Chapter 5

While Naruto's fight started, the other three also got into their fights. Rika was calm and collected as she walked into the forest region wearing the armor along with the support weapons and a gun in her hand.

She couldn't see the enemy but knew it was a rookie digimon. The test always used a rookie digimon for normal and advanced humans.

Rookie digimon were stronger than normal beasts but humans with equipment could beat them in most cases.

There were certain digimon that were stronger than Mega level digimon in their rookie states but no human had those digimon and none would use them for a test.

The test utilized different types of rookie digimon and adjusted their power level according to the candidate.

The test only required for them to defeat the average rookie digimon since it would be the most common thing for new tamers but for the heroes, it had been adjusted to higher levels as requested.

The kids had asked for strong rookie digimon to understand their true level of power.

Rika's mind was focused on the task and her senses were on high alert. She didn't think about anything else but her target.

Rika was an advanced human, meaning she was super strong and she also had other abilities. She had strong senses and a danger sense.

She could also manipulate items and harden them.

Using the gun, she could manipulate the bullets to ignore the normal course of action.


Rika rolled to the side as a metal ball hit the tree behind her, causing a hole through the trunk. Rika locked on to the position of her target and felt the vibrations from the ground.

There was a purple flash and she shot without stop while moving. The bullets came to life as they headed for the target.

The purple creature was fast as it zig-zagged through the trees while turning around and shooting metal balls at Rika.

Rika managed to dodge all the attacks but lost the creature as it had caused the trees to explode into a mess, blocking her vision.

It was a silent hunter and she couldn't feel its sound.

Rika stopped as she released a flash and smoke bomb in to the region. When the smoke and light exploded, the metal wire on her body started moving to create a maze to capture her target.

With her visor she could see through the smoke and was saved from the flash. She saw the creature fall from above as it was disoriented by the light.

It fell on the wires and with a command those wires coiled around her target, Dorumon.

Rika was about to finish the target when she felt the danger sense and quickly jumped back as an energy wave exploded around the beast, breaking the metallic wires.

Dorumon growled aggressively and released a barrage of metal balls towards Rika.

Dorumon was a beast-like Digimon with purple fur on most of its body. It had two large legs and two arms, each of which had three black claws, as well as a large, vulpine tail. The fur on its chest, paws, snout, and the end of its tail was white. It had two pointed ears with black stripes and two very small black wings. On its brow was a triangular red gem.

Rika ran to the side while changing her pistol to a shot-gun and released powerful explosive shots that curved around the beast or just went through the barrage of iron balls.

Boom boom

Continuous explosions ended and her target was down for the count. Rika rushed forth without hesitation and slashed the downed beast with her short sword, cutting its neck open.

The test ended with that move.


Takato walked over the sand as he appeared on the beach. He was also wearing the standard armor provided by the association but chose his colors, red and blue.

Among the group of friends he was from a weak family but Takato never felt anything negative about it. He loved his family and loved his friends. He never felt jealousy. He only felt the desire to improve and compete.

He was extremely passionate about Digimon and always played around with them at his house or other places. His parents had a Greymon and Golemmon, though both digimon stayed in their rookie states most of the time as they were too big and it would cause trouble with the authorities.

Takato loved the bond tamers had with their partners and wanted to experience it personally. He was also a fan of the Royal Knights, they were so cool.

He wanted to meet them and talk to them. He wanted to draw them from up close.

That was his dream and for that he would have to work hard since Royal Knights don't meet with weaklings.

Takato was determined to get there and by getting there, he would have become a very important figure in the world so there would be no worries about life for him.

Regardless, his parents were doing well since his friends helped them out with the business and now his family owned few branches around the city.

Takato owed them a great favor so he vowed to help them out even if it out his life in danger.


"Let's see what we have here." Takato muttered as he walked around casually, showing absolutely no respect to his opponent.

With a casual gait, he walked on the beach while looking around for his hidden foe.

In his hand was an electric baton and pistol in the other. Takato specialized in close combat and had the offensive power beside Naruto in the group while Rika was speed and traps, and Henry got the expert mind.

Takato whistled as he aimed the gun and shot wildly. The sudden noise broke the serenity and caused the hidden enemy to act.

Takato was almost hit by three water bullets but he expertly dodged them. His ability was a barrier standing 2 meters around him, so he could feel anything that touched and his body would react accordingly without any conscious commands.

It was the fruit of his labor as he had to train a lot for his body to remember such things.

Dodging the attacks, Takato found his target.

It was Gomamon and it wasn't coming out of the water.

Gomamon was a white, furry sea lion (Zalophus californianus) with no nose and long ears, purple markings, an orange-red mane, large claws, a short tail like a Sea otter (Enhydra lutris), and a W-shaped smile with two pointed teeth popping out.

