Chapter 17

After finishing the running course, Naruto gave time for Asura to catch a break. It was his first day at training so he needed to take it easy or dark emotions could form a seed inside Asura.

Training with such intensity wasn't easy and it wasn't for everyone so he had to slowly put Asura into that position with results and encouragement.

He had to fire up his desire for challenges and fights.

Naruto took out a bottle of Fairy water to drink while passing Asura some champion digimon flames. Asura didn't need water and he didn't produce waste normally.

His body extracted waste data and threw it out, which was in the shape of dark spores. It means that the digimon was unable to fully utilize the data so the remaining was discarded.

This waste data was harmful and could corrupt other digimon if there was a lot of it or it could form a new digimon.

Asura was a flame digimon so he ate flames and his next Digivolution was Meramon so Naruto was intent on feeding him powerful flames to make his future form stronger.

Normal Meramon could produce heats up to 8000 degree Celsius, Naruto was aiming for at least 12, 000.

Fortunately, he had access to powerful flames so it wasn't hard but this didn't mean he could skimp on the training. Without proper training and challenges, there was zero possibility of becoming a powerful digimon.

"How was it? How do you feel?" Naruto asked after taking the refreshing drink that helped him regain his chakra.

It was water from the Forest of Fairies and was one of their main products that they traded with humans. It helped in the growth of mana and healed lost mana.

Most humans didn't have similar energy so they would rarely drink it for the taste and would use it for their digimon but Naruto had chakra so he also took it regularly when training.

This was not a product for someone from a humble background to take daily. Naruto was rich so he didn't act humble and increase his time for recovery. He utilized his family background without holding back.

In the old world, he had been too humble and lived a frugal life. His clothes were normal and everything else to.

He was the clan head of the Uzumaki, the strongest ninja and the Hokage but he lived in a normal house. He was still okay with that fact but the rest wasn't okay.

He could now see why Boruto had been so ashamed and embarrassed by others. He was so easily impressed by money.

Even though he was at the top, his children found buying a store impressive.

When he learned of that, he had felt shame and regret that he didn't give his children the best life possible.

He could have made them live like Kings and Queens but they lived a normal life while everyone around them wasn't normal.

Shikamaru lived in his clan compound that made his house look like a hut. Ino also lived in the clan compound and it was huge.

Sakura did live in a similar normal house but that was by choice, Sasuke still had the whole of the Uchiha compound.

All of Boruto's friends were loaded with money except Iwabe, that kid was normal.

So this time, Naruto lived the luxurious life that suited him. He was from the Uzumaki clan so it would abnormal for him to not own expensive items.

He found joy in racing so he had a collection of cars and bikes.

He liked guns and knives so he had a collection of those weapons.

This time he made sure to enjoy life to the fullest. Mistakes had been made and he couldn't fix them anymore but he could avoid them now.

Asura chomped on the fire data given to him, it was hotter than his body so he had to slowly take it in according to Naruto's instructions.

He was very much tired after the run. His mind was feeling heavy and he almost felt dizzy. He didn't have a body to feel fatigue but he had mind to feel it.

His flame body flickered as he ate and Naruto's voice rang inside his mind.

Asura blinked and looked towards Naruto. The ponytail like flame body moved towards Naruto while the armored body lay flat on the ground.

There was no fatigue on his partner and it showed him the difference in their stamina. Asura felt the desire to continue seeing that.

He didn't like being on the ground like this.

What is the feeling? Asura wondered

"Master, I feel tired but I also don't like being on the ground like this. Why is that?" Asura voiced his concern as he didn't understand the contradictory feeling. He was tired so it was fine for him to rest.

Naruto showed an eye smile as he was surprised to hear that. He hadn't expected Asura to have such a spirit.

It seems he had underestimated the future Gankoomon. He had a fighter's aura.

"It means that you are a warrior that doesn't like to lose. Keep that feeling in mind and keep on fighting, but also keep it moderation to avoid pointless damage.

This feeling can supply with you courage and desire to fight even in the bleakest moments. It will help you go on training even when it feels like you are done.

It will help you never give up in the face of adversity.

Do you understand?" Naruto explained with a gentle tone and animated body. He was explaining the benefits of the power of youth.

Asura saw his master in a new image, as he could be very excited as well. He had shown such composure that Asura had assumed that was his default setting.

"I understand that is good for me, should I push up my body now?" Asura wasn't fully sure of this concept at this moment.

"No, let it rest for now. This isn't the moment to let that desire run wild since it would only cause you harm.

Listen to it when your body refuses to move even though you have enough stamina to continue training, during the routine. This is rest time." Naruto explained and hoped he would understand properly as time went on.

This was a core of a proper fighter as without this passion, you would stop somewhere along the way.

Asura nodded in a tired manner as the feeling disappeared, as it had just been a glimpse.

