Chapter 4

The night passed by peacefully and Naruto spent the last hours before going to sleep with Hilda along with Morrigan and Ruri who slipped into his room after a while.

In the Uzumaki Clan, Naruto was the most liked person and people wanted him to become the clan head. Naruto had no such desires, he had already done that and he didn't wish to chain himself again.

It would also ruin his relationship with Menma who was the legal heir of the Uzumaki Clan. The eldest inherited the seat and was groomed for it. It would be completely scum-like for Naruto to just step over his life like that.

Naruto was always superior and it gave Menma lot of headache, fear. If Naruto had been a child, this would not have ended on a positive note.

Menma might have tried killing his brother out of desperation but Naruto was a perceptive adult so he made sure to keep close to his siblings and helped them out.

Menma loved Naruto and they were like best friend. Naruto had trained him in fighting and sparred with him countless times. One of Naruto's daily activities was to spar with the family members and help improve their skills while keeping sharp.

He had learnt his lesson and decided to never let peace weaken his fighting spirit.


Naruto woke up at five like usual, as he didn't need more than 3 hours of sleep like normal people. He had even gotten to a level where he could get fully refreshed with just half an hour but he enjoyed sleeping so that was that.

Getting a small snack, Naruto trained like usual in the gym after a run around the compound at full speed. He was joined by other family members and the guards as well.

It was a normal morning ritual of the Uzumaki clan.

In the gym, Naruto worked his body to the extremes using equipment made for high level Tamers instead of beginners.

His body could easily carry 100 tonnes without even using chakra. It wasn't anything special in his eyes but other people didn't think so.

He could run faster than the wind, approaching the speed of sound without even using chakra. It was a feat no mutant could achieve without a partner.

Naruto trained with his chakra after the workout, control training and usage. His chakra levels had dropped to average Chunin levels but with his control it was more than enough. It was also a temporary condition since he would gain the boost once his partner reaches Mega level, pulling him to his original level.

With the low level chakra, he was still too dangerous at his age. Naruto knew how to use the gentle fist, he could open the eight gates, and he knew how to use the chakra scalpel, genjutsu, transformation, substitution, body enhancement, weapon enhancement, elemental control and even knew how to use Tsunade's strength of a hundred.

Even without his normal levels, Naruto was still a very dangerous being and the association had already given him a rank. Naruto was placed as a D Level Tamer without having a digimon and ranks went from F to S.

Following the chakra training, Naruto beat up everyone in a spar for some time and went to wash up before eating breakfast.

Naruto had been home schooled since the age of six, which was a lucky case since New Types went to a completely different system where they had to mature faster to understand their abilities.

Abilities awakened at the age of 3 or close to it.

Naruto came from a clan so they didn't want him to waste time at school when they had everything at home. This is the same for Henry and Rika.

But, Naruto made an argument against it and the kids ended up getting trained together for their mental health.

Takato and some other friends also got the benefit from Naruto's action.

Moving on, finishing up the breakfast Naruto rode out of the house with the blessing from his maids and his family.

They weren't worried so there was no fanfare. All of them knew this was just a formality. They would party once they know what Digimon he got.


"Are you guys ready?" Naruto asked as he stood at the entrance of the Digimon Association with his team.

The Association building was beautiful and took up large area of land. At the entrance were the statues of the Ten Heroes of the world, The Ancients.

It was the strongest Digimon group from 100 years ago to the current age, since they were pretty much immortal at this point.

Most of them were from Japan while the others were from USA. These were the reason that Humanity survived and could continue existing with Digimon.

They were strong enough to negotiate with the Royal Knights and Earth was considered their territory.

The Ancients were separated around the globe to protect different regions from any threat. In the digital world they also ruled over large territories with their armies, though their main territory was in the Ancient Sector.

They couldn't apply their rules in other sectors and needed permission from the rulers to avoid fights.

Nonetheless, they allowed humanity to appear on the game table instead of being treated as disposable pawns.

