Golden Silence

"Father introduced that person to me, right?" 

At Zhou Sheng's nod, she continued ruefully, "Father knew the entire truth about everything that had happened, didn't he?" 


"For years on end, both of them must have planned and plotted the entire thing. If I remember the timeline correctly, it happened when we were all quite young. This meant that father had kept this secret for years." 

Zhou Sheng could faintly discern where this was going. 

"I couldn't care about it when I was young but when I had matured enough to realise the importance, they should have both told me the truth." 

Before he could get a word edgewise, Su Li continued. 

"Do you know why I knelt that day? Do you know why I kowtowed? You always thought that it was simply because I love that person but that is not the entire truth." 

"What? What other reason could be there?" 

Su Li gave a wan smile when she heard the question.