Chapter 20

In some other part of the world, in the same city, Takato woke up with an excited scream. He had wanted to stay up all night working on his plans for his partner but his parents weren't having any of it and got him to rest.

Takato came from a humble background in the start but his family improved as he grew up and now they owned many restaurants and bakeries around the city.

When he was a little kid they used to live in a small place that also acted as the bakery, but now they owned a large house.

His parents were humble people so they didn't get a huge mansion or anything. They liked living in a small house. It was their dream house.

It was a small villa with six rooms and a small lawn. In this place Takato lived with his parents, little sister Airi, maid, cook and personal trainer.

His parents always made time for them but they got people hired just in case they got busy.

Takato grew up to be a creative, friendly and active child because of this background. He was taught to appreciate what he had and work for what he wanted instead of envying others.

It was his chill personality that got him a seat with the rich kids.

Coming back to our hero, Takato snapped awake as the excitement took over him. He was always the most expressive among the team members and he never held back his joy.

He expressed it and shared it. Though, he would never share his sadness with others.

Throwing of the blanket, Takato rolled towards the bed side and got out of bed with a bounce as he jumped towards the table where he had placed the digivice.

"Good Morning Arthur, are you ready?" Takato called out as he looked towards his partner.

Arthur was a Guilmon, a digimon that was related to the dragons and one of its paths led towards the Dragon of Destruction.

It looked a handsome little thing but the species was highly competitive and had destructive tendencies. The harmless outer appearance put people at peace before mauling them.

Unlike the wild digimon, Arthur was modeled after Takato's own personality. It meant that Arthur was geared towards kindness and was very active.

The previous day built upon this blank slate and Takato found what Arthur liked. Arthur liked the bread from his bakery.

He liked meat.

He liked milk.

He liked fast rides and the wind.

He liked fights and explosions.

He didn't like soft things like dolls and such.

He didn't like sad songs and love songs.

He seemed to genuinely like to have fun, making him Takato's new best friend.

Seeing these points, Takato didn't put any books in his room since Arthur wouldn't read them. He needed time to get used to them.

Takato gave him picture books and anime.

There was a room where he could run around and destroy things. He could even fly in that place.

There was a comfortable sleeping place for him and posters of his future evolution. Dragons were very competitive, having the picture of Gallantmon would make Arthur focus on him.

With that out of the way, Arthur was rolling around the room and having fun. He woke up little bit earlier and while shaking his body, he ended up rolling and found it funny.

"Good Morning, Takatomon. Look, I found something fun. Whee!" Arthur continued rolling and hit the wall.

He laughed and got up to look at Takato with a prideful expression. How was that?

Takato chuckled and clapped, "Very good, Arthur is smart. We will play more games later but we have something else to do, remember?"

Arthur looked up and to the side as he scratched his chin with his claw, "Go to the park!"

Just like kid Takato, Arthur had problem on the focus point and only thought about having fun. He liked training personally or he would have needed someone to keep reminding him.

Arthur had never trained so he ended up forgetting about that point.

Takato didn't mind at all and found it funny. His mood couldn't be dampened by anything. He could enjoy the whole day, just running around with Arthur in the fields like a madman.

"That's a good idea but we will do that later. We are going to train and fight. You want to fight other digimon, don't you? You want become stronger than him, right." Takato spoke in a happy and spirited tone, influencing the childish Arthur with his excitement.

Arthur looked at the posters and his mind remembered the fights, his eyes became sharp and he nodded with force.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Arthur wants to fight." Arthur answered excitedly

"Then let's go, but first let's wash." Takato got Arthur out and took him into the bath where they just dumped some water on each other.

It got Arthur into the game but Takato managed to stop him from making a mess.

Once that was done, the duo rushed outside but were stopped by the mother.

"Boys, you are forgetting something."

Takato's mother wasn't a fighter but a chef since she gave up adventuring so her body shape was like the typical adult woman with children.

She was extremely kind and caring.

Takato jumped towards his mother and gave her a hug. Arthur followed his master's action.

"Haha, that is nice. But not the answer, you are forgetting your breakfast." She giggled and playfully hit both boys on the head with a karate chop.

Takato laughed as he had once again forgotten breakfast because of excitement. With that the boys backtracked towards the dining room.


Once the breakfast was over, the duo went to the nearby gym for Tamers. Takato was a regular member at the place since he didn't have a personal gym like his friends.

There were times he would join his friends and this place was for independent training.

When he got there people congratulated him for getting his digimon and especially a Guilmon. Everyone knew that Guilmon's final evolutions were top tier and even if the potential was low, the ultimate form was also very strong.

Thanking everyone for their words, Takato and Arthur passed through the crowd for their training. Seeing the people, Arthur was shy at first but enjoyed the love he was getting. It seems he might develop an outgoing and open personality if he continued to have interest in such reactions.

Standing near the running track, the duo stretched and Takato helped out Arthur since his body was different.

With his guidance and from the data he had gotten from their assistant, Takato managed to help him out. This was a habit that the partner to form so that they would always be flexible and not stiff, it was especially important for this team's Digimon.

With that out of the way, Takato was ready to arm his partner with his equipment. He had gotten many gifts the last night and couldn't refuse from friends.

He wasn't the type to have a huge ego or such.

It was a night of celebration and it was normal to get gifts. He would just make sure to give a return gift in the future.

