Academy & First Quest

I feel something touching my head, so I open my eyes in confusion and see a pale face in front of me, nearly freaking me out until I realize it is Gao Feng. Remembering how I was forcefully contracted to him while I was unconscious, I still feel a bit mad at him.

"Seems you are a bit mad at me for contracting you, huh?"

Gao Feng asked me as if he could see my thoughts, making me stare at him deeply before nodding, as I am indeed mad at him. He was silent for a while before he unexpectedly started laughing, making me confused.

"Hahaha, I figured you would be. Well, it won't be all that bad. According to my System, there should be a lake within your Soul Space, right?"

I recall that there was indeed a lake inside that weird place I woke up in. So that was a Soul Space? Well, what does there being a lake have to do with anything, anyways?

"That lake is something called a Soul Replenishing Lake, and it is useful for beasts to cultivate with, as it speeds up the rate they cultivate by 4 times. Another use of it is that it can cleanse any beast who drinks it for the first time, strengthening their Souls."

Somewhat shocked at the use of that lake, I was staring at Gao Feng with wide eyes, much to his amusement as he smiled. I snapped out of it and still felt annoyed, since I don't cultivate like normal and level up by killing things.

Gao Feng was still smiling for a while before his eyes widened, showing shock and confusion, making me tilt my head in wonder, as he is being so random.

"Ah, well, my System just told me that you level up by killing things instead of cultivating, so that lake is pretty useless to you, huh... I noticed that you are stronger than when I contracted you, did you eat a Beast Pill or something?"

I was surprised that his System could tell I use levels, but didn't mind it much since it's not like it matters if he knows or not. I nod my head when he asked me about the Beast Pill, and he closes his eyes for a moment before a brown pill appears in his hands, making me open my eyes wide.

"Here, take this. I got 1000 points for contracting you, so I might as well use half on you since it is unfair to you that the lake inside the Soul Space is useless to you."

He puts the pill in front of me and I instantly swallow it, since it is very useful to me, after all. I instantly felt the pill turn into energy that began strengthening me a bunch.

[Host has leveled up to 15!]

[Host has leveled up to 16!]

[Host has leveled up to 17!]

[Host has leveled up to 18!]

[Host has leveled up to 19!]

[Host has leveled up to 20!]

[Host has leveled up to 21!]

[Host has broken through to Foundation Establishment!]

A pressure was emitted from my body after I finished absorbing the pill completely, and the System notified me of my breakthrough to Foundation Establishment, or level 21, much to my excitement. Gao Feng had wide eyes as he didn't expect me to enter Foundation Establishment with the pill he gave me.

'Alright! I can't believe I entered Foundation Establishment, or level 21 to fast! Status.'

[Status Screen:

-Name: Gao Lin

-Race: Heavenly White Tiger

-Gender: Female

-Age: 10 Days

-Level: 21(0/10000)

-Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Zhen Technique

-Skills: N/A

-Perks: Passive Body Strengthening

-Titles: Reincarnated Being

-Contracts: Gao Feng(Human)/Gao Lin(Heavenly White Tiger)

-Points: 190]

[Host is now able to communicate with Gao Feng using the Contract.]

I was surprised that I could communicate with him due to entering level 21, but figured it made sense due to the contract, so I didn't think much of it.

*Gao Feng, I can now communicate with you using the contract.*

I saw his eyes get wide, meaning he probably heard my voice in his head due to the contract, which was a bit funny to look at. He shook his head and looked down at me with shock and a bit of admiration? in his eyes.

"Seriously?! Maybe this is due to us both being reincarnated and having a System, since only at Golden Core are you able to speak with the contract. Well, this honestly makes it easier for us to communicate, since I can't understand you with you just shaking or nodding your head."

'Is that so? System, can you tell me about this?'

[Understood, Host. Normal beasts are only able to speak with the one who contracted them at Golden Core, speak human language at Nascent Soul and turn into a human at Immortal Body, but Host is different. Host can communicate with the Contract at Foundation Establishment, speak human language at Golden Core and turn into a human at Nascent Soul.]

'Ohhh! I can turn into a human at Nascent Soul?! I need to work hard then, hehe.'

I was extremely excited about turning into a human at Nascent Soul, since even though I don't mind turning into a Heavenly White Tiger, I was still a human in my last life, so I am more used to being in a human form.

"Hey, Gao Lin. I need to got to the Academy now and turn in my Grade 2 Core, since the test ends today. Go into the Soul Space, just in case someone recognizes you, as it could be dangerous."


I agreed with him easily because I know for a fact that some greedy bastard would probably try and kidnap me if they saw me, so I allowed him to put me into the Soul Space. Finding myself back in the weird place, I decide to use the Soul Replenishing Lake.

Even though I can't use it to cultivate, I can still strengthen my Soul by drinking a bit of it. I crouch down near it and swallow a few mouthfuls of the water inside the lake. I really only needed to swallow one, but it tasted sweet so I drank more.

I suddenly felt as if my whole world was expanded, which shocked me endlessly. It was like that for a while and it felt extremely weird, but when it finally disappeared, I could tel that my Soul strengthened itself by a few times.

'Hey System, how much stronger did my Soul get just now?'

[Host's Soul was strengthened by 5 times, meaning Host has a Soul equivalent to a Golden Core cultivator.]

'What! My Soul is equivalent to a Golden Core cultivator? I am just at Foundation Establishment!'

[Host already had a Soul stronger than average due to reincarnating, and this just strengthened it further. It is normal.]

I calmed down as I felt it made sense. Right, I reincarnated from another world, so naturally my Soul would be stronger than normal. I suddenly felt stupid for overreacting like that now. Bored out of my mind, I decide to observe what Gao Feng is doing.

Due to our contract, I can easily see what he is doing by using it. I activate a part of the contract, and my view changed. I saw Gao Feng standing in a line of other people, so I figure that he is waiting for his turn to present his Core for the test he said he had.

It was finally Gao Feng's turn, and he pulled out a leather bag from my belt and opened it on a table with an old man behind it. He pulled out 4 white crystals, which are all Grade 2 Cores. I wasn't surprised, but everyone else around was shocked, especially that old man.

"What! Four Grade 2 Cores?! Hahaha, no wonder you are a Core Disciple!"

"Thank you for the praise, Master Shi."

Gao Feng bowed slightly towards the old man, who is apparently called Master Shi. The old dude thought for a while and lifted his hand, and a bottle suddenly appeared in it, and he handed it over to Gao Feng who took it.

"This is a bottle of Tier 2 Qi Gathering Pills, which will help you gather Qi 3 times faster. There are a total for 7 inside, so use them well!"

Gao Feng was extremely shocked and tried to hand them back to him, but Master Shi just waved his hand and said that he deserved this, since he managed to get four Grade 2 Cores as a Foundation Establishment Stage 3 alone.

"Then... Thank you for your kindness, Master Shi!"

Gao Feng bowed to the old man again and then left the line and began walking somewhere with a smile on his face. I realized he was walking back to the room we were in last night, so I yawn and lay down on the ground again.

[A Quest has been created: Protect Gao Feng from greedy Disciples as he cultivates!

-Rewards if Gao Feng is undamaged: 3 Beast Pills, 300 points and your Element.

-Rewards if Gao Feng is slightly injured: 2 Beast Pills, 300 points.

-Rewards if Gao Feng in heavily injured: 200 points.

-Penalty if Gao Feng is dead: Level reset to 1.]

'Ugh, what the heck! I completely forgot about Quests! I figured there would be greedy retards wanting to steal the pills from him, but still...'

I sighed in annoyance as I got the Quest, but the rewards were extremely appealing, especially that first one. 3 Beast Pills will raise my level by 21, which would bring me to Golden Core, I think. The 300 points are good as well, but the Element is by far the best one.

I remember how that lizard I nearly died to used fire, which means beasts unlock their Elements at Foundation Establishment, so I was wondering why I didn't get mine yet. It seems that it is due to my not getting it unless I complete the Quest without Gao Feng being injured.

'Sigh, hopefully nobody strong comes, since I won't be able to do much against them if they do.'

Gao Feng instantly sat down on the bed once he got back into the room and took a single pill out of the bottle, causing a great medical feeling to be released inside the room, and even I was a bit tempted to use a pill, even if they are useless.

I didn't say anything about my Quest to Gao Feng, because if he was to not cultivate, then the Quest would probably be null, which means no rewards for me, which is something I don't want to happen. It was already noon when he got the pills from Master Shi, and a few hours have passed, making it night time now.

Gao Feng has been constantly cultivating with that pill, and I could tell that he was close to breaking through to Stage 4, so he probably won't stop for a while more. I suddenly smelt something disgusting from outside the room, causing my face to scrunch up in disgust.

It smelt like blood and a bit of cum, much to my disgust as I can tell that whoever is out there probably raped some girl and killed her, which made me even more disgusted when I thought about it.

I listened closely and could hear 3 pairs of footsteps, so there is 3 people at least, and possibly more who I can't hear. I wait in the Soul Space until they get inside the room. Gao Feng doesn't realize anything because he had shut all his senses out to cultivate to Stage 4, so he doesn't realize people are here.

They are all people who were in the line where Gao Feng was earlier, so I can recognize them a bit. They all had a dagger in their hands that have some green substance on them, which is probably poison, meaning they were going to kill Gao Feng just to take his pills, which is annoying.

When they got closer to Gao Feng, I left the Soul Space and instantly leapt at the closest one, which is the guy I smelt outside the room. He wasn't that strong, just a Qi Refinement Stage 7 or 8, so he couldn't react in time and I sunk my fangs into his neck, tearing it out, causing blood to splash everywhere.

The other two instantly scream and look at me in shock and fear, but I don't wait for them to do anything and jump at them as well, using my claws to injure one of them on his chest, making him fall to the ground, bleeding heavily.

As for the other one, similar to the first guy, I tore his throat out with my fangs and he died pretty much instantly due to shock and pain, not that I mind. I notice the first guy already died by the time the third one did, so I walk over to the second guy who is trying to stand up and get away from me, but I don't wait for him to do it and bite his neck, tearing it out similarly to the other two.

[Host has completed the Quest!

-Gao Feng is uninjured!

-Host obtained 3 Beast Pills!

-Host obtained 300 points!

-Host obtained his Element: Lightning Element!]

[Host has killed a Qi Refinement Stage 8 Human Cultivator. Obtained 80(320) experience.]

[Host has killed a Qi Refinement Stage 7 Human Cultivator. Obtained 70(280) experience.]

[Host has killed a Qi Refinement Stage 7 Human Cultivator. Obtained 70(280) experience.]

'Oh! Lightning Element! Isn't that the strongest Element damage wise?'

I was excited about the Element I got, and I instantly put the three dead bodies into my Storage, since there is no point leaving them out. I also take out all three of my Beast Pills and swallow them one by one, turning them into energy in my body.

[Host has leveled up x21! Host is leveled 42!]

[Host has reached Golden Core!]

[Host can now speak human language!]

'Hahahaha! I was right, I did get into Golden Core! Perfect, this means I am much stronger now! I might stand no chance against those powerhouses, but most of the people in this Academy can't do anything to me now! Status!'

[Status Screen:

-Name: Gao Lin

-Race: Heavenly White Tiger

-Gender: Female

-Age: 10 Days

-Level: 42(0/32500)

-Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Zhen Technique

-Skills: N/A

-Perks: Passive Body Strengthening

-Element: Lightning

-Titles: Reincarnated Being

-Contracts: Gao Feng(Human)/Gao Lin(Heavenly White Tiger)

-Points: 490]

[Host has two options to pick for his Element Skill: Lightning Coat and Lightning Assault. Please choose one.]

'I get a skill now? Well, it makes sense if I think about it. Can you tell me what both of the skills do first?'

[Understood, Host. Lighting Coat: Cover your body with lightning that has a chance to stun anybody who touches you for 1 second. /// Lightning Assault: Summon natural Lightning at target location, burning anybody who has been touched by it. Range of 340 meters.]

'Hmm. While Lightning Coat is extremely useful, Lightning Assault is more of what I need now as I can't always bite and scratch people to death. I choose the Lightning Assault skill.'

[Host has obtained Lightning Assault!]

Feeling a bit tired, I look at all the blood on the ground while yawning, and roll my eyes while looking at Gao Feng who is still cultivating. Not wanting to clean up the blood, I jump back into the Soul Space and close my eyes to take a rest, leaving the blood for Gao Feng to wake up to.