Chapter 11

A.N.This story will be long and cover many events. The romance and such are minor plot points. It will focus on the digimon's growth and the growth of the characters. There will be challenges and dangers.

Valid criticism and suggestions are welcomed with open arms.


It wasn't long that the duo arrived at the party venue, the Uzumaki garden. It was a beautiful place with lush grass, a small pond filled with fish and all around the place there were flowers.

When Rika and Naruto arrived, people thought that she might have taken his heart.

The family members were happy for Rika as she walked over to the girls while Naruto greeted the men. Rika's father was an American citizen called Steven and he had married into the family since he was just a businessman while Rumiko was from a big clan.

He was a tall athletic man with blonde hair and blue eyes. He stood taller than Naruto by 10 cm.

Looking at the man, Naruto was not subdued and greeted him normally.

Steven shook hands with him and pulled him into a hug, "That means you are my son from now on, aren't you."

There was a threat hidden behind those words and Naruto wasn't blind to it.

Mess with my daughter and I will shove poles of various sizes up your ass that you will never walk straight.

"No, I declined her confession. However, I don't have anyone that I like. So, I told her that she could win my heart if she so desired and had the patience." Naruto patted his back and answered calmly.

"I see. I expected as such from you. You are a traditional guy that won't accept love until a mature age. We expected as such and this just confirms it." Steven didn't get angry as it was an event that would help his little girl grow and mature. The family wasn't the type to baby their children as it would only weaken them and destroy their future.

"You are right, as I am waiting until I have grown older. Thank you for not getting angry, Uncle. Please enjoy yourself while I excuse myself." Naruto replied as they turned around to face the others.

Leaving Steven, Minato met up with him. His father looked the same even though he was forty years old.

Just like the other world, his father had the same personality and was a very kind person that was soft spoken most of the time but turned harsh when needed.

He was loyal and diligent. He was good father and husband.

He was a powerful man with great potential and his digimon partners Jazarichmon and Black-Rapidmon had high potential of evolving soon in to Mega.

His eyes held gentle rebuke as he hugged Naruto. He was happy about the potential of his child and he had looked forward to this day.

Menma was his eldest but his personality was harsh and prideful unlike Naruto. Both looked very similar but were opposites.

Minato loved both of them equally, though he favored Naruto because of his personality.

"Are you sure about this?" Minato asked about Rika. This wasn't some normal relationship and couldn't be treated as such.

Anything that went wrong could and would impact both families.

"I am sure. I talked with Rika and we agreed to it." Naruto understood that these questions would come once he took action so it wasn't a surprise.

He patted Minato's back and let him go.

"What about Hikari and Yurine?" Minato asked as Naruto was also close to the sister of the leader of Digi-Destined.

There was also his older cousin separated by generations. They weren't closely related.

She had also been close to Naruto and showed interest in him.

Minato would be fine with any of the girls so it was up to Naruto. He just didn't want Naruto to act like his grandfather Jiraiya.

The man had a tendency to sleep around and indulge in sex. He was always having one night stands where ever he went and wrote about those encounters for people to enjoy.

His wife Tsunade didn't mind because he was too much for her to handle.

He didn't have romantic relationship with others and just kept it physical.

Minato didn't like the antics of his father and hoped that his children weren't corrupted by him.

Minato was monogamous and didn't like people cheating on each other. He accepted polygamous relationships if the people were actually capable of it.

"I like both of them but maybe we will stay as friends. I still don't know where my heart will settle." Naruto replied honestly and held Minato's shoulders.

Both of them looked each other in the eye, "Don't disappoint me."

"I won't, I am very serious about bonds."

"Good! What about your partner? Will you join the Task Force for some time or move to the digital world?" Minato searched for the answer in his eyes and was satisfied for the moment. He knew what kind of person Naruto was so he had proper expectations from him.

"I will train with Asura personally and then move out to the digital world. I like people at the Task Force but I am not interested in doing this work."

"Heh, I don't mind so just enjoy." Minato smiled as he patted his shoulder and walked over to Steven.

Asura was sealed into the digivice as Naruto didn't want him to get influenced by people. He was a new digimon so things would affect easily.

He had the others do the same so all the digimon were taking a rest.

"Congratulations for getting such partners, you finally did it." An arm coiled around his neck and Naruto met his older brother.

Both of them were the same height and looked the same except that he had black hair and red eyes.

"Thanks, what about you?" Naruto asked as he gave him a hug. His older brother was also someone very powerful.

He had three champion digimon and his starter was already reaching for the Ultimate transformation soon because of Menma's aggressive approach.

"Heh, your older brother is doing fine. I will soon get engaged to Elsa and get married. My life is simple and I am walking straight. Don't move hither thither or you will end up with too much on your plate." Menma advised him since he could see that Naruto hadn't settled down yet and he had many girls around him.