"Arthur" Takato placed his hands on the partner's shoulders while his body shook from the excitement.

"Takatomon?" Arthur was confused but couldn't help but grin, he knew his master was fun and expected such.

"I am giving you the first gear, your first armor and weapons." Takato shook Arthur and the duo started dancing in joy as Arthur was also happy at the idea.

He liked the idea of getting better.

After few moments of tomfoolery, Takato got to work and gave Arthur his gear.

It was white and red armor over his body, it was thick around the head and torso part but slim around the limbs for ease of movement.

The helmet part didn't cover the mouth since the fangs were part of Arthur's attack pattern along with the fire breathing. It was the same for Tesla but his helmet opening was slightly modified to give more focus fire for his wind bullets.

The tail also got the sharp tip and there were two horns on the helmet for better tackle attacks. The claws were left open. There were small boosters on the back for sudden increase in speed.

Takato planned to give him some guns and bombs later but for now this would be enough.

"How is it?" Takato wanted to know Arthur's reaction.

Arthur felt the equipment on his body and moved it around. He looked at the mirror and saw his appearance.

"Too stuffy, can I take it off?" Arthur scratched at the armor but couldn't remove it.

Takato almost fell down from those words. He definitely didn't expect that answer.

"Arthur, you will need to get used to it or you will get hurt in the battlefield. You want to win or do you want to lose because the enemy hurt you?" Takato asked patiently as he looked at him with a serious expression.

Arthur shook his head and he really didn't like things on his body.

"We will only wear it for the training for now, so don't worry. This is training so you can get stronger. You can feel the weight. This will help your physical stats." Takato talked to him and tried to convince him to keep it own.

He finally started to feel slight ounce of the difficulties a trainer would face.

Arthur agreed to it and the duo started training in full force. They ran, worked on the gym equipment, went through the motions and finally sparred.

By the end of it, Arthur had finally learned what pain meant as he was beaten up with the armor and without it.

It was the same for others, as the digimon partners needed to learn how to take hits even without armor or they would be too dependent on items. They would become delicate.

Asura was an exception since he didn't feel physical pain.

The training was hard enough to completely tire out Arthur and he couldn't even get up from the floor, but he enjoyed it. He was happy and felt alive though the spar.

He was a being that indulged in physical activity so it appealed to him and he took to battle very comfortably.

He wasn't very skilled but there was ferociousness and predatorial feel to his fighting.

Takato and Arthur's bond grew with this session but Arthur still disliked the armor. Luna took without a problem while Tesla was smart enough to take it as he needed an upgrade and was afraid of getting hurt.

Asura's body was fake so he didn't count.


"Takato, I hope I am not disturbing." A sweet voice entered his ears as Takato sat with Arthur to cool down after the training session. Arthur was already taking a power nap so Takato was looking at his digivice and going through the results.

"Lucy, I always have time for you." Takato smiled and caught the person talking to him. It was his girlfriend Juri Katou.

Lucy was the fox sock puppet that she used some times. She was unique like that and he loved her antics. Juri was a beautiful and shapely girl with short brown hair and brown eyes.

She was very athletic and had a great body.

She wore a white tank top with black yoga pants that showed her attractive form.

She was very sweet and caring even though her childhood wasn't peaceful.

Takato knew her from elementary school and they have been friends since then, but got together only last year.

Juri came from a difficult family as her mother had died to a digimon attack in the city by the Ouroboros. Her father had become alcoholic and ignored her for a time but Juri remained strong and helped her father cheer up.

With her support and others, the father remarried someone that gave him support. Juri gained a new mother.

The woman was nice and caring but Juri felt that she was an outside in this picture especially once a child was born. Her father gave more attention to the child and she felt lonely.

Even then she took care of her little brother and started playing with sock puppets for him. She held a grudge against the criminal scum and felt loneliness from her family situation but continued to keep her cheerfulness.

That was Takato thought and he felt that Juri was strong. But Naruto told him to support her and increase the bond.

"She is a delicate girl. One more push and she will break." Those were Naruto's words to him and Takato always kept attention towards Juri to avoid such a result. He really loved her and it was mutual, so he wanted it to continue forever.

She was part of their team along with the other friends since Naruto already gave the go.

"Hey, what about Juri?" Juri acted hurt as he pulled her into his lap.

"Of course, Juri gets the preferential treatment." Takato gave her a kiss on the lips and took it very slow. They had both been new at it and played around to get to this stage.

They weren't horny like Naruto but they were hornier than average. Among the group, they had been the only ones in engaged in a real relationship.

"I am satisfied with that answer. So, how was the training?" Juri smiled as she cuddled into his embrace

Takato had his arms around her while she sat on his lap and he placed his head on her shoulder, "It was electrifying. You are gonna love it when your partner arrives."

Juri and the others from the team would get their digimon the next week so they were still waiting for the day very impatiently.

"Is that so, I will trust you on that….I was thinking maybe we could go watch a movie today." Juri asked as they hadn't met yesterday at all, so she wanted to celebrate with him today.

Takato held her tight as he felt his heart beat increase, she was just so sweet.

"What movie?" He still had to ask that question, because let's be honest they didn't always agree.

Juri smiled at the question and her puppet hand bit Takato on the nose, "Trust me, you will like it."


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment