Academy War

"So, what should we do now?"

I ask Gao Feng shortly after the teachers left, because it is just turning morning, and due to the assassination attempt, we haven't slept all night, so there is no point in sleeping now when it is already morning.

"Hm. I am pretty sure there is some sort of event going on today, we could go and check it out?"

An event, huh? I wonder what type of event there would be at this Academy, but it is better than nothing. I agree with his idea and we leave the room after an hour or two, after we clean up all the blood on the ground.

Walking around the Academy, a lot of people look our way, mostly looking towards me if anything. Well, not that I can blame them, since the body I created is very beautiful. It is still annoying to be looked at like that, though.

We end up walking to the battle grounds of the Academy and notice that there are a bunch of people around here, which confused Gao Feng, and since I don't know anything about this Academy, I couldn't care less about the people around.

"Hey, why are there so many people gathered here?"

Gao Feng ends up asking one of the people around us, and that guy looked at Gao Feng as if he was an idiot for a moment, much to my amusement, before he answered.

"Everyone is gathered here because we are having a duel between our Nor Academy and the Qiz Academy."

Huh. This Academy is named Nor Academy, that's new. A duel between Academies, huh. This might be interesting, I wonder what kind of people are from the Qiz Academy. I wonder if they are strong?

Gao Feng ends up signing up for the duels, while I decided to just watch it from the sideline, since I doubt any of the students from the other Academy are strong enough for me to want to fight them, considering I am at the peak of Nascent Soul right now.

Not long later, a group of about 200 teens around 14-18 dressed in blue robes walked to the battle grounds, and from the whispers I heard, they are apparently the Qiz Academy people. I scan over them all and was glad I didn't sign up for the duel, since the strongest one of them is only at Golden Core Stage 4.

There is a Nascent Soul teacher among them, but he is only at Nascent Soul Stage 3, which is pretty weak I guess. I could feel a bunch of different auras around, and a few of them are as strong as the Nascent Soul teacher, while most of them are around the middle stages of Golden Core.

I didn't bother about them because I just thought they were the hidden guards of one of the Qiz Academy students who is probably a Noble or something, which is pretty common in a world like this, hence why I ignored them.

The duel consists of 200 people from both Academies, and they are all on either side of the battle grounds, where a large arena is placed. A middle aged teacher with a Golden Core Stage 7 cultivation stepped onto the arena.

"The duel between the Nor Academy and Qiz Academy will begin now! There are 3 rules everyone must follow: No killing is allowed! No using pills is allowed! No outside interference is allowed! Anyone who disobeys these 3 rules will be punished! Now, the first two contestants, come up!"

A Foundation Establishment Stage 3 person from the Nor Academy walked up, and someone with the same cultivation walked up from the Qiz Academy side. Both of them used swords as their weapons.

The fight was honestly lackluster. They were both so weak that they couldn't even use proper skills with their swords, making unnecessary moves over and over again and simply being weak. In the end, the Qiz Academy student won though.

Nearly all of the next fights were like the first one, all consisting of weak and rubbish students fighting with their crappy skills. After a few hours, there is only 3 people from each Academy still waiting to fight, and the score is 97-97, being even.

This time Gao Feng was finally called up, and his opponent is the Golden Core Stage 4 student from the Qiz Academy. Most people are worried for him, but I am not because he fought against two Golden Core assassins earlier, so he isn't going to lose that badly if he does, and he has a chance to win if he gives it his all.

Gao Feng took out his sword, while his enemy took out a spear that seems to be stronger than Gao Feng's sword, which is surprising because I know his sword came from his System, so the fact that an original from this world who isn't that strong has a weapon on par with his is a bit surprising, but no completely unexpected.

Gao Feng instantly rushes towards the Qiz student in a blur that most people here cannot see, but me and anyone who is above Golden Core Stage 6 can see it clearly. He just has a fast speed. He slashed his sword at the right shoulder of the Qiz student, but it was blocked by his spear and he counterattacked by thrusting his spear at Gao Feng's left leg.

He jumps back and sends a kick towards the left hand of the Qiz student and manages to hit it, causing the Qiz student to loosen his grip on his spear due to the sudden attack, and Gao Feng took the chance to injury him with this sword.

Leaving a moderate injury on the right leg of the Qiz student, Gao Feng positioned his sword in front of his chest, blocking a piercing stab from the enemies spear, but it still pushed him backwards a few steps due to the force behind the attack.

Due to the injury on the Qiz students leg, he isn't able to keep up with Gao Feng's speed any longer, so he kept getting injured by Gao Feng in multiple places, slowing his movements more and more. Lucky for him that Gao Feng isn't targeting vital areas, or he would be heavily injured right now.

The fight ended with Gao Feng's sword on the Qiz students neck and injuries all over his body. As for Gao Feng, he only has slight injuries on his body, mostly around his left arm or leg, due to the Qiz student wanting to slow him down, which didn't work in the end.

Everyone is cheering due to the great fight between those two, while nearly everyone is shocked at Gao Feng's battle prowess, being able to fight a Golden Core Stage 4 as a Foundation Establishment Stage 6, which is unheard of.

The Qiz student was carried away by one of his fellow students to heal up but he was suddenly stabbed through the chest, not even knowing what happened before he died. Everyone was shocked by the sudden death of the Qiz student, and I instantly jumped from my seat to get to Gao Feng.

The second I got beside Gao Feng, I thrust my hand forward like a sword, stabbing it into a black clothed mans chest, my fingers piercing his heart and killing him instantly. I looked at him and notice that he is dressed exactly like those assassins from last night, much to my annoyance.

I look around and notice that there are countless black clothed assassins killing people from both Academies all over, and I saw a few teachers from the Nor Academy getting killed by Nascent Soul cultivators.

"Why the fuck are there so many assassins here?!"

I complain loudly while snapping the neck of a assassin who attacked me from behind and blocking an arrow that was aimed at Gao Feng's head. Before I realized it, we were surrounded by 30 or more black clothed assassins, which is honestly an annoyance if anything.

They are all only at Golden Core Stage 5-8, so they aren't anything to me, but Gao Feng isn't even a Golden Core cultivator, so him fighting against so many of them is impossible, making me need to block him while also blocking assassins targeting me as well.

'Fuck! This is so damn annoying! Lightning Assault!'

I get extremely annoyed and use my Lightning Assault skill, aiming directly in the middle of the group of assassins. A large bolt of lightning suddenly descended from the sky, exploding in the middle of 20 or so assassins.

"Come on! Stupid assassins dare target us!"

I yell out in excitement because I could tell that nearly all of those assassins died instantly from the lightning bolt, while only a few managed to live. I take the chance they are shocked and injured to kill them all off with my hands before jumping back over to Gao Feng, helping him kill a few assassins who were attacking him.

Right now he has a ghastly injury on his stomach which is bleeding heavily, and this is due to me not being able to block the attacks from 30 Golden Core assassins while blocking both of us, so he ended up getting heavily injured like that, which is why I used my Lightning Assault skill.

Thankfully it isn't a life ending injury, or else I would probably cry out in injustice. If he dies, then I will also die as well, and even if I don't, my Soul would be heavily injured, which is the same as dying. Stupid Soul Contract binding our Souls together.

I look around and notice that the Headmaster of the Nor Academy is actually dead, much to my shock. He was a peak Nascent Soul! The strongest from the assassins was only a Nascent Soul Stage 5!

Even if all of the 7 Nascent Soul cultivators teamed up against the Headmaster, they shouldn't of been able to kill him so fast! I was confused before I noticed that one of the teachers that was close to the Headmaster at all times is actually working with the assassins to kill students.

'Now it makes sense why the Headmaster is dead, stupid betrayal cliche happened, huh.'

Gao Feng is too injured for me to leave him to go and kill the rest of the assassins, so I pick him up and kick off the ground, leaping away from the Academy grounds, rushing towards the forest I was at when I first came to this world.

I could tell that a few of the assassins were chasing after us, but I ignore them and continue running into the depths of the forest, and they eventually stopped chasing after us, which makes sense. The place we are at now is where there are a lot of Nascent Soul and peak Golden Core beasts roaming around, so the assassins wouldn't take the risk since they probably think we would die anyways.

Sucks for them, I am at the peak of Nascent Soul, so I won't lose to a few Primary and Intermediate Nascent Soul beasts. Heck, I would only lose to someone who is in the Immortal Body rank, since I am too strong for Nascent Soul rank cultivators and beasts to do much against.

I look at Gao Feng and notice that he lost his conscience, falling unconscious due to his heavy stomach injury, which isn't surprising. I continue running around the forest before I managed to find a good empty cave, and I blocked the entrance off with a large rock and went into the depths of the cave.

I place Gao Feng on the ground after placing a thick blanket on the ground from my Storage, and I was about to buy a Tier 2 Healing pill from the Shop when I was given a Quest that shocked the heck out of me.