Menma had been in his position but he found love in Elsa very quickly and got together. She was Russian and they had met in the Frozen Lands of the Digital World.

"Don't worry, as I know what I am doing."

"Hmm, I am just giving advice. So, do you want to join us in the digital world from now on?" Menma once again asked Naruto to see if he had changed his mind or not.

"Not now, but later for sure." Naruto replied as they walked together to greet the guests.

"Don't act like a stranger and join us soon, okay." Menma bumped his shoulder into him and walked away with a smile on his face.

He wasn't threatened by his brother getting Royal Knight. His partner's final evolution was Heavy Leomon, it was one of the strongest mega level digimon power wise.

With that digimon, he would be one of the strongest members of the family and he would work with his other digimon to get them to a mega level to make him the strongest clan head of the Uzumaki family.

Leaving his brother, Naruto met up with Taichi and Hikari as they arrived.


Tai had spiky brown hair and brown eyes. He was tall for most people but he was still shorter than Naruto by 10 cm.

Tai wore a dark blue shirt with long sleeves under a blue button-up short-sleeved shirt with yellow stars on the sleeves and a pocket on the left breast, as well as black pants and shoes.

He was 25 years old now and was the leader of the Digi-Destined, one of the strongest tamer groups as all members had potential for powerful mega level digimon.

He was a kind and brave person that would give up everything for the safety of his loved ones. As a leader, he treated everyone under him as family and was rarely harsh.

His partner was Agumon that had reached its final stage as Wargreymon but there had been rumors that Tai's digimon had more potential than that.

Rumors of a higher evolution or matrix evolution, making it enter the Super Ultimate range. Some digimon could enter the matrix evolution with their tamers and combine to form a powerful digimon.

This was done some high rank tamers for a new form or just a power-up.

There was also the Hyper Spirit evolution or the fusion evolution. The Fusion evolution was different from DNA Digivolution as it used the same digimon. The digimon that had two types of form on the same level could combine both forms for a new evolution.

Hyper Spirit utilized many digimon on different ranks with the tamer as the core to form a new powerful digimon. This was how Emperor Greymon was formed and the secret to its ultimate power.

On his side was his sister, Hikari. She was a beautiful girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. She was a bro-con and loved her brother a lot.

Hikari was Tai's biggest fan and cheered him on all the time.

She wore a pink top with black pants. She had star earrings and carried a whistle just like Tai carried his goggles on his neck.

Both those items were special to them.

Kari was a kind and soft girl that was opposite of Rika in most ways. Nonetheless, she was fearless most of the time and when she was not, Tai was always there for her.

Just like Naruto, she was a new tamer but got her partner last week. Her partner was Salamon and it showed the potential to reach Ophanimon.

It was one of the reasons for Rika's outburst. Both girls were rivals as they lived in the same neighborhood and knew each other from a young age.

She was born was powerful abilities and could tell what the digimon was thinking and their emotions. She gave a peaceful aura that charmed wild digimon and other digimon that weren't even connected to her.

She had the power to heal.

Just like expected, she had joined her brother's group and was the leading figure along with Takeru who had Seraphimon.

With these two and other additions this month, the Digi-destined had gotten a boost and were highly expected to become the strongest group in Asia.


"Hey, I heard and came right away. Congratulations for getting such a powerful partner, I am jealous." Tai was a chill guy and didn't act formal unlike his right hand Yamato.

Shaking hands and giving on handed hug, Naruto separated from him.

"Thanks, I hope I can have strong bond with my partner as you have with Ryu." Naruto smiled and said his words with honesty. Ryu was Tai's partner and they were like brothers.

"Haha, Just treat them like family and they will treat you like family. Now you kids chill while I meet the others." Tai gave him a wink and patted his shoulder, leaving them together.

Tai liked Naruto a lot because of his personality and skills. He was interested in taking him in and knew that his sister liked him.

Both siblings liked him and wanted him to join them.

They were unaware of what happened since they hadn't met Rika yet.

"I am happy for you and I wish that things will only get better for you." Hikari spoke in a gentle tone as she gave him a hug. Her body lingered longer than usual and he could tell she was giving him a sign.

She was attractive girl so most people wouldn't resist her charms easily especially with her special aura that charmed people.

"Thanks, I wish the same for you. Come, let's get something to drink and eat." Naruto guided her towards the food tables.

"You look different today, feels like you let off some weight from your shoulder." Kari was also very perceptive. She could feel emotions and such just like Naruto, meaning she could tell something changed.

Naruto understood that she sensed his release. He had been acting restrained by habit.

"Of course, he carried me around gently today so all the trouble melted away." Rika had been watching Naruto while talking with the women that surrounded her and decided to walk in to the conversation when she noticed Kari.