All these experiences were building up his personality since his current self had none. He was just an empty husk with built default setting and data that was from a system, not personally gathered.

"Is training something to enjoy?" Asura asked as he could see that his master looked happy while doing it.

"Hmm, that depends on the person. Some people enjoy it, some people just do it because of necessity or hobby and some people hate it. I enjoy it because it is better for your mind that you enjoy what you are doing or you would get low results and get frustrated.

Best results are gained when you do it with passion." Naruto gave a wide smile as he stretched his arms. There was a time when he only did it for the results but after a long time of doing it, he had come to enjoy these exercises. They weren't just for gaining strength, as they were part of his life.

Such data was not present inside Asura, so the master had to teach him these things. It was lucky for him that his master was an enthusiastic fighter who was also ideal for his future form.

They were truly meant for each other and their relation was symbiotic.


Naruto didn't push him yet and was patient with him, Asura was like little chick that had just taken his first steps and was far from flight.

Naruto talked about benefits of training and spirit for the five minute break.

Once that was over, he had Asura follow his movements.

Naruto had been the best close ranged fighter in his prime, beyond Lee, Gai and the Hyuga clan. Sasuke utilized Sharingan too much so his skills without it were not on his level.

He was good enough to fight against Sasuke when the rival had the eye to predict his moves and everything.

Over time, his skills had only continued to go up and he had learned Gentle Fist from Hinata. Nonetheless, Naruto preferred the violent and active approach instead of gentle fist.

He specialized in Jujutsu, Karate, Taekwondo, and Muay Thai along with his own personal skills. He combined all of them and fought with precision.

He could take hits but his ninja self wouldn't allow such a thing so he was exceptional agile and good at dodging.

Asura's future form would be humanoid that utilized body arts, so Naruto's fight style would make it best for him.

Once Asura had gotten a hold of these skills, Naruto would teach him weapons arts.

Naruto specialized in knife fighting, Bo staff, guns and spears along with chains.

He had learned gun fighting from Steven and spears from Jiraiya. Minato used knives while Kushina specialized in swords and chains.

Kushina taught him how to use the chains. In his old life he hadn't bothered learning any weapons beyond knives so he learned all of them in this life.

He always knew that weapons provided a boost in the user's power but Naruto avoided them because there wasn't a weapon that could handle him.

In this world that wasn't a problem and he needed weapons to enhance his powers to give him a chance at victory.

Both partners moved slowly through the motions multiple times so that Asura could remember them properly.

It was also a strength and control exercise as they going very slow.

For half an hour they continued and Asura found this easier to follow as the movement was slow, the only thing he had to do was control his body and remember the moves.

Once it was over, Naruto gave Asura a moment to catch his breath before doing their first spar.

Asura stood opposite of his partner and looked at him.

He had zero experience in fighting so he couldn't tell any signs and didn't what Naruto would do.

Standing there, Asura started with a fireball from his real body. It was small but very hot.

It was fast but Naruto swatted it aside and stepped into Asura's range before hitting him with a palm strike on the abdomen, sending him rolling back.

The strike broke his control and his body broke down.

"Focus, and don't resist the attacks. When this happens, roll with the attack instead of taking it. This way the damage will be mitigated." Naruto advised as Asura got up. There wasn't any real damage but he would have died in a real battle once the enemy continued.

Asura nodded and looked at Naruto. Taking note of the techniques he had just learned, Asura decided to use them.

The spar was just after them so he could experiment with them and use them in real battle.

Taking his stance, Asura let out an incredible light to blind his foe.

It was one of his techniques as Candlemon called Candle Ring.

With that in play, Asura rushed forth and tackled Naruto's leg. He intended to make him fall and stab him with his tail while unleashing a fireball.

It was one of the combos Naruto showed him.

But, Naruto saw through his attempt. He was blinded by the light but he could feel the presence of things around him.

When Asura almost got his leg, Naruto hit him in the back and smashed him into the ground. He was unable to react to Naruto's action because of his lack of experience.

Regardless, Asura didn't feel any pain and released a fireball from his real body at Naruto.

Naruto backed away and unleashed twin wind sickles at Asura that cut off his arms.

This kind of practice was only possible for a digimon like Asura or Naruto would hold back on his attacks. Naruto was giving him a taste of champion level power so that his body could adapt to it.

His soul would be accustomed to high level challenges and allow him special forms.

The battle continued for half an hour and Asura was extremely tired by the end of it. Naruto talked to him throughout the battles and told him different ways to fight, and even warned him of attacks so that he could dodge.

From this training Asura gained a lot and he learned that he very much disliked getting his ass beaten one-sidedly.

He felt a dream building up, a dream to overthrow his master's tyranny. He wanted to overthrow his power rank. It was the desire of a warrior to surpass others, building up inside of him.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment.

The personality of all these digimon would get developed over the course of the story. The human characters will also change.