I think we may have burnt the Marriage Certificate.

To cultivate the Holy Yang Blood Method, you need two types of energy.

They are Yang Energy and Pure Blood Energy.

Since Everlasting has plenty of Pure Blood Energy from the Endless Blood Sea Source Crystal. He just needs to find a source of Yang Energy.

Luck for him this planet orbits around a star that gives out a steady rate of Yang Energy every day.

Since the requirements for the first layer of the Holy Yang Blood Method is low, just the Yang Energy from the star is enough for him to cultivate it.

Everlasting climbed to the roof of his small house and began cultivating the first layer of the Holy Yang Blood Method called the Spark Blood Layer.

As the Yang energy fell on his skin it was absorbed into his body under the pull of the Holy Yang Blood Method and entered his dantian. The Yang energy was then concentrated into a thread of golden energy.

The Endless Blood Sea Source Crystal inside floating in his dantian spun slowly and released a blood red fog like energy. This is Pure Blood Energy. This fog was also condensed into a red thread of energy.

These two threads of energy under the pull of the Holy Yang Blood Method attracted each other and intertwined to form a single golden-red thread.

This new thread of energy traveled form through the meridian connecting the dantain and the heart.

Although all meridians are closed before the Meridian Opening stage, Everlasting is able to temporarily able to open the few Meridians through a special technique called Meridian Dilation.

Although this technique can open a meridian it does not increase your combat power.

The thread of energy entered the heart and dissolved into the blood.

Everlasting did the series of hand seals and the dissolved energy began to, change the blood essence qualitatively and quantitatively.

Although this change was small, the change existed.

He did another series of hand seals and the Yang Energy falling on his skin had been absorbed again. He willed the Source crystal to emit more Pure Blood Energy.

He created another golden-red energy thread. This time it traveled through the meridian that connected the dantain to the spleen towards the spleen.

He did another series of hand seals.

The golden-red energy thread dissolved into the spleen and changed the cells of the spleen qualitatively.

He once again created another golden- red energy thread but this time the destination of the thread was the bone marrow.

He created another thread of golden-red energy and again aimed it towards the heart.

Like this, a loop was formed, first the heart, then the spleen, then the bone marrow.

He sat there under the sun from sunrise to sunset. And by sunset, his blood essence had increased in quantity by 1/10 and its quality had increased by 1/50.

Everlasting jumped down from his roof to see that his lunch had been delivered. He ate the cold lunch and began to do some exercise like push-ups, sit-ups, and squats.

Eventually, his dinner arrived he ate that and slept.

The next day resumed cultivating his blood essence in the morning and intense exercises in the evening.

And just like that three weeks passed by, Everlasting had just reached the middle stage of the Spark Blood Layer.

As his blood circulated in his arteries and veins, every now and then several small golden sparks of yang energy are is seen, this is the reason why the first layer of the Holy Yang Blood Method called Spark Blood.

These 3 weeks Wei Jin's body had undergone a drastic transformation.

His skin has become tanned and his originally frail and unhealthy body had buffed up slightly. His face had become more masculine and handsome.

Like all other members of the Wei family, his hair was light red color and his eyes where golden yellow.

Due to the change in the quality and quantity of his blood essence his cultivation talent has improved slightly.

Currently, he exuded a strong masculine aura that a 13-year-old should not be able to exude. this is because he absorbed massive amounts of Yang energy these past few weeks and the surplus Yang energy is leaking out. Since Yang Energy is a masculine energy it takes the form of a masculine aura.

But this kind of leakage will stop at the perfection stage of the Spark Blood Layer.

For every layer of the Holy Yang Blood Method, there are 3 division, Beginning, Middle, Perfection.

Today was the first day of the new week and Everlasting just woke up and did some stretching exercise. When suddenly there was a knock at the door.

This was strange. After it was discovered that he could not cultivate his father asked him to move out of the family mansion. Ever since then he rarely had any human interaction. Even if there where any interaction it would be them just mocking him. And his father specifically ordered that no servant is allowed to interact with me, so the servants avoided him like he had the plague. Even the servant that delivered food for him did not dare to knock on his door. So who could it be?

Everlasting looked out through the window to see the head servant of the family standing there with a sympathetic look on his face.

He quickly opened the door and greeted the head servant.

"Head servant Peng Fu its been two mounts since we meet."

