Chapter 22

While Naruto left the residence, Morrigan was met by an angry blonde maid.

"What were you doing inside young master's room?" Hilda demanded as she pointed her umbrella blade at Morrigan's neck.

The beautiful blonde maid with green eyes was glaring at her big sister figure for what she might have done. She loved Morrigan and the other maids but there was a line they weren't supposed to cross.

Morrigan chuckled at her reaction. Hilda was always so sassy that this was a rare reaction. There was real anger instead of a fake outrage.

"I went to the room because master asked for me and, yes it is for what you imagined. Our master isn't innocent as you imagined." Morrigan smiled as she licked her lips in a suggestive manner while giving her the look that it had been an amazing night.

Hilda was shocked by the answer. Naruto had asked Morrigan to come to him. They didn't suit each other at all.

He could get together with Rika or Hikari, so what was this about?

Her mind had entered confusion. Hilda was usual calm and sarcastic person. She was related to demon lord of gluttony, Beelzemon. She wasn't his daughter but his granddaughter or something as one of his relatives raped a human, leading to Hilda's birth.

Her mother was killed by the beast once Hilda was born. Her first sight in the world was the scene of her father killing her mother.

The memory was imprinted in her mind and the dark beast had smiled in amusement. It wanted to play a game.

Come and get me child if you can survive.

It was a Matadormon, a very strong Ultimate digimon.

Matadormon was an Undead Digimon. It was a bloodsucking martial artist Digimon that performed a magnificent dance. It was said that it was born from the folk-dance database of a certain museum. It used its fluttering garment to deceive the opponent, and when the opponent drops its guard from a glance at the soft-colored cloth, it fell upon them with the countless rapiers stocked on its arms. Because it was a vampire, it couldn't survive unless it sucked a Digimon's blood, but as not just anyone will do, it searched only the blood of strong Digimon and seems to constantly be moving from place to place.

Hilda was now 23 years old and she had come a long way. She had just been born and only knew her mother for a few seconds, but the woman had showed love.

Even in the last moments, the woman had not shown her any hatred but pure adoration. The monster programmed her head so Hilda wouldn't forget the scene.

She had been able to see that scene like a video whenever she desired and knew how her mother looked like, and the monster.

Since becoming a B-Rank Tamer, Hilda had been trying to find information on her target. The beast had killed her mother and he had challenged her.

Nobody lived after challenging her.

Coming back from her back story, Hilda had never thought Naruto would so such a thing and didn't understand.

"Explain" Hilda muttered in a commanding tone as she didn't let Morrigan step away from the wall. Both women were inside Hilda's room and Morrigan was against the wall.

"It isn't something you have to worry about. Master also wants you, so you can just walk up to him and give him a kiss on the lips."

Hilda frowned at her vulgar ideas and put the blade to her neck, "Don't make me repeat myself. What happened last night, because I doubt master would choose you."

Morrigan took her attitude without getting insulted. She knew Hilda was not in the right mindset and she was the big sister.

"Chill girl, I was just messing with you. Master just kissed me to help me with my energy problems, nothing more. Though, I wouldn't mind getting closer but he was just too guarded for that fun episode." Morrigan answered a teasing manner and it was hard to find her act serious.

The only one among the four New Type maids that was serious was Roberta, daughter of Myotismon.

Her tone was the usual so Hilda didn't mind. Thinking of Naruto, she could never really tell who he would end up with but Rika and Hikari were good choices.

She always just wanted to stand by his side as a maid. It started because she wanted to repay a favor but now she personally held affection for him.

He was her type and she hadn't found anyone like him.

She had thought she would have to move on or become one of the maids that slept with their masters in secret.

She had such perverted fantasies.

Now, she knew that it was truly difficult to have him. However, it also gave her hope because she learned that he didn't mind who it was.

"Are you serious?!" Before Hilda could ask, someone else voiced her thoughts.

Rory Mercury, the berserker maid or Rory the Reaper, jumped out from the clothing room on the side. She was waiting for Hilda to talk about something when Hilda dragged Morrigan into the room.

She was curious and decided to hide.

Despite being 22 years old, Rory had the appearance of a 16-year-old young girl as she had stopped aging. She had long flowing black hair with a black and red ribbon as a hair ornament.

Her clothing was a reminiscent of Earth's Gothic Lolita culture: a black dress with red frills, black stockings supported with garters and red boots. She wielded a huge purplish axe as her main weapon.

Just like Hilda, she was the daughter of a digimon with a human. Her father was a NeoDevimon that was related to Daemon.

Rory was a very friendly person different from Morrigan, as she actually made friends and didn't sleep around with them. But when it came to enemies, she was extremely ruthless.

She was a person that loved violence and got high on it. On the battlefield with death around her, Rory got aroused and became even more sadistic that people would be extremely shocked when comparing the normal version and the battle version.

Just like Hulk she also had a problem, the problem of becoming a monster with only rage as her emotion so she had an anchor just like Hulk.

Her fighting instincts had drawn towards Naruto and his fighting style had taken her heart. She could feel that they were very similar and she was right. When Naruto fought for too long, his kind personality slipped and he became sadistic. You could see extreme joy on his face when he was fighting.

It made him feel alive.

Since that day, she had been cozying up to him and tried to get him to sleep with her by force. She had once even tied him to the bed but he managed to talk her out of it.

She was also a prideful girl and jealous one. She really didn't like it when he was with other girls but her situation forced her to let it go.

She was a maid and owed the Uzumaki family, it would be ungrateful of her to force their child into a relationship.

Or she would have kidnapped him to an island where they could bond together without interruption.

Hearing that he was willing to accept them, she was very much excited even though it meant sharing. She was anchored to him, she needed him.

She had confidence that her charm would catch him sooner or later. Now she could do it faster and openly without worrying about disrespecting him and annoying him.

"What are you doing Rory?" Hilda asked as she turned to her little sister.

"Hehe, I was waiting for you but you guys surprised me by barging in suddenly." Rory smiled as she replied to her question but turned to Morrigan for the answer.

Hilda was going to explain to her why she shouldn't be barging into her room later but for now the topic at hand.

"Hello little sister, I heard you have been trying to bed our young master for so long. How does it feel?" Morrigan teased

"Morrigan, stop antagonizing Rory and answer the question." Hilda stood in between them so Rory didn't get angry by her words.

"I feel the need to do better. No matter what he will love me more than he will ever love you, that is the truth." Rory smirked as she answered the question with absolute confidence.

Hilda felt the desire to call Roberta so both the girls would behave.

"Hahaha, oh is that a challenge I hear? Challenge about love from a berserker, sounds funny doesn't it."

"I am the berserker of love, while you are a succubus. So go on and take the challenge but before that clear away our doubts." Rory looked at her Morrigan with a smug expression. She respected Morrigan's power and family relationship but she didn't like her sleeping habits.

Just like her background, Morrigan indulged in lust beyond her needs.

"This should clear away your doubt, words from his mouth." Morrigan showed them the video of Naruto in the bath with her and Eve.