I don’t associate with bitches.

Everlasting frowned as he heard that the Marriage Certificate may have been burnt.

"What do you mean it may have been burnt."

"Young Master after you moved out the Third Elder, your father ordered some servants to clean out your old room for his new concubine, I remember he specifically ordered to burn anything that belonged to you that was in that room."

Wei Jin's remnant ego experienced excruciating pain at his father's actions, was this not equal to abandoning him.

'Ho...what a good father, he is,' though Everlasting with a smirk.

The destruction of the Marriage Certificate was not good news for him.

In the Celestial Domain, there is a major superpower called Tempel of Love.

If a marriage or an engagement of marriage is to be considered legal in the Celestial Domain, then it must be registered in the Temple of Love. And Marriage Certificates are issued by it.

Therefore any damage to the Marriage Certificate is a direct insult to the Temple of Love. And the owner of the certificate will be punished for failing to protect it.

The punishment ranged from torture, castration, death, etc.

The Temple of Love has a branch in every sentiment throughout the Celestial Domain and all the domains under it. And every six months these branches do a check up on all the certificates under their jurisdiction. There is still 3 months left before the next checkup.

Another thing to note is that the Marriage Certificates are given in pair to the couple. There is a male Marriage Certificate that is Wei Jin's certificate and a female Marriage Certificate that is Qiu Xiu's certificate.

Now his certificate is most likely destroyed which meant that only he will face punishment and Qiu Xiu will escape scot-free.

'*sigh* Wei Jin that idiot why did he leave such an important certificate, in his old room did he trust his father that much.'

He quickly formulated a plan.

An evil smirk appeared on his face for a second, and for that short instant, a black vortex formed in his eyes replacing his golden pupils. How can Peng Fu not notice this.

Peng Fu was extremely sensitive to aura, and for an instant, he felt that the young master released a terrifying evil aura. For the instant he looked into the black vortex, he felt like he was staring into a bottomless abyss and whatever that was inside this abyss just stared back at him. Something suddenly penetrated his soul and his mind became blank. Then that aura and the vortex quickly vanished.

"Peng Fu," it was the first time Wei Jin ever called Peng Fu by his name. Normally he would get angry and berate Wei Jin for not showing him enough respect.

Although Peng Fu had some pity for Wei Jin he still had his own pride, he would never be disrespected by a younger generation who lost his status.

"Yes.....my.... lord", Peng Fu answered mechanically and slowly.

"I have a mission for you," Everlasting proceded to explain to Peng Fu his mission.

After completing this mission Peng Fu will not only lose all his status and position as Head Servant but will also be killed by the Wei Clan. But Everlasting did not care, in his experiments and his madness over Merit Laws, he has killed over a countless number of people.

Even if Peng Fu come back to haunt him as a ghost he would not care.

After receiving his mission Peng Fu bowed to Everlasting and went his way.

'Now I just need to deal with Qiu Xiu and that brat from the Divine Sword sect.'

He proceeded to move towards the main hall where Qiu Xiu is currently being entertained. Along the way, he plucked a large leaf and kept it with him.

As he entered the main hall, he saw a group of youngsters about the same age a Wei Jin chatting to the disciple of the Divine Sword sect.

The disciple who wore white uniform of the Divine Sword sect, whose name was Jin Li, enjoyed the flattery of the group of youngsters, but deep down inside he thought little of the people from this little rural city.

He considered everyone in this city a group of country bumkins. If his master hadn't ordered him to help solve the engagement problem of his junior sister Qiu Xiu he would not have even bothered to come to such a filthy uncivilized place.

And sitting in the seat next to Jin Li was Qiu Xiu. She had a fair skin tone, black hair coupled with her black eyes and a beautiful face there is no doubt why she is called one of the 3 top beauties of Metore Dragon City.

She looked even more beautiful than in Wei Jin's memories. Of course Everlasting knew the reason for that.

After someone awakes a Martial Spirit their body undergoes a transformation which not only increases their talent and combat prowess but also their looks. These kinds of transformations occur a few more times as their cultivation gets stronger.

Qiu Xiu sat there and spoke noting, it was as if she was a Goddes who shouldn't be tainted by talking to mortals.