"Young..... master, what happen to your skin."

"Haha, I have been training under the sun for too long."

It was then that Peng Fu noticed that Wei Jin had bulked up, and was also releasing a small amount of strong masculine aura. It was obvious that Wei Jin was trying to suppress his aura.

Peng Fu was a smart man that had interacted hundreds of different type of people, and he knew how to judge people based on the aura they exuded. And from the aura that Wei Jin is releasing, he knew that this kid had a great mentality and would have a great future.

But he also remembered that this young master never exuded such an aura before, he guessed hardships change people, and that the isolation that he experienced after finding out he could not cultivate had changed his mentality.

'It's such a pity that the young master could not cultivate. With such an aura and mentality I'm sure he would have become one of the strongest in the Metore Dragon city in 100 years.'

Peng Fu sighed mentally in sympathy.

"Head servant what wind bring you in this isolated direction."

"Ah.....yes, we have a guest that wants to see you."

"A guest you say, who is it?"

"Um.....", Peng Fu wanted to give Wei Jin more information but his hands where tied, he always liked the kind and quirky young master, even after finding out that he could not cultivate this did not completely dissipate, so he quickly thought of a way to warn Wei Jin, "I am not allowed to say this to you so I will whisper it to the wall."

He moved toward the wall and began whispering, "The young miss of the Qiu family Qiu Xiu is here with a disciple of the Divine Sword sect is here, they probably want to annul the marriage between her and young master."

"Oh...", suddenly Everlasting felt a pang in his heart, but he quickly suppressed it. Memories of Qiu Xiu popped up in his mind.

Qiu Xiu and Wei Jin where childhood friends, you could even go so far as to say that they were childhood sweethearts.

Although Wei Jin's soul shattered there is still some remnant ego left, that pang that he felt was due to this ego.

This remnant ego will naturally dissipate in a few years so Everlasting was not concerned about it. But he still felt irritated by it.

"I have also heard that Qiu Xiu had awakened a sword related Martial Spirit, prompting the Divine Sword sect to recruit her directly as an inner disciple."

'A Martial Spirit, that is such a primitive cultivation path, you can almost reach Divine Pond stage with the help of it. Then again this is a mortal realm, a Divine Pond expert would be seen as a god here,' Everlasting taught as he sneered at the foolishness of people of the Mortal Domain.

The reason why Everlasting called a martial spirit cultivation a primitive cultivation path is because, although it provides a big boost in cultivation speed and combat prowess in the early stages of cultivation that is the Mortal stages of cultivation. But because of these Martial Spirits, they will find it difficult to comprehend Dao Laws as Martial Spirits intrinsically reject basic Dao Laws.

You can not read a story without understanding the alphabets and their combinations first. Once the basic dao laws are rejected only the complex Dao Laws are left. Trying to comprehend complex Dao Laws is like trying to read without learning the alphabets.

Everlasting almost had an urge to laugh. This situation was too funny. Wei Jin a boy born with a Celestial Eclipse Dantain if he was placed in the God Domain or any other major domain of the Holy Alliance, he would be treated as a once in a Universe cycle genius, all the major sects would fight for him.

And if Qiu Xiu with her sword related martial sprite was placed in there she would be shunned like a beggar, just like how he is being shunned.

"Phhft......", Everlasting almost burst out laughing.

'Um.... did he go crazy under rage,' though Peng Fu.

"So that is it, so they asked to see me."

"Yes, they probably want to ask for the marriage certificate."

"Oh yes there is the marriage certificate, can you go fetch it for me Head Servant."

"Is it not with Young Master."

"Ah.....I did not take it with me I kept it in my old bedroom in father's mansion," Wei Jin expected that he would quickly solve his cultivation problem and return back to his old room, so he only took some clothes and the memento from his late mother with him. So the marriage certificate was in his old room. Sadly even after a month of trying he could not succeed and ended up dying due to Qi deviation.

Suddenly Peng Fu started to sweat like a pig, "Young master what did you say," he said as he suddenly grabbed Everlasting's shoulders.

"Um......, I said that the marriage certificate is with my other stuff in my old room," Everlasting was surprised by Peng Fu's reaction, according to Wei Jin's memoried Peng Fu was a man that won't flinch if the sky fell.

Peng Fu took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Young Master."


"Um..... I think we may have burnt the Marriage Certificate."