Naruto was very much interested in meeting them and hearing their story. He also had an urge to fight them.

He was a peaceful person but fighting was in his blood.

"Oooh, I am ready! Let's go, I am so pumped." Takato couldn't calm down at all. Among the team members, he was the weakest since his parents were weak tamers and ran a bakery. He was lucky that his friends took him in and helped him get better than what he would have.

Takato was from a weak background but he was extremely talented and he took to fighting with utter ease.

He just wanted to pass the test and finally meet his dream partner. The Digimon Association's Hypnos system allowed the Tamer's to get the ideal partner, though it depended on the effort applied to see if that would come true.

Henry would usually try to calm him down and Rika would berate him but today there was no such thing as they all felt it.

Today Takato spoke for all of them and they were just too shy to do the same.

Naruto smiled at the scene and it reminded him of old times, his excitement on his first mission.

"Let's go, before Takato runs wild from the anticipation." Naruto muttered as he took Rika's hand and walked inside.


Inside they were greeting by the A.I and led to their destination as all of them had their appointment. They were separated and Naruto entered a totally white room that was devoid of anything.

It was the first test and Naruto saw the world change around him as he seemed to be floating above a mountainous region.

Above the mountains, two giant digimon fought.

Identify the digimon and their evolution line? Which digimon will win?

Naruto received such a question and he answered with ease. He had gone through the database and remembered everything over the years.

Many different scenarios continued to appear. How to capture this digimon?

What is wrong with this digimon?

How does this digimon evolve into this?

What is the best way to defeat this digimon?

What are the best equipments for this terrain?

What is your goal?

Finishing up with the test, Naruto got a small break outside another room.


While Naruto was waiting for his combat test, the head of the Digimon Association Mitsuo Yamaki was watching over him along with his wife and secretary Reika.

Tamer trainees were usually watched by the normal personnel like Na So Ri and Yu Sook Yeong but Naruto and his gang were special so top people were present.

The team leader Kim Mi Jung had been informed of this in advance and she contacted the head once Naruto appeared.

It was a very important event and it would help decide their next steps. According to the digimon that a tamer got, the Association gave them different level of treatment and tried to keep them on their side.

It also made them understand if the tamer would need their protection since no one wanted to lose a good tamer.

It wasn't rare for criminal gangs to ambush Tamers with great potential and it was hard to help them from afar in the digital world.

"How was his health check up?" Mitsuo asked as he looked at Naruto on the screen. He was a man in his thirties wearing a black suit. His expression was cold and his voice calm.

He was a very harsh person and extremely persistent. Among the heads of the Digimon association around the globe, he was one of the most hard headed.

Reika's presence kept him in check from going overboard and breaking people's mentally. He hated failure like the plague. He was ruled by rules and regulations.

He was fair and did his job well.

Mitsuo had met Naruto when the boy was a little child but the presence never seemed to change.

'I feel like the boy hasn't changed at all.' Mitsuo had seen a lot of things but this was new for him. He was very perceptive so he didn't question his feelings.

Naruto's presence hadn't changed somehow and his strength had increased a lot, more than their expectations.

He had been following the reports and Naruto had broken all previous records.

"Sir, is he really human?" Na So Ri asked incredulously as she showed the results of the check-up on the screen.

She had seen it for the first time since Yeong was in charge of the reports about Naruto. She was a woman with short blonde hair and a beautiful appearance. She was from Korea and she was extremely proud of her appearance.

She had been working in Japan for two years now because of certain circumstances. She was a prideful woman that wanted people to admire her looks and style.

She manipulated men around her and got gifts from them. She planned to rope in a powerful man while working at the association.

Nonetheless, she was diligent and didn't ruin her work reputation since Mitsuo was very critical. She knew about him and wouldn't dare mess around or her life would be over.

Her question was normal as the result was not something a human could give. Naruto was at the top of the New Type rookie ranking, he was too powerful for a non-tamer.

