Chapter 21

Finished with his training, Naruto let Asura rest inside the digivice while he took a shower and left the Uzumaki residence.

He still had time left before meeting with Rika so it was the best moment to visit Steven. The longer he took the worst the outcome could become.

He wanted to get it out of the way and deal with it without any bad feelings between them. There was one thing about Steven, he couldn't rely deny Naruto's claims since he was also in a similar position.

Everyone had different level of desire, so even if they had similar stats it didn't mean anything. It was normal for women in Rika's family to have low desire but Rika seemed to be an exception.

Steven was a buff guy with high level of libido. He was still very much young since Rika was his only daughter and he had been married since the age of 24.

With his partner being Tankdramon, an ultimate digimon with the power to destroy cities, his life force had been extended by the power of the bond.

He could easily live beyond the age of 200.

The bond powered the life force and even without it, his body had mutated so he would live up to 200 easily.

The power of the bond was special and the breaking of the digivice could break it. The digivice could be replaced and fixed but if your age was only possible because of the bond then the tamer would die the moment it broke.

Moving back to the topic at hand, Steven actually slept with the maids when he needed it. His wife allowed it as she didn't want their relationship to break.

They were an old family and such things happened a lot. The women in the family were very strong but had strong attachment.

That wasn't all of it as Steven also loved his wife Rumiko very much. But it was a fact that she couldn't satisfy his sexual urges.

He suppressed himself a lot but it ended up worsening their relationship as he got snappy and it got verbal.

To avoid Steven leaving the family because of this problem since he wasn't going to castrate himself, Rumiko allowed him to sleep with the maids.

Steven was a very important asset for the family as well. He was a strong tamer and a good father. He really didn't like the fact he was forced into the situation because of his physique but went with it.

The maids were given the option and some of them accepted since they liked Steven. They got paid extra and got to sleep with someone they admired.

People in these positions would usually have multiple wives or mistresses. These could be public or private but many people did it.

The women involved would come for the money or authority or admiration or love. There were even cases of wives convincing the husband to marry their friends so they wouldn't feel lonely.


Naruto rode his Fireblade and sped through the streets like a wraith, using chakra he could enhance the power of the machine and it went faster than anything else on the road.

He loved the feeling of speed where everyone else was in slow motion to him. He hated the feeling of being on the slower end.

The journey was short since Rika just lived half an hour from his place while Henry was also half an hour distance by foot. By bike they were just five minutes away from him.

Takato lived far from his area and it took half an hour by bike with normal speed.

Naruto arrived at his location and entered the residence without informing Rika, she would be training at the moment according to his knowledge.

Without a guide, Naruto walked towards the place where he would find Steven with Rumiko. Both Husband and wife would usually stay in the garden in the morning before leaving for work at 10.

He was a regular so no one minded him and he walked into the garden to find the couple relaxing with a cup of tea.

Just like always both of them stood out for different reasons, Steven for his large body and Rumiko for her beauty.

Rumiko was the future head of the clan and a model. Rika took after her mother and got the good looks, or who knows what could have happened.

"Good morning, Uncle Steven and Aunt Rumiko." Naruto greeted them from afar as they were looking the other way watching the beautiful and rare birds move among the trees.

Hearing his voice, Steven got up from his seat.

"Morning my boy, just call be dad from now on. You have already signed the deal with Rika." Steven gave a wide smile as he walked towards him and gave him a bear hug. The man had the tendency to squeeze the life out of others.

"Good Morning Naruto, husband is right. No need for aunt and uncle, just treat us like your parents." Rumiko got up and brushed her long brown hair to the side as she walked close to them.

Naruto hugged Steven back and separated from him. He was old. He was experienced and wise but when it came to this, he was also new.

"I see, is this another tactic to rope me in. Making me get used to calling you such and next thing we know, I am having kids with Rika. How devious!" Naruto nodded and gave a calm expression while saying his lines, making the couple laugh.

"Come sit down and we can talk." Rumiko smiled as she guided them to the seats. She could guess it had to do with Rika and Hikari.

She had seen the girls together with him and seeing him appear without Rika, it was the only conclusion.

Naruto sat down but was ready to get attacked by Steven. The man was emotional and could get violent when it involved his daughter.

Otherwise he was very friendly and peaceful. He just had a lot of love for weaponry and muscles.

