Chapter 19

Last night was very exciting event but Henry went to sleep on time while Tesla had already fallen asleep long ago.

The morning was different for Henry as he now had a partner to take care off. He woke up like normal and turned to his partner who had also woken up.

Unlike the other partners, Tesla was from a very friendly species that was loved by the masses for their cute appearance.

Being one of the digimon with the low life expectancy, Tesla would mature faster than others and it also meant that Henry would have less time to play around.

Just like humans, digimon could also die because of various reasons like hunger, poison and just life expectancy.

Among the digimon partners of the team, Arthur had the highest naturally followed by Luna and Asura. Arthur being a dragon type had the long life genetics and could easily live up to 200 years while Luna could live to 100.

Tesla was a bunny and dog type, his life would end within 30 years.

Once the digimon died like this, they would turn into an egg and be reborn. The digimon reborn in this manner would be slightly stronger than the previous version but he wouldn't have the memories.

Rebirth was one of the methods that Tamers strengthened their partners but it was done once the digimon reached the limits of their growth and it was a delicate process that most people wouldn't dare try.

The digimon's personality and memory would be lost, and you would have to walk the same path again since the digimon would start from the baby stage.

Fortunately for Tesla, Henry wasn't going to play around and waste his life. Just like the others he had been excited and designed a personal room for Tesla.

On the outing the day before, Henry found that Tesla didn't like horrifying looking things. He liked sweets. He liked cute things.

He liked robots and guns.

He liked electronics and loved the wonderful tech.

He liked the feeling of speed and flight.

He liked the Gundam series and loved pop songs.

He didn't like getting hurt and was very sensitive about it.

Just from that, Henry could say that his partner was a like tomboyish girl.

Henry designed the room with a soft touch. He put various books inside along with robot and gun models.

He gave him a soft bed to sleep on.

There was a computer and TV inside for use. There were dolls and such.

He could fly inside the room with command and he even had a small workshop to play around with.

When Henry looked at the digivice, his happy little friend was playing around in the bath. It seems he also loved to play around in the water and sing.

His voice was very cute indeed.

"Good morning Tesla, I see that you are happy with the setup." Henry said in a gentle tone as he got up from bed and stretched his body. He was extremely flexible so the sight was impressive for beginners.

Tesla shook his wet body and looked at Henry with a happy expression, "Yes, Henry. I love it."

His voice was absolutely adorable and his body language was honest. It was a stark contrast with Asura and Luna.

"That's good, now eat and get ready as we will have busy morning." Henry patted him through the screen and gave him instructions as he had schedule to follow, and he didn't like breaking it.

It was kind of like a default setting for him and he got annoyed when things went against his schedule.

"Roger!" Tesla gave a cute shout as he moved along with his small body, getting out of the washroom after drying up and getting something to eat from the menu screen.

He had tasted different things the day before and Henry had put down different flavors of things that were useful for him to eat.

Tesla was a beast type and his future was a mixture with metal type, so Henry had added beast and metal type into this diet but he made sure it was balanced.

There needed to be moderation and too much of one thing would destroy Tesla's future. Taking care of a digimon wasn't easy as the tamer had to always make sure that the balanced was maintained and the mind set was right.

Sometime many tamers wished it was easy like the Pokemon game, where they just had to level up and not worry about any other conditions except in rare cases and even those weren't that difficult compared to the digimon since some digimon couldn't even reach their final evolution unless they got acknowledgment from their final form.

Truly nerve wrecking and unfair since those digimon that needed to give their nod of approval were monsters that had existed for 1000's of years.

Naruto was the best fighter among humans but any notable digimon in the ultimate and higher rank would beat him even with their stats equalized.

It was the reason that he continued to improve upon his skills or he wouldn't be able to help his partner and fight when needed.

Comparing number of fights, Naruto was like a kid while any long term digimon would have been in thousands upon thousands of battles.

Unlike the humans, Digimon had very good reason to kill each other. By killing another digimon they got their data and grew in power, so a digimon that survived for thousand years through battles was a complete different beast and most digimon would never live to their life limit.


Henry got ready and had breakfast before leading Tesla to the training room at his residence. Unlike Rika and Naruto, Henry didn't live in an old style place. He lived in a high rise building that was owned by his family and housed employees that worked in their company, Monster Maker.

The upper section was where Henry's family lived and the whole place was high tech with an A.I. in charge of everything.

It was kind of dangerous but the place was the house of the Monster Maker's not some normal place. It was a company that specialized in computer programming, creating new digital items and such.

The fire wall protecting the system was high class and so if something did hack the place then that thing could also hack other high ranking locations.

"Big brother, get!" Just as Henry was about to walk out of the apartment to go towards the training section, he was about hit by a small mass of joy.

It was his little sister Suzie Wong who was just 13 year old now. She was cute little girl with purple hair and purple eyes, a result of the mutation caused by the digital world.

Anime like hair color had become normal in the world since that day or people had to dye them in the old days. It definitely stood out but Suzie loved the color.

She had her hair in twin tail style and wore a light purple dress, light purple knee high socks and black boots.

She wore a black jacket with purple outlines and a bunny style hoodie.

Suzie was very much attached to him as he had been the one to play with her most of the time since their parents were always busy.

She had an older brother and sister above Henry but she loved Henry the most.

Suzie also saw knew of Naruto but considered him an uncle because of his personality and aura while she was best friends with Rias.

Henry would always laugh at the thought of the first time Suzie called Naruto, uncle. Everyone thought of it but none had said it.

"Good morning Suzie." Henry smiled as he moved along while she hung on his back.

