of Fortune, but how exactly do I use that?'

[Host can open the Box of Gifts by accessing the Storage. Think 'Storage Open' within your mind to open it.]

'Simple enough. Storage Open.'


-Box of Gifts]

'So it will show everything I have inside, which saves me the trouble of remembering everything I store, at least.'

I notice a 'Withdraw' option beside the Box of Gifts so I press it with my claw and a rainbow box appears in front of me. I look at it for a while and simply touch it with my paw in hopes of it working, and the Box of Gifts begins shining, causing me to close my eyes.

When the light finally stops shining, I notice three things sitting inside of the box, which I look at curiously. The first one is a book with the words 'Heavenly Zhen Technique on it. The next thing is a bottle with green liquid inside of it, and the final thing is a stick, which made my mouth twitch.

'Hey System, is it possible for you to scan everything in the box? I have no clue what any of these are...'

[It is possible. The book is the 'Heavenly Zhen Technique' which is a cultivation technique of a high rank. It is suitable to be Host's cultivation technique. The bottle is full of a liquid known as Life Liquid, which is very rare even in the God Realm, as it can bring anybody who has died back to life, as long as the body is still there. The stick is just a normal stick.]

'What the hell! That technique is something I can use to cultivate, I can understand that, but the Life Liquid?! That is rare even in the God Realm! What the heck is this, it can bring someone back to life?! Jeez, my luck is honestly insane...'

I touch the bottle full of Life Liquid and store it within my Storage while I just drop the stick somewhere random, and then I look at the book. I touch the book, and it starts shining a bit.

[Does Host wish to learn the Heavenly Zhen Technique?]

'Of course! Learn it!'

The book disappears and I felt something enter my mind, and I realized it was the method to use the technique. It is actually really simple, and I don't need to do anything at all. It just strengthens my body passively without my doing anything, which makes me gleeful.

Based on my calculations, if I do nothing for 5000 years and this technique just passively strengthens my body, then my body would be as strong as someone at the God Realm without me doing anything.

'Well, not like I will just sit around for 5000 years for that to happen.'

I can already feel my body being strengthened as the seconds go by, which surprised me by how quick it strengthens me. My body already feels two or three times stronger than before, which relieves me greatly, since having a weak body is deadly for me.

'Status Open'

[Status Screen:

-Name: N/A

-Race: Heavenly White Tiger

-Gender: Female

-Age: 1 Day

-Level: 1(0/50)

-Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Zhen Technique

-Skills: N/A

-Perks: Passive Body Strengthening

-Titles: Reincarnated Being

-Points: 0]

'So it does show up now... But what is that Passive Body Strengthening thing in my Perks?'

[The Passive Body Strengthening is considered a Perk by the System. It comes from the Heavenly Zhen Technique.]

'No wonder. Is there a way for me to see what my Reincarnated Being title even does?'

[Reincarnated Being: A being reincarnated from another world. The owner of this title will obtain 4 times the amount of experience as normal.]

'What! That means, if I kill someone that gives me, say, 5 million experience, I would get 20 million instead?'

[That is so.]

'That's broken! I really have to thank that God now. This is just insane. It will actually not take me as long as I thought to level up now, hehehe.'

I was very excited when my ears suddenly twitched, as I heard some movement from behind me, so I stand up and turn around while being alert. I stare in the direction I heard the sound and I notice a black panther looking beast staring at me with hunger in it's eyes, causing me to shiver slightly.

I shake the fear away and stare at the beast back, and it seemed to be impatient as it let out a loud roar and rushed at me with a speed I could barely see. I somehow managed to dodge the beats mouth as I rolled my body to the side, much to my relief.

Before I could relax, I felt pain on my back and realized I was injured by the beasts claws, as I could see blood dripping from them now. Feeling the pain shocked me into realization that this isn't something I should be relaxing around, and I grit my teeth, bearing the pain as much as I can.

When the beast jumps at me to bite me again, I move to the side and raise my right paw, scratching at the beasts body. Surprisingly, my claws easily pierced into the flesh of the beast, and it seemed to be very painful as the beast wailed.

'Hehe, I forgot my body is strengthening at all times, so of course it would be very strong.'

I slowly had a grin come to my face as I dug my claws deeper into the body of the beast and raised my left paw to do the same. Now I have 10 inside of the beats body, and I could hear it whimpering constantly right now while trying to shake me off.

I stare at it's neck and instantly lower my head and bite down as hard as I could on the back of it's neck, and my fangs enter deep into the neck of the beast. I could taste the metallic taste of blood fill my mouth, which I for some reason felt tasted good.

I bite as deep as I could with my small mouth and the beast eventually stops moving, and I confirm it is dead by biting it a few more times. Much to my relief, it is truly dead. I pull my claws out of it's body and remove my fangs from it's neck and let my body fall off of it's back.

Looking at the dead beast, I felt excitement pounding in my heart. Even though I could of died just now, isn't this the kind of life I wanted all this time? This dangerous excitement, with my life on the line at all times!

[Host has killed a Qi Refinement Stage 2 beast. Obtained 20(80) experience.]

[Host has leveled up to 2!]

'Ah, that four times experience is really nice to have. Or else I would need to kill 2 more of these guys to level up normally. Status Open.'

[Status Screen:

-Name: N/A

-Race: Heavenly White Tiger

-Gender: Female

-Age: 1 Day

-Level: 2(30/100)

-Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Zhen Technique

-Skills: N/A

-Perks: Passive Body Strengthening

-Titles: Reincarnated Being

-Points: 0]

'Hmmm, how do I get points though?'

[Host can get points by completing Quests or selling the Cores of beasts.]


[Every beast has a Core within their body. The Core is located within the head of every beast, normally around the same place as the brain.]

I look at the dead beast and use my claws to cut off the top of the beasts head, and I find a grey crystal within the head of the beast, much to my surprise. I grab it with my claws and look at it curiously.

[Detected Grade 1 Core. Would Host like to sell it for 30 points?]

'Yes, sell it. I have no use for Cores.'

[Host has obtained 30 points.]

'What are Cores even used for?'

[Human cultivators can use beast Cores to absorb more Qi, as each Cores stores a lot of Qi, depending on the Grade of the Core.]

I am feeling a bit hungry after that fighting, so I bite into the beasts back area and pull out a chunk of flesh and start chewing it, and to my surprise, it actually tastes very good. Is it because I am not a human now, so raw meat tastes good to me? It would make sense, and I am glad it is that way, since it would be a pain to get used to it.

Due to my small body, I only ate a few mouthfuls of the beast flesh before I was full, so I simply stored the rest of the body in my Storage for later. I notice it is starting to get dark, and I don't know if stronger beasts will come out at night, so I decide to find a spot to sleep for the night.

I head in the direction the beast came from and manage to find a small cave after walking for a few hours. By this time it is already dark, so I am extremely glad that I managed to find this cave. The cave is actually really small, and the only reason I could fit inside of it is due to my small body.

Unless a beast with a very small body like mine finds the cave, nothing will be able to enter it, which made me feel relaxed, and I instantly fell asleep as I was exhausted.

Much to my relief, nothing disturbed my rest, so I managed to have a good 6 hour sleep. I stood up in the small cave and stretched my body like I saw cats doing in my last life, and it felt surprisingly good.

'System, what exactly can I buy from the Shop?'

[Host can buy many things. Most of them are for human use, but there are a few things Host can use while as a beast. One of them would be a Beast Pill, which will allow any beast to instantly raise by 3 stages, or in your case 7 levels.]

'I see, that is very useful. How many points does it cost?'

[The Beast Pill costs 500 points.]

'Of course something like that wouldn't be cheap... Oh well, I gain easily level up by killing beasts in the future.'

I shrug it off and leave the cave, and didn't notice any beast around, which isn't a surprise. I walk in the direction I came from last night and managed to get to the lake I was at yesterday, and the bloodstains are still here from when I killed the beast.

I noticed that the injury on my back that the beast gave me already healed, so I guess that the Heavenly Zhen Technique heals my injuries as long as they are on my body when it strengthens it, which is very handy.

I am still sticky with blood though, so I jump straight into the lake and soaked myself inside of the water for a while, and when all of the blood was washed off my fur, I jump out of the lake, completely soaked.

A bit annoyed, I lay down for 4 hours to wait for my fur to completely dry, thanks to the sun. By now it is already the afternoon, so I decide to go and search for more beats to kill, as I need to level up a lot while I can.