
(??? POV)

I was walking through the forest looking for a Foundation Establishment beast to kill for my Academy Test, as I need a Grade 2 Core from a beast to complete the test. I saw fire and was a bit excited, thinking that there was a Foundation Establishment beast nearby, so I ran in the direction I saw the fire.

I found a ring of fire that is nearly exhausted, and saw a few burn marks around. There was a smashed boulder and bloodstains all over the ground, meaning there was a fight here. I looked around and didn't see anything, so I was about to leave when I noticed something small and white.

I look at it and realize it is a small white tiger, much to my surprise. White Tigers are extremely rare, and one of them shouldn't be in this forest, so why is there one? I notice it has blood all over it and has many wounds on it's body, meaning it was just in a fight.

[Master! This... This is unbelievable! I can't believe one of these exist in the Mortal Realm!]

'What is it?'

I asked my System that was given to me when I reincarnated to this world 15 years ago. It has helped me a lot and made it possible for me to reach Foundation Establishment quickly, letting me get into the Academy as a Core student.

[Hang on, let me use a Scan on it and just show you!]


[Status Screen

-Name: N/A

-Race: Heavenly White Tiger

-Gender: Female

-Age: 3 Days

-Cultivation Realm: Qi Refinement Stage 5

-Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Zhen Technique

-Skills: N/A

-Perks: Passive Body Strengthening

-Titles: Reincarnated Being

-Contracts: N/A]

[Master, this is a Heavenly White Tiger, a race that rivals Gods when mature! Not to mention that it is a Reincarnated Being and has no Contract! Although it is weak right now, it is only 3 days old! In the future, when Master leaves this Realm, having this Heavenly White Tiger with you will make it a lot easier!]

I was completely shocked at what I saw. A Heavenly White Tiger, that is 3 days old, and is already at Qi Refinement Stage 5... It is also a Reincarnated Being, just like me.

'What should I do?'

[Master should use a Contract on it! Doing that will Contract the beast to Master, making it Master's companion for life until Master either dies, it dies or Master releases it from the Contract!]

'How do I contract with the beast?'

I have never done a Contract before, so I am a bit confused at what I should do. Knowing the worth of this beast being with me is making me excited, and if I can Contract it, I won't need to worry as much when I go to the next Realms in the future.

[Master just needs to have the beast swallow a drop of your blood, while Master needs to swallow a drop of it's blood.]

I nod my head and crouch down in front of the beast. I bite my finger and place a drop of blood into the beasts mouth, while I poke my finger onto the blood of the beast, and place my finger into my mouth.

Instantly after, both me and the beast started shining slightly, and I felt some sort of connection being made between me and the beast, which made me excited. I wait for the shining to disappear, and I could instantly feel I was connected with the beast.

[Master has Contracted his first beast. Master has obtained 1000 points and access to the Soul Space.]

'What's this Soul Space thing?'

[The Soul Space is where Master would be able to keep his Contracted beasts in, think of it like a separate space for your Contracted beasts.]

I pick up the best and notice that it's wounds are slowly healing, so I am glad I don't need to heal it much. I already figured out how to use the Soul Space, so I will it and the beast in my arms disappears with a flash of white light, and appeared inside of my Soul Space.

Now that everything is done here, it is time to search for a Foundation Establishment beast to get it's Core, so that I can complete the Academy Test. I look around for a bit before I decide on one direction and walk that way.


Ugh... I feel like shit! I wake up and felt my body still aching, but not in much pain, which I am thankful for. I was about to stand up when I noticed I wasn't where I was before! I looked around and was completely shocked.

I was inside a weird space, and there was no sun in the sky, but it was bright out like daytime. There was a small pool nearby that has some weird liquid in it that makes me feel refreshed just by being near it, and there were multiple types of herbs planted around.

[Host is finally awake! Host has been unconscious for 6 days, and something terrible happened!]

'6 days?! And what do you mean something terrible happened?'

[Host was forcefully Contracted to someone! When Host was unconscious, someone came by and Contracted with Host, making Host Contracted to that person. Host is currently within that person Soul Space, which is a place for Contracted beasts to stay in.]

I was completely shocked by what the System just told me. I was forcefully Contracted! I know what Contracts are, and they are bad for beasts. They are Contracted to a person, and if that person dies, so does the Contracted beast. That is the only way for the Contract to end, as nobody would actually free a beast they Contracted.

'Ugh... What is this shit! I just fought an extremely strong beast and somehow won, but I was Contracted when I was unconscious... Sigh, it's not like I can do anything about it now, I guess. Status Open.'

[Status Screen:

-Name: N/A

-Race: Heavenly White Tiger

-Gender: Female

-Age: 9 Day

-Level: 7(520/1950)

-Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Zhen Technique

-Skills: N/A

-Perks: Passive Body Strengthening

-Titles: Reincarnated Being

-Points: 390]

I look at my Status Screen and felt a bit glad that I at least leveled up after I killed that beast. Looking at my points that didn't change, I remember that I put the beasts corpse into my Storage and didn't sell the Core yet.

I take the beast corpse out of my Storage and instantly dig out the Core with my claws. I notice that this Core is different to the others, as instead of being grey it is actually white instead.

[Detected Grade 2 Core. Would Host like to sell it for 300 points?]

'Yes! Sell it!'

[Obtained 300 points.]

I was extremely excited as I got 300 points from one Core, making me have nearly 700 points! Remembering the Beast Pill, I instantly open the Shop and purchased the pill, making a brown pill appear in front of me.

I don't even hesitate as I directly swallow the pill into my mouth, and I instantly felt it melt into energy that streamed all over my body, and I could feel it strengthening me, which surprised and excited me greatly.

[Host has leveled up to 8!]

[Host has leveled up to 9!]

[Host has leveled up to 10!]

[Host has leveled up to 11!]

[Host has leveled up to 12!]

[Host has leveled up to 13!]

[Host has leveled up to 14!]

'Hehehehe, it really did level me up 7 times! Status Open.'

[Status Screen:

-Name: N/A

-Race: Heavenly White Tiger

-Gender: Female

-Age: 9 Day

-Level: 14(0/4500)

-Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Zhen Technique

-Skills: N/A

-Perks: Passive Body Strengthening

-Titles: Reincarnated Being

-Points: 190]

'Nice! I should be a Qi Refinement Stage 7 beast now, hehe.'

I was excited at my sudden strength gain from the pill when I was suddenly covered in a white light and found myself somewhere completely different. I looked around and saw I was in a small room, which confused me.

"Look behind you."

I was startled by the sudden voice and looked behind me. I saw a young man around 15 or 16 years old. He had long black hair that reached down to his back, and he had purple eyes. He had pale white skin and looked pretty handsome.

"You probably understand me considering you are a Reincarnated Being, so greetings. My name is Gao Feng, and I am a Reincarnated Being as well. I have Contracted you and you are Contracted to me now."

'System, how does he know I am a Reincarnated Being?!'

[Host, he also has a System, so he probably scanned you using it.]


I just look at the young man and end up nodding my head in the end, signifying I understood him. It seemed to excite him for some reason and he suddenly picked me up and began laughing while spinning around, making me dizzy.

"Hahahaha, I finally found another reincarnated person! Do you know how weird it was to be in this world without anybody else who was reincarnated?"

He finally stopped spinning me and placed me down on a bed, and I felt so dizzy that I just slumped down onto the bed, which ended up making him laugh.

"Hahaha, sorry about that. Right, you don't have a name yet, how about I name you since you are Contracted to me?"

I was still a bit dizzy, but I could understand him. I was a bit excited at getting a name, so I nodded my head to him. I just hope me doesn't name me something stupid.

"Hmmm... I will name you Gao Lin then, since you are Contracted to me, you might as well take part of my name as well."

I felt my mouth twitch, but it was a good enough name, at least. I listened to Gao Feng talk for a few hours and just nodded or shook my head to most of his questions, or just ignored them. Eventually I started to feel quite tired, and it seemed that he did as well, as he started changing in front of me.

I didn't really care about him changing in front of me since I was a guy in my last life as well, so I just looked at his body. He has really nice muscles on him, I will give him that. It also seems that he has a big thing, as I saw a noticeable bulge in his underwear when he was changing.

"Hmmm, it seems you are tired as well. It is already nighttime now, so lets go to sleep!"

He lays down on the bed and pats beside him, meaning for me to join him there. I was wondering whether I should or not and just shrugged it off and lay down beside him on the bed, as I feel too tired to think about it.

He smiled brightly when I lay down, which I just ignored. He pulled the blanket up to cover his body, and it covered half of my small body as well. I heard his light breathing shortly later, meaning he is already asleep. I just yawn and join him in sleeping shortly later.