From the group of youngsters of the Wei family, one gathered his courage and asked a question. But Qiu Xiu just ignored him like an ice cold beauty.

Others of the Wei family scolded the one who asked the question.

Seeing this Qiu Xiu just smiled inside her mind.

Seeing all this Everlasting could not help but chuckle.


What Everlasting saw in this crowd was a group of clowns stroking the ego of two fools who think they powerful.

Although his chuckle was soft, it gathered the attention of everyone in the main hall.

Everyone looked at Everlasting who stood just beyond the door. But when they saw the black vortex in his eyes, they were stunned, but as soon as they saw it, they also forgot about it. It was as if the memories about it were erased.

The Sword type Martial Spirit inside Qiu Xiu suddenly shook. But it too forgot about the vortex.

Qiu Xiu was confused. Why did her Martial Spirit just shake when she saw this boy.

Everlasting was prepared for this.

But just as she was thinking more about this phenomenon, a strange wave of energy penetrated her soul and forgot about the strange event entirely.

"Who are you? Why are you laughing at us?" asked a brash youth of the Wei Family.

"Wei Ming, it's only been 2 months since we last met, and you already forgot about me," Everlasting said in a sarcastic voice.

"That voice.......your Wei Jin," asked Wei Ming wide-mouthed.

Not only Wei Ming the other youths of the Wei family and Qiu Xiu was also shocked. But they quickly calmed down.

Although Wei Jin had transformed, he still rembled the old Wei Jin. He was just a bit more muscular and had bronze skin and that is all.

Understanding this Wei Ming and the youths of the Wei family smirked in schadenfreude. Their relationship with Wei Jin used to good but all that changed when they found out that he was a cripple.

Many of the boys were jealous of Wei Jin, he was the son of the Third elder and was engaged to Qiu Xiu, one of the top 3 beauties of Meteor Dragon City.

His father had already disowned him and now his fiance is here to ask him for his Marriage Certificate.

"So you are the unworthy fiance of junior sister Qiu Xiu, just deliver the Marriage Certificate and scram," said Jin Li after deducing the identity of the newcomer.

Everlasting ignored Jin Li and looked at Qiu Xiu.

Qiu Xiu felt a bit guilty under his gaze, even if he was a cripple she did abandon him. Images of them playing when they were popped up in her head one by one.

'Who asked you to be a cripple? It's not my fault but yours,' she comforted herself, she steeled herself and looked straight into his eyes.

Everlasting asked the question the remnant ego of Wei Jin was screaming out inside his mind in a single word.


Qiu Xiu had already excepted this question and long since prepared an answer but she was still slightly shocked to see Wei Jin being so calm and composed. She had imagined him being angry at her, him begging her, but none of those dramas she had imagined happened.

The youths of the Wei Family were also shocked at seeing how unfazed Wei Jin was.

Only Jin Li frowned, 'This bastard has the temperament of an expert.'

He had not expected such a temperament form a 12-year-old boy, he was 14 years old at Body Refining stage 9, yet he did not have such a temperament.

Qiu Xiu answered with a cold voice, "Dragons don't associate with ants, you and I, form now onwards will live in different worlds. So just give me the Marriage Certificate and leave there is nothing that can change my mind."

"What is Aunty Ying's opinion on this", asked Everlasting, Qiu Ying is Qiu Xiu's mother.

Qiu Ying and Wei Jin's mother were good friends, it was due to their friendship that both Wei Jin and Qiu Xiu became engaged in the first palace.

"Mother was the first to ask me to break the engagement", Qiu Xiu said coldly.

"I see that's good," Everlasting said as he took out the leaf he plucked earlier. To Everlasting, it looked a normal leaf but to others in the room

under the effect of mass illusion, it looked like the Marriage Certificate.

This leaf will look like the Marriage Certificate to anyone below Qi vortex level.

Qiu Xiu reached out her hand and received the leaf/Marriage Certificate. Suddenly she felt a like she lost an opportunity that could have changed her destiny.

The youths of the Wei Family smirked as they saw this, from now onward

Wei Jin now has no supporter, in time he will be kicked out of the Wei Family.

Just as Everlasting crossed the door he said in a voice that everyone could hear.

"Dragons may not associate with ants, but I don't associate with bitches."