Chapter 14

The celebration lasted until late night and the Tamers received various gifts from everyone. People ate and acted merry as all of them were acquaintances, no random person was invited.

With the party ended, Kari left with her brother and Rika also left with her family.

Takato was still full of energy but his parents took care of him, he wasn't staying up all night thinking up plans today.

Henry didn't need to be told as he had schedule to follow, so he would go to sleep unless there was a special occasion.

All of them went to sleep before 12 but there were days that Naruto stayed up late into night meditating on the pond.

Today was another day he was going to stay up late because of something that hadn't happened for decades now.


With the guests gone, Naruto went to his room where Morrigan was waiting for him.

Morrigan was a beautiful young woman with long sea-green hair, wearing a sleeveless black bustier-like top adorned with white feathers and a small heart cut out of the midriff; purple nylons emblazoned with bat patterns; black boots; and conspicuous bat-like wings protruding from her back and the sides of her head. She could reshape these wings and her limbs into many forms, including spikes, blades and drills, or even handheld laser cannon, as well as using them to shield herself from enemy attacks. Her wings could separate from her, forming into an army of bats that could aid her in battle, and her outfit itself was actually made of a swarm of supernatural bats too.

Her looks were out of the world and her body was just irresistible. Her body was just a fine piece of art.

It wasn't hard to tell that she was the directly connected to the Demon Lord of Lust, Lilithmon.

Her personality was like that of a succubus except, she didn't kill her partners. She was a playful and sexual person.

She was very open about her desires and seduced who ever she liked.

Regardless of her vulgar personality, Morrigan was a kind and caring. She loved the Uzumaki family and her sisters.

She would put down her life for them. Among the maids, she was the strongest but second as a Tamer as she was lazy about it.

If she gave it her all, she would have been the strongest Tamer in the Uzumaki family. Her partners were Lady-Devimon and Doumon.

Both were powerful Ultimate rank digimon and her partner had the potential to become Mervamon, one of the Olympus 12.

So she was also a very important figure in Japan and one that people were watching carefully. She was 25 years old now and she had entered the Uzumaki family when she was 15.

She had been lost in the Dark Area and survived without anyone raising her. She had no memories of her life in the region and it seems that there was dark trauma stored in her memories.

The Dark area was a dangerous place with the vile creatures, human and digimon. It wasn't hard to imagine that she could have been tortured in various ways.

Nonetheless, Morrigan never acted hurt and was always a chill person.

It was a mystery how Naruto had such an intense life force but she didn't care about finding the origin. She only wanted the vitamin D.

"Is this why you called for me?" Naruto didn't think that Morrigan would target him. She had called him during the date as well and now her features told of a deep hunger.

"Sorry master, but you look so delicious. I have always found you charming and your life force was already intense, so I had some expectations. Now seeing it up close, your life force has broken anything I could have imagined.

I know you don't like what I do. But, I have no choice. It is my very nature and I can't go without it. People call me lazy, but my powers won't go up without indulging in extreme sexual relationships. You know I like it, but it gets boring after some time. I want to also experience real love, and most people can't ever match my power." Morrigan appealed to his emotions and showed her vulnerability.

"What about Thor, Sentry or Hulk?"

"Not my types, one is a mental wreck, one is a berserker and the other is muscle brain. You are my type. You have the looks and the mind to catch my interest. Please Master, allow me to serve you. I have been waiting for this day for a long time now." Morrigan didn't even ask Naruto to take her as a lover or anything. It was something that she thought was impossible. However, she believed that it was easier to appeal to him as a maid since it was quite normal in clans and even someone like Rika wouldn't mind it.

Naruto was silent for a moment as he tried to see what she really felt and what her desire was. He could understand her issue and felt bad about it. To him Morrigan was family, so he couldn't look the other way especially since he was someone that would always help others.

"Let me try something." Naruto took her hand and transferred his energy into Morrigan. However, it didn't work or Morrigan would have already done it since that would be much easier.

"Master, there is no other way. My body won't accept energy like that, as it has to go through exchange of bodily fluids." Morrigan reminded with eyes filled with anticipation and hope.

Looking at her like that, Naruto felt sad about letting her go and act on things that she didn't like. It wasn't like he found her unattractive. Morrigan was extremely attractive in his eyes and he felt a similar sensation towards her as well.

Though, he really didn't like her type in that manner. He was more on the conservative side of things.

"You should try finding someone else to love. I am sorry, but we are not compatible. However, I will help you until then." Naruto held her chin and declined her offer before giving her a long kiss that lasted for a long time. It had been long time since he kissed someone and it felt extremely pleasurable because of Morrigan's ability. It also felt extremely good for the girl because of his ability with chakra.

Letting her go, Morrigan felt breathless and full of energy. She couldn't believe that a kiss could do such a thing to her, but it did and it increased her desire for Naruto.

"Master, thank you so much. But, I don't want to change my target. I will definitely make you take me one day. I don't mind changing for it." Morrigan hugged him tightly and knew that Naruto's preferences were different, so she couldn't expect him to just say okay. She had to work on her image before that could be considered.

Watching the girl disappear, Naruto didn't know what was wrong with all the girls around him. None of them were backing away even when he said no and made things difficult.

'If I was younger, I would have definitely enjoyed such an experience.' Naruto thought about his easy going personality of old and smiled with nostalgia.