"He is a mutant among mutants." Kim Mi Jung replied to her question with a large smile. She was very much interested in Naruto's performance and potential since the day he was tested first.

She had been a low rank official at that time.

Naruto represented great opportunities.

"Right, he is a mutant among mutants. You are watching the new breed of mutants and this could be the normal in the next generation." Mitsuo muttered as he nodded to Mi Jung's words. This was the other reason for his interest.

Naruto's mutation was an isolated case but maybe this would happen in large numbers next time. They had yet to even find why it happened. There was nothing special about Naruto's birth at all.

No Digimon battle taking place near him. No Digital Aurora in the sky. No Royal Knight or high rankers appearing near him.

"Change his rating to C-rank." Mitsuo muttered after seeing the battle, it was so one-sided that they felt sad for the digimon.

All of them were so shocked that it took them few moments to catch his words.


Naruto entered the new room, which turned out to be a pocket dimension in the digital world. The terrain was grassland with a river nearby and in this place stood a Champion level digimon.

The test would usually put a Rookie but they thought it was pointless.

Naruto was wearing a grey armor that covered his whole body but it didn't restrict his movement and felt like he wasn't wearing it.

He was supplied with smoke bombs, poison bombs, grenades, time bombs, electric whip, electric spear and a plasma gun.

Champion level Digimon were strong enough to brush off Anti-tank rounds like they were air. They were faster than sound. They could lift above 100 tonnes with ease.

They could destroy large buildings with a single attack.

The digimon Naruto faced was Leomon. Leomon was one of the most skilled champion level digimon, though he was in the middle levels strength wise.

Naruto looked at the foe while the Lion looked at him. The battle started and Naruto decided to fight him without weapons for a start.

Leomon wasn't the type to play around. He took out his dagger and rushed towards him at full speed. He passed the speed of sound like nothing and aimed for his neck.

Naruto saw him move like normal in his eyes and using chakra enhancement, his body grew stronger to fight against the foe.

With a well placed punch, Naruto broke Leomon's fingers and caused him to howl in pain while dropping the dagger.

Following the punch, Naruto carried with kick to the abdomen.

Leomon jumped back before the kick connected and roared using his energy to stun Naruto with the sound attack.

Naruto cancelled the attack easily with light wind manipulation and threw the dagger at Leomon while covering it in chakra.

Leomon felt the danger like the dagger would follow him even if he dodged so he was forced to attack.


Fist of the beast king

Leomon utilized his energy to throw a lion shaped energy attack towards the dagger and shockingly both attacks got cancelled.

"Don't act so shocked, that was nothing special." Naruto muttered as he closed the distance between them and Leomon felt a fist strike his abdomen.

The hit sent him rolling into the nearby river and broke his ribs.

This was not a strong champion, just a beginner champion but Naruto was beating it with utter ease without even using weapons.

Leomon got out of the water and glared at Naruto without any fear.

Clenching its fist, seeing Naruto walk around casually, Leomon was angered and decided to utilize his ultimate moves.

Fist of the Beast King Barrage

Leomon roared and punched with desperation to defeat his enemy, sending multiple lion shaped energy attacks at Naruto.

Naruto wasn't worried, he threw a kunai into the sky and substituted before throwing another one at Leomon before the beast could realize its doom.

The kunai broke the sound barrier like nothing but failed to pierce Leomon's skull and got stuck.

"Such a thick skull but I would be careful if I were you." Naruto smiled as he walked on air and with his words an explosion took place.

Naruto had placed time bombs on the kunai along with explosion seals.

The explosion rocked the place but Leomon survived. It was on the ground, bleeding from its injuries and a skull fracture very visible.

Its eyes had melted from the explosion and it cried in anguish.

"Man, I really don't like doing such things." Naruto felt disgusted and closed the distance between them and with a single tap to its heart, the beast went silent.

The heart exploded and the test ended.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment