Chapter 16

Finishing up with the bath, Naruto took breakfast with his family before moving to the artificial mountain side of the Uzumaki residence.

It was a rocky area with giant boulders and a fake mountain that gave the area a good look. This was used for aesthetics and for training physical strength.

Walking to this place, Naruto finally summoned his partner Asura who had been sleeping but had woken up early to the noise of his early morning activities.

He was just a new digimon with bare minimum data of the basics. His personality had yet to fully form but his starting point was of a calm and collected person.

Asura wasn't hungry as the digivice had provided him with food data when he asked. Naruto had put it on auto, to provide him with food when he was hungry.

Asura was intelligent enough to take care of his bodily needs and only required Naruto to provide him the resources.

Inside the digivice, Asura had a large open room with no furniture. There were paintings and motivational writing along with a book shelf that contained only one book about martial arts.

There was a TV with videos on fights.

It lacked life as Asura was new and had yet to form likes and dislikes.

Waste data was taken care of by the device and converted into energy.

Standing in front of his master, Asura saw that his master looked different from their first meeting. He seemed happier somehow.

He didn't understand but thought that it might have to do with his mating partners.

Does it make you happy? Asura wondered. He was a Candlemon and most digimon didn't have any sexual desires so he could never really understand it.


"How was the night?" Naruto asked his little partner as he sat down on the boulder in a meditative pose.

He could see that Asura showed curiosity, a good trait, and was perceptive.

It wasn't hard to see that he had inherited a lot from him. The yin-yang powers and the abilities, Asura was definitely not going to become a normal Gankoomon.

Looking at his partner, he had a long way to go but Naruto would shape him up to above his prime.

"It was fine, thank you for asking Master. What about your night Master?" Asura asked in a calm tone as the flame flickered above him.

He talked through the fake wax body instead of his real body that was the flame.

"Heh, it was wonderful. Now, do you know what our goal is?" Naruto smiled as he patted Asura with a chakra hand while his partner digimon took in the sight with interest.

"Our goal is to make me Gankoomon." Asura replied without hesitation as he couldn't see any other goal.

Naruto nodded, "That is partially our goal. Our real goal is to make you stronger than Omnimon."

Asura blinked in surprise as he looked at the data present inside his head. Gankoomon would get three shot by Omnimon if he was lucky or get one shot if he was unlucky.

"Is Master crazy or is this exaggerative part of speech. Like aim for the stars so that we can atleast land on the moon." Asura voiced his confusion.

"Hahaha, it is not." Naruto couldn't help but laugh. He had grown from this phase to the point where people would consider everything he said a truth, now back to the starting point.

It actually made life much better as there really wasn't much challenge at the top. If the Otsutsuki didn't exist, Naruto could see that his life would have been really boring and he might have died of overwork.

Very warriors like death, not.

Asura didn't say a thing and waiting for the explanation. His master was a humble and talented person, so he should have a reason for his words.

He was an ambitious person but never touched things beyond his reach.

"Asura, are you the same as other Candlemon?"

Asura took that question and the answer was obvious.

"No" He didn't understand.

"Compared to other Candlemon, what is your rating?"

"I am A-rank rookie while a normal version is D-rank." Asura answered calmly. A-rank meant very powerful rookie that could treat others of their kind as fodder within a short time.

S-rank rookies were monsters like Lucemon that could kill Mega level digimon.

"You see that difference, it is because you inherited my abilities. I am going to modify your Digivolutions and teach you these abilities, making you above Omnimon. That is our goal, does it make sense now?" Naruto was intent on making Asura understand because without being on the same point, training wouldn't be as effective and their bond would weaken from a neutral point.

Asura took in the information, he was above his kind by a lot and it was because of abilities from his master. His next form would be different again, and he would be above his kind again.

Repeat the process and his power level would increase over and over, getting him to a level easily above Gankoomon.

"I understand, but how will this work? What will we do?" Asura agreed but now how to get there. He felt a tingle in his digital heart from this topic but didn't understand that he had felt some excitement.

Naruto smiled at the response and he was happy that they were on the same page, not a bad start.

"I will teach you techniques and how to utilize them in combat. I will spar with you and you will spar with other digimon. You will read and study different material. But all this will be done in moderation and we will also enjoy our time so none of us has a breakdown. We aren't racing against time so we don't have to kill ourselves to get stronger." Naruto replied as looked at Asura.

"Understood, what should I do now?"

With that Naruto stood up and jumped down before placing his hand on Asura. Naruto once again checked his partner.

"First, I will help you get a humanoid form. All your future evolutions are like that so it is good to start from now." Naruto said as he formed the picture in his mind.

Asura understood the point and knew that his current form was not very battle worthy. It gave his foes an advantage because of his low movement ability.

