Chapter 10

With her superiors leaving, Yeong looked at the team. She was their personal assistant from now, meaning no other team or tamer was her responsibility.

Her duties were now focused and the progress of this team would increase her reputation. This was an honor and she had been granted it for just acting normal.

She just did her job normally and ended up being close to Naruto. Na So Ri appealed for this position once it was announced but she was rejected.

Yeong could tell that her colleague was angry and felt that it was unfair when she was better. Hopefully she didn't bear a grudge was her only thought about that matter.

This was like a dream come true as she could witness the wonders of life through this team once they matured.

Yeong had 100% confidence in Naruto's growth, he wasn't someone that would waste his time and stagnate.

Maybe she could finally reach a new level as a tamer. She had reached a bottleneck at the champion level with her partner Apemon.

Both of them were friendly and chill people but that seems to have caused her partner to stop at that point. It was made worse by the fact that she chose a desk job instead of adventure like other tamers.

She just didn't like fighting and exposing herself to dangerous situations.

But, maybe she could send her partner with the team and have them take care of him while she could watch from the screens.


"Congratulations Guardians, you have been announced as S-rank potentials in the top circles. It has its bad points but there are many good things from this detail. You will have the attention of very important people and have the opportunity to befriend them.

Majority of the top rankers go out of their ways to make contacts so that they can work together in serious situations.

It is best for you to always be social and never instigate fights with other Tamers outside the coliseum. My name is Yoo Sook Yeong and I am a humble tamer but I will do my best to provide the team with the necessary help." Yeong collected herself and walked to the center as she spoke to the team.

"Yeong, you can relax. We are all friends here, no need to be so formal and we are also happy to work with you." Naruto smiled as he got up and told her to loosen up as her body looked stiff.

"Nice to meet you Miss Yeong, we all look forward to working with you. Do you have any advice for me?" Takato asked as he stood up and tapped his digivice, patting Arthur. Digimon were not allowed to roam freely in the human world without permission.

It was the reason why there weren't so many digimon everywhere. This was especially true for giant ones as those were banned except for emergency situations.

"Thank you, Guilmon is a combat species. It would be best to have him keep fighting to satisfy his hunger and allow him to grow. Guilmon is also very sensitive to the tamer so it would be best to never let hate or rage take over your mind.

Arthur will grow best in a positive environment or he could become a violent beast of rage. The Coliseum will satisfy those conditions for now and you can teach your partner new fighting tricks so that his build will move towards Gallantmon." Yeong replied, it was useful and some of the things all of them knew.

Yeong's main role was to take care of them from the human world, watch over them and act as their link. She could manage their missions.

She could find information for them. She could arrange meetings for them.

She could help in the management of the Digital storage. She could help them find the right equipment and guide them to the right places.

She was like their secretary.

"Thanks Miss Yeong, can you gather up information about the Guilmon evolution line and transfer it to me?"

"Yes, I will send data for all of your digimon by tonight." Yeong responded confidently as these were things she did most of the time.

"No need to rush, we can wait for two or three days. Just need something actually useful." Rika said as she looked at Yeong and Naruto.

She had the urge to face-palm.

No matter where they went, Naruto seemed to have charmed someone somehow.

She didn't care about the maids since it was normal in clans to sleep with them. She didn't count them unless it got emotional.

It was the reason she was okay with them and not Mai, there was also the trust issue.

"Work is important but we can postpone it and celebrate this grand day. You are part of our team from now Yeong, so would you care to join." Naruto used to be the first one to always say work first, enjoy later.

But that was part of his regret so he avoided such situations in this life. Work when necessary but don't overdo it.

The team had already planned to party all day with their new partners and show them around the city before joining the celebration at the Uzumaki clan.

All three families would be gathered along with other important friends and individuals. So the night part was slightly official and not some family gathering.

Hearing his words Yeong looked at Naruto and Rika as they were standing hand in hand. She felt that they suited each other.

Rika was a beautiful girl with silky hair and a perfect athletic form. Her looks were better than most models and personally Yeong knew she looked good, but Rika was better.

She was strong and noble just like Naruto.

Yeong had gone with Naruto for lunch and sometimes had coffee together after a check up or when they met by coincidence.

It had built their bond above working relationship and she had ended up thinking of Naruto as her best friend.

She had talked to him about her problems and even gotten advice. Yeong treasured this bond so was personally invested in helping the team to the best of her capability.

"Yes, I will join." Yeong replied with a sweet smile as it was her duty to be close to her team and as a friend, it would be rude to decline without a valid reason.


With that the team left the association and got into a land Rover that had driven itself to the location once the order had been given.

Naruto enjoyed driving, he absolutely loved driving fast. It was a thing that Rika also enjoyed and joined him with.

There were days that both of them could be found racing through the streets on their bikes or cars. Street Racing was legal and there was hardly any danger of accidents and deaths since there were digimon and high level tech involved.

There were designated areas where it was not allowed but otherwise people were cool with it. There were even digimon that specialized in racing and those got involved in these situations so people had something nice to watch as the system allowed them to follow it through the cameras or the tamers among them used their own digimon.

The group drove around town with all their digimon out. They went to a shopping mall and bought some new things for their digimon.

They got some snacks and drinks before moving to the bowling alley and other games. The digimon partners were not given such information so it they learned and played for the first time.

They got lunch and went to the cinema to watch a horror movie with virtual reality style to experience the terror in full form. There was no need to worry about health as the safety system would reject the user and revive them when needed.

It was fun time and they found that Tesla was scared of horror shows. Asura felt challenged and was muttering about finding a way to harm them but he had no way to harm ghost like beings with reality warping powers.

Renamon was chill and just enjoyed it like it was a story while Guilmon's violent instincts were activated so he had to be calmed down.

It seems he couldn't watch horror either.


Finishing up with the team outing, Rika dragged away Naruto to spend time alone. They went to the park and walked alongside their Digimon, talking about normal things. Though, Rika kept on slipping in challenging words during the conversation and didn't let go of his hand. She even went far as to jump on his back and make him carry her around the place.

Seeing her become so open, Naruto saw another side of Rika. Now she wasn't held back by her fears and was using them as fuel.

Rika was someone that he would have definitely fallen in love in the past. Just because he liked soft and cultured women like Hinata, didn't mean that he didn't like tomboyish girls. Hinata was loved by him for her selflessness, her big heart and gentleness. He had never thought about her powers or family.

She was the only woman in his life that loved him for being Naruto and not the deeds he had accomplished. Not even Sakura could say she liked him for being Naruto, as she only fell into place like others once he saved her and fought for her.

Being an empath, Naruto saw the large amount of love and adoration that made him feel complete. Drowning in that ocean of love made him feel relaxed, and he knew that she was the one. She was the only person that could handle his love and keep on loving him no matter what happened.

Rika was opposite of Hinata and wasn't really sacrificial type. Hinata would sacrifice her love, if it meant that Naruto would be happy. However, it was clear that Rika would never give upon him and would make sure that he chose her.

But, Naruto didn't dislike it. He had been on the crossroads of both ways of life in the past. Naruto would have chosen the same path as Hinata, but now he would also choose Rika's path. Why did he need to always compromise? Why did he need to sacrifice his happiness?

Regardless, Rika was still young for him and he was unsure whether to follow the desire of the unknown being.

Finishing up with the alone time, the duo left for the party.