Exploration and Leveling

I walk in the opposite direction that I did yesterday, and I managed to find a beast in under an hour, much to my surprise. It looks like a wolf, and it seems to be about the same strength as the beast I killed yesterday, so I should be able to kill it easier as my body is a lot stronger than yesterday.

I crouch down and then leap at my full speed towards the beast, and I instantly bite into it's throat. I was surprised that the beast didn't react at all until I bit it, but I didn't mind and figured it was because of how strong my body was now so it might of been unable to react to my speed.

The beast stops struggling after a few seconds and I remove my fangs from it's throat, and it doesn't move at all, meaning it is completely dead. I was still a bit surprised that it couldn't react, but I ignored it.

[Host has killed a Qi Refinement Stage 2 Beast. Obtained 20(80) experience.]

[Host has leveled up to 3!]

'Leveled up again, that's great! Ah, let's dig out that Core before I forget'

I use my claws to tear off the top of the beasts head just like yesterday and found another grey crystal inside of it's head, so I grab it with my claws and pull it out of the beasts head.

[Detected Grade 1 Core. Would Host like to sell it for 30 points?]

'Yep, sell it.'

[Host has obtained 30 points.]

'Well, let's just store this beast in my Storage for now, since I am not hungry yet.'

I touch the beast and put it into my Storage like the other beast and then continue walking around. For the next 6 hours, I kill every beast I find and run from those I can't win against, leveling up multiple times, much to my excitement.

[Host killed a Qi Refinement Stage 4 beast. Obtained 120(480) experience.]

[Host has leveled up to 6!]

'I finally leveled up again! Let's grab that Core now.'

I pull the Core out of the snake beast I just killed and stare at it. It is still a grey core, but it has a few white spots on it, which is interesting.

[Detected Grade 1 Core. Would Host like to sell it for 30 points?]


[Host obtained 30 points.]

'Status Open'

[Status Screen:

-Name: N/A

-Race: Heavenly White Tiger

-Gender: Female

-Age: 2 Day

-Level: 6(70/1350)

-Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Zhen Technique

-Skills: N/A

-Perks: Passive Body Strengthening

-Titles: Reincarnated Being

-Points: 360]

'Nice, I am nearly halfway to the next rank now.'

I was a bit excited at my level, as I leveled up 4 times in the past few hours, which is really fast. Not to mention I had over 300 points now, meaning I am close to being able to buy that Beast Pill, which will directly raise my level by 7, which is very high for me now.

I notice it isn't really late right now, so I decided to explore around the forest as much as I can, as I should probably find out most of the dangerous places so I don't go there for now, as I do not feel like dying anytime soon.

After putting the dead snake into my Storage, I begin wandering around the forest. I found a few deadly plants like when I first came to this world, but I also found a few of those plants that gave me a nice feeling.

'Hey System, can you show me what these plants are exactly?'

[Deadly Root: A common flower root that was corroded by demon beasts over time. Anyone who touches it will rot until they either die or manage to cleanse it.]

[Calming Root: A common flower root that was blessed by an unknown beast over time. Anyone who touches it will be able to gradually heal wounds for a temporary time.]

A bit surprised, I directly ignore every Deadly Root and take as many Calming Roots as I can whenever I see them. Within 2 hours, I collected a total of 13 Calming Root, much to my surprise and excitement.

Who knows when I would be heavily damaged in the future? Having something that could heal my wounds over time would be very useful to me. I put all 13 of them into my Storage and then continue walking around the forest.

By the time it got dark, I found another 2 of them and put them with the others, gaining a total of 15 Calming Roots. I was lucky enough to find another cave, this one just wasn't very small like my other one, but I still entered the cave as it isn't safe sleeping outside at night here.

I managed to get a good sleep without being disturbed, but I was attacked by a beast shortly after I left the cave, much to my annoyance. I simply bite it's throat out, as it was a lot weaker than I am. Grabbing it's Core from it's head, I pull it out.

[Host killed a Qi Refinement Stage 4 Beast. Obtained 120(480) experience.

[Detected Grade 1 Core. Would Host like to sell it for 30 points?]

'Yes, sell it.'

[Obtained 30 points.]

The Core disappeared from my claws and I just left the body there, since I have no need for any more bodies in my Storage, as I already have a few dozen of them stored. I continue walking around the forest when I suddenly shivered for some reason.

And I found the reason why a few seconds later. I was frozen in place as I looked at the massive lizard looking beast in front of me, and I couldn't move at all. I noticed it's eyes flash with cruelty and hunger when it looked at me, which made me shiver even more.

'Dammit! Move body, move!'

When the beast moved close to me, I was screaming at my body to move, but it wouldn't move. Finally, when the beast was about to swallow me, I managed to move my body and hurriedly jumped away from the spot I was at before, leaving the beast to bite air.

Perhaps annoyed it's prey escaped, the beast let out a deep roar and I saw it open it's mouth, and to my shock and horror, it spat out fire. I had managed to dodge the fire, but my fur was still set on fire slightly, which brought me pain.

'Ow! Why the hell can this beast spit out fire?!'

I wanted to run away, but the beast wouldn't let me do so, as it kept spitting fire wherever I tried to run away. To my horror, I found myself trapped within a ring of fire, with the beast. Gritting my teeth, I stop trying to escape and stare at the beast, hoping to find any sort of chance.

I finally noticed that the beast seemed to be a bit sluggish, and I realized that spitting out that much fire must of taken a toll on it! Feeling glad deep inside, I watch the beast closely for any movements, when I suddenly felt pain all over my body and was sent flying, smashing into a boulder nearby.

I felt myself bleeding from my left side, and I actually spat out blood from my mouth, which confused me since I didn't know I could do that. What scared me and confused me even more was what happened?!

I looked at the beast weakly and noticed it's tail moving, and realization struck me. I was hit by it's tail! Without even seeing it! What the hell! Why is such a strong beast here!? Argh! It freaking hurts!

'My body is seriously damaged now! How the heck am I going to live when I can't even see it attack?!'

I was scared and depressed at the situation, as I don't want to die yet. I could only grit my teeth as I stood up and stared at the beast. I saw it was about to move, so I didn't wait and decided to take a chance, a very risky chance.

I ran straight at the beast with the fastest speed my tiny body could muster, and jumped on top of the beasts back, and aimed my claws at the flesh of the beast. My claws luckily managed to pierce into the beasts back, but it was just barely.

The beast was apparently in pain, as I pushed my claws deeper and deeper until I couldn't push them in any further. I stared at the beasts neck, and I bit down without hesitation, my claws sinking into it's neck from behind.

I could feel my teeth being in pain when I bit into the beast, as it had scales on it's neck, but I had no choice but to continue or else I would die. The beast was shaking constantly, trying to fling me off of it's back, but since my claws were firmly inside it's back, it couldn't.

The beast seemed to think of something as it lay down and started turning it's body over, much to my shock. I bit harder into it's neck but the beast was turning over too fast for me to continue, and my claws were stuck inside it's back!

I stop biting it's neck as I struggle to remove my claws from it's back, and I only managed to remove them at the very last second and I Jumped away, barely managing myself to not get crushed by the beast.

I felt weak as I landed on the ground, as my body was really injured from when I was hit with it's tail and got burned earlier. I shook my head and looked at the beast that was now standing up properly, but I noticed it seemed to be a lot weaker than before.

I realize it was because I was biting into it's neck very hard, and it also exhausted itself by spitting out so many flames earlier, so it is weaker now. This makes it better for me, since I am really in pain right now.

'I can't last much longer, so I need to take a risk. Hopefully it works, or else I would die.'

I made up my mind and run at the beast again, and when I am close enough to it, it opens it's mouth and bites at my body, and I don't dodge, allowing it to bite onto me. The second the beast bites me, I bite it straight on the throat, ripping into it as hard as I can.

Thanks to my Passive Body Strengthening perk, My fangs and claws are extremely sharp now, so I managed to tear into the beasts throat easily. I bit into it multiple times, constantly taking out pieces of it's throat.

At the same time, the beast kept biting into my body, and I was slowly going insane from the pain coming from my body. I tried to ignore it and kept biting it's throat, but eventually, I couldn't take it much longer.

Finally, the beast stopped biting into my body and it's mouth loosened up, much to my relief. I stopped biting the beast and placed a paw onto it's body, putting it into my Storage. I saw it disappear in a flash of white light, making me know it is really dead.

[Host has killed a Foundation Establishment Stage 1 Beast. Obtained 300(1200) experience.]

[Host has leveled up to 7!]

'Ah... Thank god I won...'

I wanted to move away from the spot, but I was too weak to move, and I could only remove a single Calming Root from my Storage and place it into my mouth before my vision went black and I felt myself lose consciousness.