Giving a voice command to his armor, Takato shot out an electric bomb that went towards the water near the foe.

But, the Gomamon fighting him was an experienced warrior and not some newbie. It was a strong rookie and it could tell that Takato intended something bad for it.

With a swing of its tail, the water rose and a large wave crashed on to the beach. It carried Takato's bomb which exploded when coming in contact with the water.

Takato easily avoided the large move and took some distance while thinking and humming. His foe had the field advantage but in the end it was just a rookie.

"Should I play with you the hard way or the easy way?" Takato muttered with a smile and thought about jumping into the water and fighting it up close or attacking it from far.

Takato put away the gun and threw a flash bomb but the beast dived into the water.

Raising an eyebrow, Takato smiled at its action. This wasn't the real digimon, just a program created for them to fight.

Or he doubted a Gomamon would fight him, it was a peaceful type of creature.

Placing the hand on his leg, Takato caught hold of the grenades and like an expert baseball player he threw them at the target.


Continuous explosions rang out and the sea was disturbed by his audacious act. Once it stopped, Takato jumped close to the water and walked closer still.

His baton spun in his hand and he got closer without stop, intending to go deep into the water for his foe while small balls slipped out of his armor.

Takato felt it and jumped as a sea creature tried to drag him into water, it was a large octopus. Gomamon had survived with minimum damage using its water barrier and commanded a sea creature.

On command one of the balls exploded and Takato dived into the sea in the confusion. Locking onto his target, Takato unleashed a hook that caught Gomamon and reeled it back.

Without hesitation, Takato hit the beast in the head with the baton. Takato had dodged all the attacks instead of blocking them with his barrier and even taken his own attacks, the force build up and was released by his attack.

There was no chance for survival as the hit cracked its head.


Henry walked into a factory where he could hear the machines roaring and the smell of oil around him. It was a very noisy place and one of the areas where machine digimon would be found.

Henry was calm and serious as he analyzed his location. He wore the standard armor and carried a spear in one hand.

His specialized in martial arts because of his background but his talent lay in technology. His mutant ability was super perception and digital manipulation.

He was tailor made for creating new digital weapons and such. He was the scientist of the group while Rika was the assassin and Takato was the defense and offence of the group. Naruto was their leader and specialized in all their fields except Henry's.

Naruto was the strongest and all three of them combined couldn't make him serious. They were happy to stay under him and saw a bright future as a team with him. He was an excellent leader and even the adults praised him for his skills.

Henry and the others felt the desire to work harder to catch up to him. It was not nice being carried.

Among the group members, Henry preferred research and exploration. He didn't like fighting much. His dream was to become the beast creator of digital equipment in the world or at least become one of them.

His field utilized the data from the digital world and programmed it to something they wanted. It was a complex and dangerous process. It had caused dangerous events when not done properly.

Regardless, Henry loved it and it was his passion.


Looking around, activated the sonar and found his target as it launched an attack in retaliation. Lightning struck the spear tip as Henry caught the attack and charged his weapon while observing his target.

It was a Kokuwamon.

It was a robotic Digimon with four arms with hand clamp-like chela at the end of the first pair and plugs at the end of the second pair. Its head was shaped like a taser and it has plugs in its shoulders. It had a pair of metal wings on its back. It had red on the brachium of its first pair of arms and its thighs.

He had already expected a metal type and wasn't surprised.

Without delay, Henry used his powers to change the setting of his equipment since lightning attacks would only help the foe.

Flame attribute was added and Henry activated his super perception. He didn't have much time and didn't want to waste it.

The foe moved by flying towards him with its head aimed for his chest. Its speed was exceptional and most people would have trouble with it.

It almost broke the sound barrier but his eyes still kept up and Henry easily prepared for the attack.

Placing his spear in the right position and releasing floating bombs in another direction.

Henry leaned down and hit the foe with his spear on the chest, causing a flame explosion that sent it into the air where the bombs waited.

Kokuwamon unleashed a lightning discharge but was covered in the explosions and Henry caught it using a whip.

Dragging it down with force, he slammed it into the ground and closed the distance as he took out a bomb and placed it on the chest of the disoriented target.

Jumping back, Henry held the shield in front of him that he had been carrying on his back and activated the bomb.

With that the battle was over. In the digital world Henry could be a worse foe than Rika and Takato. All three of them were exceptional in their way and the battle could go either way among them.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

Digimon vs digimon battles will be the most common but humans would also intervene a lot.

I gave them powers because it doesn't make sense for creatures with power to destroy planets and move at light speed to fight with normal humans around. This problem is also in Pokemon and it makes no sense.

How is the world fine around them and how the are the kids following the battle?