With that understanding between them, Naruto took out liquid metal of golden color. It was the same material that Asura had as the candleholder.

It was harder than any man made material and required heat above 5000 degree Celsius to melt it. But in the digital world it wasn't rare, just some common stuff.

Naruto could have gotten something better but for now he didn't want to cause unexpected complications with his partner.

It was best to use something familiar.

Taking out the tub filled with liquid metal from digivice after getting it just before coming here, Naruto placed Asura in it.

With money and becoming a tamer, Naruto had access to the Tamer Shop where he could buy digital equipment and other various items that were useful for tamers.

Asura could feel the heat from the metal and the wax seemed to melt a little, but he was a fire digimon in the end so he could control the wax without feeling any pain.

Naruto started the process without further stops as his chakra entered Asura while the digivice was also there for support.

Using his control over elements, Naruto reshaped Asura.

The metallic body below melted as Naruto modified it using the digivice, Asura was held up by Naruto and didn't fall into the metal.

Controlling the metal and the wax, Naruto formed a human like body with a spiky tail.

Asura's wax form took on a young humanoid look that was similar to Naruto's face while the golden metal was intricately woven to form a proper armor for his partner.

Everything was covered up except for the head so that Asura could leave the armor when needed and use his was for combat as well.

The gold gauntlets had openings at the finger section as well.

Once Naruto was finished, Asura looked like a proper fighter and his weakness had been dropped.

Following the body getting completed, Naruto took out his fuinjutsu kit. Sadly, he hadn't learned anything powerful back home but he knew some seals.

Using the blood from Eve, Naruto drew some weight seals that could produce up to 10 tonnes. That was his limit and he didn't know how to draw another version.

He had tried messing around but it required proper knowledge.

The weight seals were for building strength of Asura's wax control skill and providing more power to his metallic body during a fight since he couldn't really do actual body building as he didn't have one with flesh and blood.

Naruto also drew a barrier seal that he could activate when needed.

Finally he added a fire sealing mark, which would help Asura avoid having his armor get melted.

The only other seal Naruto knew was the chakra seal, storage seal and explosion seal. He was pretty much terrible at this thing.

He didn't talk about these skills from shame. It was one of his life regrets. He had postponed it every day.

I will do it tomorrow everyday for a decade and now that tomorrow would never come unless he got back to his old world.

His ancestors must be turning in their graves at light speed since their last hope had died without leaving any fuinjutsu legacy.

Finished with the process, Naruto had expanded half of his chakra with the digivice as it needed energy to utilize such abilities.

Tamers would kill wild digimon and store data to utilize the skills from the digivice but they could also feed it energy.

Naruto fed it some digimon data borrowed from his clan and gave his chakra for the best results. The form became permanent and it got saved in the database.

Candlemon Asura Mode

It was stored under the Uzumaki clan. He wasn't the first person to do such a thing as other people also modified their digimon in various ways for different reason.

Stats were a common reason but some people didn't like that their digimon looked same as others and modified them.

"Master, I feel stronger and heavier." Asura knew that his partner could modify him but this was a new one and his stats were further enhanced by the new form.

For the finishing touches, Naruto created the Yin-Yang symbol on the back.

"Good, now we have more work to do. Follow my lead and maintain your form, don't break under the weight." Naruto patted his back as he looked at the golden wax warrior.

The flames looked like they were Asura's hair, pony-tail style.

Naruto also activated the seals on his items. He had weight seals on at every moment but to a limited degree as it would tax his body and his chakra wasn't high enough to continuously heal him.

With that Naruto stretched his body in various flexible positions in slow motion so that Asura could follow his lead.

Asura's real body was the flame and the rest was like a puppet. Watching Naruto, he easily replicated what was shown but had trouble because of the weight.

It wasn't high enough, just 100 Kg, but it was a lot for a beginner.

Asura had to manipulate his was body to hold and act like a real body under the new weight. The weight was a problem but it was possible for him, the problem was doing the movements with it.

After doing some actions, he got stuck and had to focus his form again.

It continued for 10 minutes and Naruto started running. The speed continued to rise as he went around the whole residence.

The pace was slow enough for Asura to keep up as his speed had increased and surpassed sound by a lot.

Asura was High potential digimon but he was still new and under pressure so his speed was on the same level as a top class normal human athlete.

Over the course of the run, Asura fell and rolled countless times as he adjusted his form. There were obstacles in their path as Naruto wasn't taking a simple path.

"These are necessary because you aren't going to run straight in a battle. The terrain and your enemy won't make it easy for you, it is your job to utilize what you have and for that you need experience." Naruto wasn't heartless and continued to give Asura encouragement as they ran.

He was like Naruto's son, so he gave him the care that his children received in the early years.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment