
[A Quest has been issued: Kill Gao Feng and regain your freedom!

-Rewards if Gao Feng is killed: 10 Beast Pills, 1500 points and a random skill

-Penalty is Gao Feng lives: Level reset to 1]

'What the fuck! How am I supposed to kill Gao Feng if that will kill me as well?!'

[Host has nothing to worry about. Even if Gao Feng is killed, Host will not be punished like a normal Soul Beast would. Due to the System, Host is not bound by the silly death for death rules of a Soul Contract.]

I was completely shocked at what the System told me. I won't die even if I kill Gao Feng?! What the hell! Wait, now that I think about it, all of my Quests so far only said I would have my level reset to 1 if he dies, and not that I would die.

Jeez, I feel stupid as hell! I always thought I would die if he dies, but I actually would't! Doesn't that mean I could of regained my freedom from this Contract a long time ago? Ugh! Whatever, lets kill him now.

"See ya, Gao Feng."

I say as I plunge my hand into his heart, putting him into an eternal slumber he shall never wake up from unless he gets reincarnated again, which wouldn't happen unless he is extremely lucky or something.

[Host has completed the Quest!

-Gao Feng is dead!

-Host obtained 10 Beast Pills!

-Host obtained 1500 points!

-Host obtained the skill Lightning Steps!]

[Host has killed a System user! Host has obtained 3 levels! Host has obtained 1000 points!]

'Damn! I actually got an extra 3 levels and 1000 points for killing him? I wish there were more System users for me to kill, haha.'

I laugh slightly while I bring out all 10 of the Beast Pills, swallowing them all in one go. They all turned into energy and I felt the familiar strengthening happening from the energy the pills turned into.

[Host has leveled up x70! Host is leveled 151!]

[Host has entered Venerable Stage!]

[Host has obtained the perk Venerable!]

'Holy shit! I directly skipped Immortal Body and Heavenly Forging and entered Venerable Stage! Why are Beast Pills so overpowered?!'

I felt my body strengthen by hundreds of times, and I also felt my Qi strengthen by thousands of times. If I used my Lightning Assault skill now, I could probably destroy half of this forest with it if I wanted to!

'System, can you tell me what the Lightning Steps and Venerable Perk does?'

[Understood. Lightning Step: Condense Lightning at your feet to increase the speed you move by 7 times of the normal speed. /// Venerable Perk: You are a Venerable! You are a Venerable beast! You are capable of taming hundreds of beasts below Venerable Stage to be your underlings!]

'Holy! That Lightning Steps skill is extremely useful since it increases my speed by 7 times, and that Venerable Perk lets me basically control any beast below Venerable Stage! I am getting pretty overpowered, huh. Status.]

[Status Screen:

-Name: Gao Lin

-Race: Heavenly White Tiger

-Gender: Female

-Age: 21 Days

-Level: 151(0/560000)

-Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Zhen Technique

-Skills: Lightning Assault, Lightning Steps

-Perks: Passive Body Strengthening, Venerable

-Element: Lightning

-Titles: Reincarnated Being

-Contracts: N/A

-Nascent Soul: Perfect Condition

-Venerable Slaves: 0

-Points: 3390]

'Holy crap! I need 560000 experience to level up once?! That would probably take me like half a year of killing beasts and cultivators to level up then! What the heck is that Venerable Slaves thing?'

[Venerable Slaves is the amount of beasts Host has controlled due to being a Venerable. As Host has controlled none, the number is 0 currently.]

'So, I turn beasts into my slaves. Good to know.'

I could only laugh wryly at that fact, since I didn't expect to suddenly be able to turn a bunch of beasts into my slaves all of the sudden. Shaking my head, I look at the lifeless body of Gao Feng and sigh a bit.

I didn't really hate him, but I dislike being restricted by something. He was pretty interesting, but a Quest is a Quest, and I was given a Quest to kill him, so I did. Sighing again, I pick up his black sword that he was holding and inspect it.

[Tier 2 Black Gold Sword: A powerful sword that is only common among powerful Nobles or Royalty in the Mortal Realm.]

'As expected, it was pretty strong. Well, my body is stronger than this sword, but I might as well keep it since it is still a good sword. Right, let's look his Storage Ring as well. I still don't know why he used a Storage ring instead of a System Storage.'

[Host, Gao Feng didn't have a Storage function added to his System. It is just a weakened copy of me, so it doesn't have most of my functions.]

'Oh, that makes sense then.'

I nod in understanding as I remove his Storage Ring from his finger and inspect what is inside it. I notice that there are a bunch of pill bottles, so I take all of them and put them into my Storage. There are a few sets of clothes, some food and some other things like armor and weapons that I don't need, so I just chuck the Storage Ring somewhere random in the cave since it is useless to me.

I count what I took and I noticed that I obtained 8 bottles of Tier 1 Qi Gathering pills, 12 bottles of Tier 1 Healing pills, 4 bottles of Tier 2 Qi Gathering pills and 3 bottles of Tier 2 Healing pills. While the Qi Gathering pills are useless for me, they could be used by any people I take under me in the future, if I ever do.

As for the Healing pills, those could be useful to me if I ever get heavily injured by someone stronger than me and I need to heal, so I kept them for myself in the future if I need them. Sighing to myself, I think about it for a while and decide to change my body again.

I close my eyes and think about my new body as a white light covers my body completely. When it disappears, rather than my beauty of a body from before, I am currently a ten year old kid, with long azure hair and blue eyes.

I was going to go with my typical silver hair and purple eyes, but I wanted to change it up a bit and chose azure hair and blue eyes instead. The large dress and underwear I had for my other body is now way to loose and big on me, so I bought a small dress and panties from the shop and swapped my clothes.

My chest is completely flat, as expected of a ten year old, so I didn't buy a bra since it is useless. I actually felt this body more comfortable than my older one, which surprised me a bit. Well, it was a bit expected since I especially chose this type of body.

I found that I could actually have tiger ears and a tiger tail on me if I wanted to, but it would be to dangerous to do that right now. I may be a Venerable Stage beast now, but there is still the Saintly Exposure and Void Traveling ranks above me, so I am not going to take the risk of them finding out I am a rare beast.

I sit down on a rock as I wonder what I should do now. When I looked at the Shop just now to buy clothes, I realized that the Beast Pills option was greyed out and wouldn't let me buy any more of them, which is to be expected I guess.

If I could still buy Beast Pills with my points, I would be able to level up fast as heck, which is pretty messed up if you ask me. I mean, I can still get Beast Pills from Quests, but I don't know if I will ever get another Quest in the near future, since Gao Feng was the reason I got all my Quests so far.

They were all basically protecting him from assassination attempts and the final one was to kill him, so I don't know if I will get nay more Quests for a while. Well, even if it is like that, I am not really against it much.

If I don't get Beast Pills anymore, I can just go and kill a bunch of beasts and cultivators all around the Mortal Realm to level up. Even if it will take a long time, it will also improve my battle prowess by a lot in the future, as I am just killing everything easily with my hands or mouth recently.

Well, not that I am a human, it is easy for me to be able to train in martial arts skills and such from the Shop, which is the only use my points have now that I can't buy Beast Pills. Still, I wonder what I should actually train in.

There are all types of skills for me to train in, but most of them involve using weapons, which I won't be doing as my body is stronger than any weapon out there except for those Tier 7-10 weapons from the Saint and God Realms.

'Hmm. Well, lets buy a close combat martial arts skill since I am going to be using my hands the most, so it would help to improve my close combat skills with a skill for it. I yawn and look at the Shop, eventually finding a skill to buy.

[Mixed Martial Arts: A skill that lets you learn every single Martial Arts that existed on Earth and the Hujin World. Costs 3000 points.]

I don't even hesitate to buy it since it is an extremely useful skill to me. Every single Martial Arts that existed on Earth and the Hujin World, that would let me improve my fighting skills immensely if I train in it constantly.

[Host has obtained the Mixed Martial Arts skill!]

I suddenly felt a wave of information about hundreds of types of Martial Arts entering my head, causing me to hold it and groan in slight pain, as this is the first time something like this has happened. Thankfully, it only lasted a few minutes before it finished.

Now I have the information on how to use hundreds of Martial Arts techniques inside my head, which is pretty exciting. I stand up and punch my fist out in one of the ways from my memories, and a wave up wind is produced by my fist.

I didn't use any of my strength and limited it to a Qi Refinement Stage 1, and it still produced wind by my punch! Realizing the effects of the Martial Arts I just obtained, I excitedly train with all types of them for the next few hours until I exhaust myself completely.

Since I wasn't using my full strength and was limiting myself to Qi Refinement Stage 1 strength, I tired out after a few hours, but even so I was still happy with the results. I found that I could actually use all of the Martial Arts I just learned perfectly, as if I was training in them for hundreds of years, which is exciting.

Realizing I am quite tired now, I put Gao Feng's body into my Storage for some reason and clean up the blanket before I lay on it, closing my eyes and falling asleep for the first time in 2 days due to all the assassination attempts happening recently.