Chapter 13

Leaving the girls to talk to each other, Naruto met up with Steve Rogers. He was the head of the Digimon Task Force in USA and one of the strongest Tamers alive.

He looked young but he was in sixties.

With a strong build and good heart, he led the team to keep peace in his region. USA had the strongest tamers and people with violent tendencies so the region was hard to manage. It had survived the initial invasion of Digimon and rebuilt itself from the ground. China was on a similar scale of power as well but it seems USA got lucky with their tamers as it was ground zero of the most dangerous battles in the world that ended up causing powerful mutations. They also had the most perverted people in the world so New Types appeared in that region before anywhere else.

It was surprising to see him present. He had been present in the city, meeting the commander of the local Task force and decided to accompany him to this celebration.

Steve already knew about Naruto and they had fought once, he had been invited personally to join them in the USA.

"Congratulations Naruto, I knew you had a great future ahead of you. This was an unexpected event so I didn't really prepare proper gift, hope this will do." Steve was the friendly type of person and wise. He shook hands and gave Naruto a hug.

Among the people Naruto knew in this world, he hit off with older people the most since they were his age. He liked Steve and was even friends with Minato's boss.

Steve brought out his red and blue digivice with the star on the back. Naruto took out his digivice and Steve sent something to him.

Naruto was hard to shock but what Steve sent him was the most precious thing he had received in both lives.

"Steve, I can't have this. It is too precious, so use it on your partner." Naruto wished to have it but the thing was too good. The Uzumaki clan didn't even have it and people would kill for it.

It was a piece of gold chrome Digizoid.

It was the strongest metal in the digital world and was almost invincible. It was derived from the Huanglong ore.


Huanglong Ore was an incredibly scarce virtual ore that could only be found underground. It could only be scratched by other Huanglong Ore, and so it couldn't be compared with other minerals and metals, and its absolute hardness was impossible to measure. Despite this, it also had profound weight, so it was not suitable for things like weapons or armor. Although living things could unify with Huanglong Ore, it took even more years than those since the age of myth, and so Huanglongmon was the only Digimon that had currently been discovered to have unified with it. However, Groundramon, which prefers to inhabit veins of the rare ore, had been found to have elements of Huanglong Ore comprising the scales covering its body.

Chrondigizoit Metal resolved these weaknesses, and was said to be a more excellent rare metal. The formal name of the Chrondigizoit Metal used by Metal-species Digimon was "Chrondigizoit Hybrid Organism alloy", and is abbreviated as "CHO-alloy". Chrondigizoit alloy was an intermediate material between Chrondigizoit Metal and living tissue, so it was able to integrate with living tissue, and it possessed both the super-hard firmness of Chrondigizoit, as well as the smoothness of living tissue; armor made from Chrondigizoit would deflect any attack.

The virtual super-metal Chrome Digizoid refined from Chrondigizoit was the strongest metal in the Digital World, and was vulnerable only to the strongest of attacks and other objects made from Chrome Digizoid. As such, it was frequently used as a base of comparison for hardness, with lower-purity Chrome Digizoid being slightly softer. Chrome Digizoid mines were rare and few as the metal formed through unknown means and was comprised of high class data.

In the vast Digital Multiverse, the metal was in low supply and caused massive battles. Powerful groups and kingdoms protected the region where they found it, and independent adventurers would get themselves killed if they entered such territories.

Many Digimon, especially Metal-species Digimon, incorporated Chrome Digizoid into their weapons or armor, and it could even be grafted directly to the user's body. The Digi-Egg of Miracles was also made of Chrome Digizoid. Despite being a metal, it was flexible enough to be used for constructing wings. Certain beings also attained sentience due to their Chrome Digizoid composition. While the basic form of Chrome Digizoid was quite strong on its own, it was possible to refine it into five chromatic variations with unique abilities. These refined alloys can then be hybridized into even more powerful forms.

Among these forms, the strongest was the Gold variant.


It was a small piece, the size of a tennis ball, but the value was phenomenal.

Steve smiled as he expected such a reaction. Unlike other little kids, Naruto had always been very humble and devoid of greed.

Such a thing would tempt any mortal soul to have it, though they would say the same words as Naruto to show fake humbleness calculating that the gift will still be passed to them.

Naruto's words were genuine and he didn't hold the desire to have it.

"Are you sure? My partner already has upgrades, so he doesn't need this tiny thing. I was thinking that you could make some gauntlets for your partners with it." Steve asked as he shared his plan for the item.

It was part of goodwill and increasing the bond between them. Steve definitely wanted Naruto to come join them in Washington but even without that, Naruto was the future so it was best to arm him.

There were other kids with potential but none of them were close to him like Naruto, which is why he gave the gift. He believed Gallantmon was a better digimon than Gankoomon, as it was quite obvious since Gankoomon had to struggle to get there while Gallantmon was the right hand of Omnimon.

Omnimon was the new leader of the Royal Knights while the old leader Imperialdramon-Paladin mode seemed to have disappeared without a trace decades ago.

The old leader was the strongest digimon that humanity knew about while the new leader was a grade below the old.

Regardless, even the new one was too powerful for anyone to fight except the top two of humanity.

Hearing his words, Naruto thought about it.

"I am sure." Naruto promptly sent it back. This thing was a bomb and would cause massive trouble for him at this stage.

He didn't even need it now.

His digimon wouldn't be able to handle the integration at this stage and it was like putting up a big sign.

Come and kill me in bold.

"Good choice, but I will set it aside for you. When you feel you are ready, give me a call and I will send it to you." Steve was happy since even the smart kids would falter at this moment and forget about the dangers.

To build upon that, Naruto didn't even say to set it aside for later. It meant he didn't care about getting the metal.

"You are giving me too much favor with this action. I will look for something to give before that day or you could call on me in time of emergency and I will come." Naruto could see that Steve was going to be persistent. The gift had his name written on it and he wasn't going to stop throwing it at him.

Naruto had planned to explore and find such things personally but he already got a piece.

It didn't change the plan since he would still need more of it.

These metals were the best method of giving your partner a permanent power-up. Digimon with evolutions that had this metal as part of their traits required the most amount of data.

Tai had to cause genocide in the Dark Area and find a lot of other ores to turn his Metal-Greymon into Wargreymon.

The same went for Yamato and his Metal-Garurumon.

Some digimon evolved easily while some were impossible tasks alone, it was the reason why there weren't so many of them.

There was also the fact that strong Ultimate digimon were strong enough to break the barrier between worlds and all Mega were capable of it.

This was in the past and now the barrier had been strengthened so it was rare for digimon to slip through unless a crisis took place.

"Fine, I will give you a call when you have grown some and send you on a hard mission. No more complaining or I am getting Wanda to brain-wash you." Steve patted his shoulder and warned him.

Wanda also known as the Scarlet Witch was a powerful member of the team. She was a New Type with power over chaos and mind control also fell under it.

She was actually stronger than Steve, just like some other members like Thor, Sentry and Hulk but Steve was the head because of his skills as a leader.

"No need, I am happy with that arrangement." Naruto agreed and avoided getting his mind touched by the Witch.

Steve was happy with that and talked to Naruto about his problem with the Brotherhood. The Hell-Fire club had also been making trouble in his territory along with White Tiger Gang from China, SUC from Korea and even Ouroboros from Japan.

The XMen helped out but the fact that so many criminal organizations had a hand in their country was alarming.

They were worried something big might happen that they were unaware off.

It wasn't something Steve would have shared with anyone else but it was his trust in Naruto that led him to talk about it.

Naruto could see why he would be worried and mentioned some reasons.

There was some treasure appearing in the Digital world section connected to USA.

There was a unique digimon that would appear in the USA.

Final but the worst, they were trying to topple the government and intending to destroy balance in the world so they don't have to hide like rodents.

Steve had thought about the first two but the last one never even registered in his mind and the same went for others.

He was so shocked that he ended up excusing himself and took away all the important personnel from the Task Force.

Kushina and Minato had to leave to join the meeting as they started a new round of discussion with Naruto's last suggestion as the central point.

Naruto took it in stride as he knew life could never be absolutely peaceful for him. He just had to walk his path and make sure that he didn't fall of the cliff this time.


A.N Hope you enjoyed