"It has to do with my relationship with Rika."

"What is wrong with it? Are you telling me that she has no chance and she will be sad in the end? Huh, huh?" Steven had entered the calm and formal phase, but still continued in a joking manner.

"Dear, let him finish." Rumiko put her hand on his hand and gave him a look. She was the future head of the clan and this decision would have to go through, that was why he met both of them.

"I don't want you to take this the wrong way and I am doing it all for Rika. To me Rika is very important but the thing is I don't love her that way at this point. I also feel the same way for Hikari.

I don't want them to be sad. Love takes time to form and it fluctuates so I am sure that with time I will love them. However, there is a high chance that I will choose both of them and I know that I can convince them of it. So, I came here to inform you of this possibility." Naruto told them the true picture, the first part of it. He needed to get this clear before he got to the second part.

Listening to his words, Rumiko saw that her conclusion was correct. Naruto had always been too mature for his age so it was hard to see him actually fall for Rika at this point.

She also knew how much Rika wanted him. It was an obsession at this point. She considered Naruto her prince.

Steven on the other hand was shaking in anger and disappointment. He felt that this was the way the world was taking its punishment on him.

"You want us to accept your relationship with both of them? You want us to accept a relationship with someone that is unsure of his state the next day. How can you guarantee that you won't fall for some other woman and let go of our daughter?"

"Dear, calm down. You are talking to Naruto, and he wouldn't do such a thing." Rumiko said as she looked at both of them and her eyes were extremely cold.

Just like Rika, Rumiko was a prideful woman. She allowed Steven to sleep with women but they were like prostitutes while here Naruto was talking about sharing his affection.

"I took an oath that I will make my significant other feel like she has the world at her tips and never make her disappointed. I will not allow her to make excuses for her tears, as I will not put her in the situations where tears are necessary. I want you to know that I am extremely serious about his topic and I would never treat it so lightly, and with such disrespect."

"Why not just choose Rika? You do realize that Mister Tai will kill you if you utter such words to him." Rumiko tapped her seat as she looked at him.

Rumiko could see his seriousness and knowing since childhood, it was clear how much emphasis he had on this topic. Rika would obviously try to take him, but if Naruto persisted she would definitely give in because she would never choose someone else.

"I am willing to fight him for Hikari. I am willing to fight the world for my love. If the girls love me back and I love them then there is no one who can come in between us."

"OH Yeah, that's my boy. Damn, gave me the chills with that line." Steven was a hot headed guy so he really appreciated what Naruto said.

"Fine, I allow it. Keep Rika happy and we will have no problems. Polygamy isn't an issue and you wouldn't have inherited the clan head the position in the first place, so no one would raise an issue. I have agreed, but what about Tai?" Rumiko thought about it and conceded to him, as she believed it was the best choice or Rika would be at a disadvantage.

"Thank you, I won't let you down. Tai is a very close friend of mine, he will understand if it is to make Hikari happy." Naruto stood up and bowed to them.

"Well, don't get killed now son. I don't want my daughter to become a widow." Rumiko smiled with amusement as she let go of all the negative emotions. She was from a high class position and a model so it was normal for her to adjust the emotions.

"Thank you for your concern, I will handle it properly. Now, please excuse me. I need to go and meet Rika."

"You can leave." With that Naruto walked away, leaving the couple.

"Rumiko, are you sure about this?" Steven asked as he was still unsure about this relationship. He did like Naruto and trusted that he would take care of Rika but was this right.

Their daughter was going to become one his wives instead of his only one. The man would have more girls on the side, what if his love is too divided over time?

He was still too young and maybe he starts changing too far from his current form.

There were too many worries.

"It is fine. He lives so close, what could he hide from us? We will know if anything goes wrong and no children will be conceived before the age of 20. We will know by the end of the year, how good he can be?

It isn't something we can stop as Rika truly loves him. Just like he said, Rika was the one that asked for it. She will need to break it off personally, as no one else can break it. Not even Naruto's rejection is going to change it." Rumiko explained her reasoning and poured some tea for both of them. It was indeed a headache inducing morning.

She had the felt the urge to capture Naruto and have him whipped for this insolence but he was confident and he had reasons to back his choices.

They were on the back foot because Rika was the one that wanted it. She wondered how it would go with Tai. Did Hikari also love him as much as Rika or there were other ways to convince him?