
Even though Zixi tried to fight with the group of thugs but the old adage that a pair of fists is no match for four hands still proved to be true. Very soon he ran out of energy and both of them were tied up, thrown into the van like rucksacks by the kidnappers and brought along.

Su Li realised that the kidnappers still hadn't taken her phone away from her which was in her back - pocket. This gave her an idea. She tried to subtly move her hands and somehow took out her phone.

A few people were on her speed - dial list so she tried to guess and call Yu Jian. She knew he would pick up her call regardless of what he was doing and act accordingly. Therefore, she tried to give him as much information as she could.

"Who are you people? Why does your boss want to meet me?"

Su Li hadn't realised but she had dialled the wrong number. Instead of Yu Jian, she had called Li Rong.

Li Rong was working in the office when he received Yueyue's call. He immediately picked it up. "Hello! Princess "

Before he could utter anything else he heard Yueyue's voice asking those questions. He immediately realised that things didn't seem to be right and that be had to listen carefully to what was going on at the other end.

"Where are you taking us? Do you guys want money? If you let both of us go, the Yu family will give that to you. Okay?"

The leader of the kidnappers replied, "Let you go? Miss, if we let you go then how are we to report back to our boss?"

As soon as he finished his words, he turned back his head to the front and didn't pay attention to the girl. Su Li also understood that saying anything further wasn't conducive to her plan since that might tip these people off to what she was trying to do so she decisively stopped speaking and cut off the phone.

Li Rong had listened to the exchange carefully and from Yueyue's words, he could comprehend that she and one of her close - sides either Mo Qing or Xun Zixi was with her. With Yueyue's routine, he could guess that most probably it was Zixi.

When he heard the beep of the line disconnecting, he knew he didn't have much time to waste on irrelevant thoughts and that he should immediately start trying to locate both of them. He left the office, contacted his own people and asked them to trace her call.

Simultaneously, on the other end, Su Li and Zixi were brought to a warehouse. Those people threw them inside and just left after locking the giant doors of the warehouse from outside.

Su Li tried shouting for help for some time but to no avail.

"Take a rest, Miss. Don't waste your energy anymore. It's futile. I don't think there is anybody nearby who would help us." Zixi told Su Li.

Su Li turned towards him and when she saw his left leg bleeding, she felt guilty towards Zixi who had been inadvertently dragged into this mess because of her.

"Is your leg okay?" she questioned him.

"Yeah, I am fine. Don't worry. The bone didn't fracture. It's just a superficial wound." Zixi tried to reassure her lest she feels even more guilt-ridden.

"Has Miss been in conflict with someone recently?" He didn't think so since he knew her daily itinerary but still thought it prudent to question her.

"I don't think so. At least not intentionally but you never know. Just treat it as bad luck. These people are after me. Sorry, you got involved as well."

Listening to her words Zixi knew she must be feeling remorseful on his account so tried to lighten the mood. "I should be thanking the kidnappers for giving me a chance to go through life and death together with Miss."

If worst came to worse, whether it's dying for Yueyue or dying with Yueyue, he would be happy and content either way.

Su Li burst out in a laugh when she heard Zixi's corny words. She never knew he would say such sweet cloying words to cheer her up. The sound of her laughter brought out a smile on Zixi's face as well. Zixi jumped to his feet and tried to move towards her side.

With both of his hands and feet tied, it was somewhat difficult but he managed to do it.

Sitting at her side and huffing he spoke again. "Hurry and try to untie me by biting on the ropes on my hand."

Su Li looked at him with a surprised gaze. Why hasn't she thought of it?

"Hurry up. What are you looking dazedly at me for? We can't just sit and wait here." Zixi wondered if Yueyue's brain had gone offline due to stress and fear since she kept on looking at him without moving.

He nudged her and Su Li came back to herself. She bent down to try and bite on the ropes.

Hai... The task had brought her to a point where she had to bite on ropes like an animal...

While Su Li was doing that, Zixi's hands had a mind of their own and briefly touched her chin and neck. The touches were fleeting, akin to butterfly wings but they were extremely ticklish to Su Li. Irritated she bit down on Zixi's thumb.

Zixi was shocked by her actions but he also knew that at this moment anything that could take off her mind from their current situation was a good thing. "Miss, why are you taking a bite out of my flesh? If you are so hungry, then just wait until we leave this place. Afterwards, I'll bring you the best food in the city but please do spare my hands."

"Then keep your hands to yourself. Let me tell you Zixi, if you keep moving around like earlier, I'll bite off all your fingers." Su Li replied.

"Who is moving inappropriately? Miss, I don't have eyes on the back of my head, do I? How would I know where your face is?" He smiled to himself while speaking and there was a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Exasperated Su Li said, "Stay still and don't move."

She again tried to work on the ropes but they suddenly heard a loud noise outside and they thought that the mastermind was here. Therefore, they straightened themselves.