"Good morning big brother, are you going to train with the cute little bunny?" Suzie asked as she pushed against shoulder and flipped in herself before sitting on his shoulders.

Henry easily took the weight since he was able to easily carry more than 1 tonne, physically he was above Rika and lower than Takato.

With Suzie hugging his head, Henry continued the short journey.

"Yes, Tesla needs to learn how to fight and train his body before we can start our journey. Are you going to join us or are you meeting up with Rias?"

"Hmmmmmmm, I want to play with the bunny but I promised Rias." Suzie muttered slowly as she shook her body from left to right.

She was very much different from her brother who was stoic, always honest about her emotions. Tesla's default setting was modeled after Suzie.

"You can play with him later, okay. Now hop off and get to your friend, you know how fiery she gets when people make her wait." Henry caught her by the armpits and flipped her before putting her down on the ground.

He had arrived at his destination and Suzie would just have to run to the elevator just a little but further down the corridor.

Looking at her brother, she knew he was busy and he didn't like it when he was disturbed during work. He allowed Suzie that privilege but she had grown enough to know that this was a very important moment for him.

"Love you big brother, I will definitely play with Tesla later. Also, that name is so not cute." Suzie gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran along.

With the sister gone, Henry moved into the private training room made for his family. His siblings didn't need this small place so Suzie and Henry were the only ones that used it.

Once inside, Tesla came out of the device with an excited mood.

He was such a small creature that Henry could carry him in his arms like a little child. Henry tapped the device and equipped Tesla with the equipment he had thought about when they were on their outing.

His parents had given him excellent rookie gear for his partner once they heard about it. With a tap, Tesla was wearing silver light armor on his small torso and a helmet with a sharp horn in the middle.

Finally there were the sharp tips for the long ears.

Terriermon used their horns and long ears to fight in close combat while producing wind bullets from their lungs for medium range.

With the metallic equipment, Tesla could gouge his foes with the sharp horn and shred them with his metallic storm from now on instead of just beating them with his ears.

Tesla almost fell over from the weight but didn't complain as he was very happy about them. The helmet wasn't just for protection as it had other functions.

The red visor helped him zoom on targets and focus on them. He could tell the temperature and direction.

It had sensors on it that could warn of enemies.

"Thank you Henry, I love it." Tesla exclaimed as he hugged Henry's leg. He was very happy and Henry patted his head.

"Good, now we will start training and you will need to get used to the weight. After that I will keep on increasing it, so your physical stats can improve." Henry explained his plain and showed the schedule of the training through the usage of holograms.

Tesla acted tsundere and let go of Henry's leg and acted calm, wiping away his childish side.

He just looked adorable even when he wanted to look serious.

"I can do it, and will we also play with electronics?" Tesla asked as he was very much interested in those things as it was his natural disposition.

Depending on the trainer, the Terriermon could end up hating machines or loving them. It was dependent on the upbringing.

Tesla was showing interest now and it was Henry's duty to manage that interest properly to keep it balanced. He was interested in robotics and had been learning the family business but Henry didn't want beast digimon to become robots.

He will get robot digimon for that role.

There was the thing with robot digimon, they had the personality of a cardboard and emotions of a wall.

"Once we are done with the training, we will relax for a few hours and have lunch with our friends before going to the lab and playing with some electronics. I will teach you everything from the start and you will easily make these things." Henry was passionate about such topics and it showed in his voice. His passion influenced Tesla, increasing their bond further.

Tesla seeing the shining eyes of hiss master and the examples of his future conquest couldn't help but shout in joy and give a hop.

With that issue settled, Tesla and Henry stretched before doing physical work outs.

It wasn't hard to see that Tesla was physically very weak and had difficulty following the routine. Henry had to adjust it according to his performance and continued to encourage him with words and sweets.

It was a good thing that the device could help in knowing the emotional condition of the partner or he would have been lost at some points.

It was especially vital for people like Rika, who were bad at reading emotions and expressing them.

With the physical work out finished, the duo took a short rest where Henry talked to Tesla so that he didn't feel down about it.

Just like Naruto and the others, Henry was also forced to lower his training for his partner so that it didn't make them feel bad and to give them the attention.

They would finish the training once the partner was asleep and didn't need their attention.

Following that was the spar where Henry had difficulty fighting his partner, as he disliked hurting people close to him.

Tesla was not a natural fighter like Luna and his attacks were very easy to predict, and dodge. The armor made Tesla even slower.

Tesla didn't have a human body so he couldn't copy Henry's moves.

Henry beat him throughout the spar and continued to give him commands to adjust his style. Tesla wasn't a natural fighter but he had a fast mind that could understand complex things faster than all the other starters of this team.

Henry gave him a pattern when to use the horn attack, when to use the wind attack and various methods for this move and how to fight using the ears.

For now he only taught him such basics but Henry intended to arm his little cute bunny and make him a cute murder machine.

He planned to have him carry bombs, poison bombs and electric guns on his tiny arms.

All these could be further manipulated according to his needs when he was in battle. He had gotten the humanoid card for his digimon, so he could give Tesla further enhancement when needed in battle.

His future evolution was Gargomon, Rapidmon and Mega-Gargomon.

The line was fine but Henry was going to adjust their weaponry and make Tesla the armory of the team.

Hearing about his plans, Tesla was impressed by his master and overjoyed by this draft from the future. It was not a complete picture as Henry wished to experience the world and take his time with his partner to get the final image.

"Henry is the best!" By the end, Tesla forgot about the pain and suffering as he jumped into Henry's arms like a happy child.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment