
"What the fuck!"

I wake up to a sudden scream, and upon realizing it was Gao Feng, a smirk came to my face. It seems he found my little surprise of blood everywhere in his room now.

I jump out of the Soul Space and sit on the bed, looking at how he is freaked out that there is blood all over his room suddenly, and when he notices me he turns around and looks at me.

"What the heck happened here? Can you explain thi- WAIT! How the hell are you at Golden Core when you were just a Foundation Establishment yesterday?!"

Ah~ He realized it that quickly, huh. Well, it makes sense considering he is in a contract with me, so it is pretty easy to realize it, and it isn't like I was trying to hide my cultivation either.

"I was given a Quest to defend you while you cultivate, since some greedy idiots decided to kill you and steal the bottle of pills you just got. I got a few Beast Pills from it, so it was nice, allowing me to get to Golden Core."

"Shit! You can speak now?! Ah, that's right, you can do everything a rank earlier than normal... Well, I completely forgot about the danger of obtaining those pills, so thanks for protecting me from them while I was cultivating. At least I entered stage 4 of Foundation Establishment now."

Seems like his pill was quite effective, huh. Well, the stronger he is the better for me, since I won't need to protect him constantly.


[Status Screen:

-Name: Gao Lin

-Race: Heavenly White Tiger

-Gender: Female

-Age: 11 Days

-Level: 42(0/32500)

-Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Zhen Technique

-Skills: Lightning Assault

-Perks: Passive Body Strengthening

-Element: Lightning

-Titles: Reincarnated Being

-Contracts: Gao Feng(Human)/Gao Lin(Heavenly White Tiger)

-Points: 490]

'Oh right, I forgot about my new skill I got from the Quest giving me my Element. Well, it is probably strong as heck, but I can't even use it yet since there is nothing to kill around here.'

Looking at Gao Feng who is cleaning up all the blood splattered around his room, I just let out a sigh and lay on the bed, waiting for him to finish to see if he has anything interesting to do for killing time.

For the next 5 days, nothing much happened. There were a few people who were suicidal and tried to steal the pills from him, but we ended up just killing them, earning me a few thousand experience, which isn't much considering how much I need to level up.

Finally, on the fifth day, the Academy gave a mission to everybody to go hunt beasts in the forest I came from to gain experience in fighting and obtain a few Cores, which they can trade for items or Academy Points.

*Hey, Gao Feng! Let me kill the beasts after you finish fighting them, since I can get experience from killing them.*

I am currently communicating with Gao Feng using the contract since I am in the Soul Space right now, so I can't talk to him normally. I am trying to convince him to let me to kill the beasts instead of him, so I can try and level up a few times during this hunt.

"Ugh, fine, you can kill the beasts, just let me fight them so I can get stronger. Only interfere if I am about to die or be heavily injured."

He whispers when nobody is beside him, but I can still hear him perfectly fine. I was happy since he agreed to me killing the beasts, so hopefully I will be able to level up a few times. As for letting him fight alone, that was the plan since he is too weak to do much right now.

Although his cultivation is high for his age, he has little battle experience, so he is pretty weak still. Letting him fight in deadly situations will help him grow stronger, so it goes without saying that I wouldn't interfere unless he is about to die.

At least he isn't pairing up with other people into a team like most of the other people are, or else it would be a pain to kill the beasts without them realizing it, since I don't want to be known to the public until I am strong enough to protect myself from greedy powerhouses.

Currently, Gao Feng is fighting a Foundation Establishment Stage 2 beast that looks similar to a panther, but it has black fur with a tint of blue on it. He isn't losing to it, but he has a few injuries on his body from the speed of the beast.

The fight lasted about a dozen minutes before Gao Feng managed to stab the beast in the throat with his sword, successfully disabling it. I happily jump out of the Soul Space and stab my claws into the head of the beast.

[Host has killed a Foundation Establishment Stage 2 Beast. Obtained 150(600) experience.]

"Oh~ 600 experience for killing a Foundation Establishment Stage 2 beast, that's quite a haul. Take the Core from it and do whatever you want with it, like we agreed."

Yeah, we agreed that he gets all the Cores we get from killing beasts, while I get the experience. I am fine with the deal, since I would only get points from Cores, which only lets me buy a few things I can use, like Beast Pills until I can turn into a human, where I can buy the other stuff.

For the next 7 hours, Gao Feng fought a total of 13 beasts around Foundation Establishment Stage 1~3, getting me a lot of experience. I am a bit over halfway to leveling up now, which is honestly quite fast.

Right now he is resting in an open spot while cooking one of the beasts we killed for him to eat, since he is hungry as heck, as well as tired from all the fighting for the past few hours. I was sitting beside him on the ground while munching on a piece of meat from another tiger beast he fought.

I barely finished the meat when I heard someone talking near us, so I quickly jumped back into the Soul Space, much to his confusion. A few moments later though, he realized why I did. A group of 4 people suddenly walked out from the bushes and saw Gao Feng sitting beside a fire while eating meat.

They were surprised and subconsciously raised their weapons towards him, but he just ignored them as he didn't feel any hostility coming from them. They hesitated for a moment before they lowered their weapons.

"Um, can we join you? We haven't eaten in a few hours and are quite hungry."

Gao Feng looks to the group of 4 and eventually nods, pointing in front of him where an empty spot is, and putting another beast onto the fire to cook, for them and him, as I ate most of the last beast so he is a bit hungry.

There were 3 guys and 1 girl in the group, which is pretty normal, I guess. Two of the guys have a sword, the other one has a spear and the girl has a bow. It is a decent setup, but they aren't that strong, all around Qi Refinement Stage 7~8.

"Thank you!"

They thank him after he hands them all a piece of meat, and he nods to them and begins eating his own piece of meat. Eventually, they decided to stay together since it is late and it is too dangerous at nighttime, so he agreed to let them sleep in a group with him.

"Gao Lin, can you clear any beasts that come near the camp? I don't want to suddenly wake up to an attack by beasts while sleeping."

*No problem!*

Gao Feng whispered to me when the others were setting up their tents, and I was honestly excited that he asked me to do this, since I was going to do it either way. After all, who would deny free experience being delivered to their door?

Thus, during the time they all slept, I killed 8 beasts who were attempting to attack them, gaining about 3000 experience. Sadly, most of them were just in QI Refinement, so the experience wasn't that high, but it is still experience either way.

When they all woke up, the group of four bid farewell to Gao Feng and left in another direction, which is good. I they decided to stay with him and hunt, it would be an annoyance to kill the beasts without them realizing.

I could just kill them, but it wouldn't be good since every person that came from the Academy had a talisman on them given by the Headmaster of the Academy, so that the death toll would be lowered. It would let them teleport back to the Academy as long as they aren't dead when they use it.


I let out an exclamation of surprise because Gao Feng managed to fight a beast that was of higher Stage than him with only a few injuries, which means he is getting stronger due to all the fights. I stepped in at the last second and killed it, earning a nice 1200 experience from it.

He swallowed a Tier 1 pill for healing and his injuries cleared up after a few minutes, and he stood up to go hunt once again. He was suddenly ambushed by 3 Foundation Establishment Stage 1 beasts that all looked like monkeys.

I was going to step into the fight, but I noticed that Gao Feng was actually capable of fighting all three of the beats alone, so I waited for the fight to end.

He bent his body down to dodge the punch of one of the beasts while thrusting his sword into the chest of another one before jumping away from a kick from the final beast. He managed to pick off one of the beasts so quickly, which is good.

I quickly killed the beast that he stabbed int he chest before it joined the fight again and jumped back into the Soul Space right after, since I don't want to interfere with his fight. In the end, he sustained a few injuries and a broken left arm, but he managed to win against them all.

I killed the other two beasts, and got a total of 2800 or so experience from them, bringing me up to nearly leveling up. A few more beasts, and I would probably level up, which is exciting.

He fought a few more beasts over the next few hours, and I was just a few thousand experience from leveling up by the time he went to sleep. Sadly, no beasts attacked during the night, which sucked.

It is the final day of the hunt, and he was making his way back towards the Academy while fighting any beasts he met along the way. Finally, after we were close to the Academy, I finally managed to level up after killing a beast.

[Host has killed a Foundation Establishment Stage 1 beast. Obtained 130(520) experience.]

[Host has leveled up to 43!]

'Finally! It took 3 days to level up by hunting constantly, the experience from these beats is just too low for me to level up quickly. Oh well, Status.'

[Status Screen:

-Name: Gao Lin

-Race: Heavenly White Tiger

-Gender: Female

-Age: 19 Days

-Level: 43(130/35000)

-Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Zhen Technique

-Skills: Lightning Assault

-Perks: Passive Body Strengthening

-Element: Lightning

-Titles: Reincarnated Being

-Contracts: Gao Feng(Human)/Gao Lin(Heavenly White Tiger)

-Points: 490]

'Ugh, I seriously need a lot of experience to level up each time now. Hopefully I can hunt Golden Core beasts in the future, since they would surely give a lot of experience compared to Foundation Establishment beasts.'

We finally got back to the Academy after a few more hours, and Gao Feng handed in a total of 41 Stage 2 Cores. He exchanged them for 2 bottles of Tier 2 Qi Gathering pills, 1 bottle of Tier 2 Healing pills and 3750 Academy Points in the end.

Apparently you can use Academy Points to use the Cultivation Tower, which has a denser amount of Qi around, so your cultivation would speed up, but it is expensive. It takes 500 points per day, and currently Gao Feng has a total of 4230 Academy Points, meaning he can only use the Cultivation Tower for a total of 8 days.

Well, if he uses his Tier 2 Qi Gathering pills while inside the Cultivation Tower, he can breakthrough easily inside of the Cultivation Tower in eight days, and he might breakthrough twice if he is lucky enough.

And sure enough, he instantly runs over to the Cultivation Tower and pays 4000 points for 8 days inside the tower, and he instantly swallows a Tier 2 Qi Gathering pill while inside and began cultivating.

I was bored and it was pretty late, so I decided to just sleep, since I have nothing to do and I can't cultivate like normal anyways. Sigh, this is going to be a boring eight days.