Chapter 15

Morning was different than usual for Naruto as he felt refreshed for the first time after decades as his chains had vanished and his power was free to grow without limits. After so many years, he had stayed awake most of the night and meditated under the moon light while letting his body awaken the chakra within.

However, during the time he had been attacked by another vampire/succubus. It was LadyDevimon, Morrigan's humanoid partner known as Eve.

She was being of dark desires and embraced them unlike her counter-part Angewomon. Lady-Devimon was the fallen version of Angewomon so she was a high class beauty by default.

She blood red eyes and pale skin color. Her body was covered in darkness, living darkness. She wore a leather mask to cover her face and wore a leather suit.

She always had chains around her and used them for combat.

Just like her master, Eve was a slut. Her final evolution was Lilithmon so it wasn't hard to guess what kind of personality she had.

She was a succubus just like Morrigan but Eve had sadistic tendencies unlike her master who liked to try out everything.

Eve liked to make people into masochist and broke them so they were her sex slaves.

She was only loyal to her master and respected Morrigan for her wild personality. She didn't really have any morals but followed the rules as it could lead to death.

The lack of morals in the dark beings and their dark desires made them very hard to manage unlike other species so most people avoided dark evolutions.

Regardless, Eve was a beautiful woman with a good head on her shoulders. She was an exceptional fighter and special among her kind.

Last night, Eve had experienced something new. She had been subdued by a man during battle of wills. She had sparred with Naruto and forcefully kissed him because of the immense life force Naruto was leaking. The life force wasn't big enough for Eve, but its purity was insane. It was something that would only be found in Mega level Digimon.

Getting drunk on the delicious taste, Eve had tried to use her powers on Naruto to seduce him to go further. However, in the human world she was under restriction and couldn't produce much strength unless her master gave permission. Meaning, Naruto kicked her ass around the garden and pinned her to the floor.

He wasn't the type to go easy because the foe was a woman and he had already learned beyond his past so he could even fight family at full power.

Subduing her with ease since Naruto's power was easily in the champion level while his fighting experience was in the Mega level.

Getting beat up seemed to have awakened something in the perverted woman as she didn't complain about it.

Regardless, Naruto helped her up and warned her not to do it again or he would be forced to have her terminated.

But, the girl didn't seem to learn her lesson. Naruto woke up with the girls sleeping on his bed again. It seems his message to Hikari had been shared with everyone and all of them were trying to seduce him.

Getting off the bed, Naruto went to take a bath and Morrigan along with Eve followed him like it was natural.

Naruto allowed it as it wasn't the first time they helped him relax. Dipping into the hot water, Morrigan acted like a proper maid and made him comfortable.

Getting to relax, Naruto's mind started moving again.

Naruto still didn't know why he got reincarnated but from his understanding of the Digital world, he could make some guesses.

The Digital world took from the real world and formed things that were famous. In this world, there had been a manga about his life that had ended decades ago before his birth.

The digital world could have taken from that and ended up dragging his soul to this world. There was also the possibility that he wasn't the real Naruto, and he was just a digital being.

Finally, there was the possibility of a higher being summoning him for a task. He had read enough of those stories to his little sister Rias who loved the fantasy genre to remember it.

There were candidates such as Hestiamon, Gaiamon or Shakamon but he wasn't sure since none had contacted him.

Regardless, he didn't worry his head about things beyond his control.

He had his partner to take care off.

He had training.

He had to meet up with his team. He had to go on dates and chill.

He had to meet with Tai and Steven.

"Yes, we will make sure that you will be happy and satisfied. I think Hilda and Ruri will join easily if Master desires. Hilda and Ruri both love you. Ruri has always been vocal about it." Morrigan spoke from behind as she massaged his shoulders, trying to entice him into starting a harem. She liked her sisters, so she wouldn't leave them out.

Naruto knew Hilda like the back of his hand and she would give without any problem. Ruri on the other hand was a prideful girl and violent.

She loved him but sharing with someone else didn't seem one of the options. She had a berserker personality and power.

Just like Morrigan, Ruri was related to a demon lord in some way and had the power of rage. She wasn't the daughter of Daemon but somewhat related to him.

Hulk from the US Task Force was the son of Daemon while Thor was the son of Odinmon.

"I think Ruri would try to chop you up for suggesting it." Naruto chuckled at the thought of Ruri swing her large war axe. She was an expert close range fighter and was blessed with a powerful body that made him look weak in comparison without using chakra.

"Oooh is master scared. I thought you didn't fear anyone and would make any person you liked, submit to your rule." Eve teased as she tried to step inside the bath tub and stopped after seeing his glare.

"Not really, I could easily handle Ruri and all of you."

"Master, aren't you being too arrogant. Any Mega level digimon would down you in bed, you know. If you meet Lilithmon, she would drain you completely and you would 't even dent her desire." Eve caught her breath as she talked to him.

Naruto was definitely impressive but she could satisfy him without any help. His physical stats were not on her level.

Naruto could see her thought process and Morrigan also seemed to agree. Naruto's stat could become higher but no human had gotten the stats of an Ultimate digimon.

Eve could literally kill him with a single swipe of her hand.

"Trust me you haven't seen my growth yet. My powers work differently, now that the seal is off my power will grow very fast.

My stats would be equal to strong Mega's. I have seen my potential, so let me show it to you." Naruto's eyes shone as reality rippled around them and the room had changed into space.

In space they saw an older Naruto covered in golden energy and he released a giant spiraling ball at a planet, causing it to explode.

There had been a target but the girls couldn't see it.

Eve was impressed by the scene, as no normal mega could replicate such a feat. But she didn't believe him. She thought he was being delusional.

What non-sense, did he smoke something while she wasn't looking?

She felt her respect for her go down as she rolled her eyes.

Even Morrigan almost cringed. Naruto was supposed to be mature and humble.

How did he end with such thoughts? Did it happen now or was he always hiding such ridiculous thoughts behind that wise persona?

It didn't take a genius to notice their reactions. He could feel their affection points going down.

They were about to mark him as a retarded braggart. It almost made laugh like crazy. It was a similar reaction to what he would get in his younger years when he said he would become the Hokage.

"I know it looks ridiculous, doesn't it. But you will see the changes. How far do you think I can go in a month?" Naruto leaned back and looked up into Morrigan's eyes.

She kept her features normal, as she didn't want to make him feel down unlike Eve.

Looking at his eyes, she could see that he was normal. There wasn't anything crazy about them but the claim was still too much.

That was power close to the Royal Knights.

She licked her lips and looked down before answering with a smile.

"Hmm, equal to a Peak Leomon." Morrigan answered, her choice was very high in the rating but she gave it because she thought he was special. Though she believed that he would top at high Champion level, reaching even the weakest Ultimate level was impossible.

Ultimate digimon treated champion digimon like fodder. It was rare for any champion to have the ability to fight against one.

Leomon that Naruto fought wasn't a normal one. It was programmed to be a weak champion while the real one was an expert fighter and had high stats, higher than Greymon and such digimon.

"Hahaha, I can see that you think I have gone crazy. Not a first time seeing those expressions but I will take on this challenge. In one month, I will reach beyond High Champion level and defeat a digimon of your choice. What do you girls think?" Naruto laughed with genuine amusement. He loved this feeling. The challenge and excitement of the fight was so much better than the desk job.

Eve saw his confidence and radiance. His voice and aura was very pure, another reason why she hadn't liked him but the confidence drew her in.

"I really don't want to change forms, so please act with caution." Eve said as she bit his ear and drew blood.

If her dark side was cleared, Eve would transform into Angewomon.

Morrigan's eyes shone at his expression as he looked really handsome, he looked so free and clear off any problems.

"I don't know what to say about this except that I will believe it when I see it. Master wouldn't like me to lie, would he?" Morrigan smiled as she hugged his back.

"I wouldn't. But know that I do not indulge in wild fantasies, such things are beneath me." Naruto didn't say more as he was going against the norm of this world.

He was already abnormal back home and even they wouldn't believe it unless they witnessed his fight against Momoshiki and Ishiki.