Chapter 23

Back to Lord Seventh, Naruto met up with Rika just as she finished her morning routine. Luna had retired from training and went inside the digivice for a rest.

Rika was dripping with sweat and breathing hard while her clothes stuck to her body. The heavy weights were cruel on the young body and drained her stamina, which was the lowest in the current group.

She had her back to Naruto and was sitting on the ground, catching her breath. Naruto walked to her without a sound and placed his hand on her head.

"Naruto, did you talk to my parents?" Rika said without even seeing him as her senses were strong. She could smell him coming from afar and he had the smell from her parents.

"I did, and they agreed." Naruto was happy that she wasn't without guard. He would always do such a thing to keep her on guard.

With that he patted her head and caught her by the armpits.

"Wait, I am too sweaty." Rika struggled as Naruto picked her up and kicked his abdomen to bounce out of his grip.

She wasn't exactly a soft girl that went along with everything.

"That would have injured someone else. I was just showing you some affection that you wanted." Naruto patted his shirt and cleared away the dust using chakra so that it was completely clear. His voice was playful and gentle.

Rika had been surprised by his actions since he didn't so close before. It looked like he was also trying to see whether he could like her.

"I don't like the feeling of acting intimate with this smell and sweat. Let me take a shower and we can go out." Rika nodded as she understood his reason and felt giddy about it, but her taste was important.

"Want me to join you? I am really good at this task." Naruto offered as he walked closer

Rika stepped back as she felt that a predator was eyeing her at the moment.


"Nah, just kidding but you are such a perv." Naruto replied with a chuckle. It was a problem but it also made him proud of himself.

Looking at him coldly, "I will definitely repay you for that."

With a smooth step, he picked up Rika in a princess carry and walked towards the showers in the training grounds, making her think that he was actually going to do it. However, he just dropped her inside the shower and slipped away.

"That's twice in a row. I am looking forward to your revenge." Hearing his laughter, Rika couldn't help but laugh at his childishness.

Once the shower finished, Rika and Naruto got dressed before riding out into the city. Rika drove her Kawasaki Ninja and raced Naruto to their destination while their partners watched from the digivice.

The digivice allowed the digimon to operate as holograms when required, so both partners sat in front of the tamers in a chibi form.

Both digimon were tired but had regained some energy to sit down and enjoy the ride.

"Hey kids, wanna race?"

The duo stopped at a red light and they were greeted by a friend who wished for a race.

It was Yamato's partner, Jack.

Jack was a Gabumon in his rookie form and he had already achieved his mega version, MetalGarurumon. He used to be very innocent in the start as he had been based on Yamato's brother Takeru but the experience in life beside his partner had turned had him into a badass wolf.

Now Jack preferred to stay in his WereGarurumon form that he used to dislike.

WereGarurumon was a bipedal beast resembling a werewolf with light blue fur, a white underside, dark blue tiger stripes, magenta claws and dark blue-tipped blades. It wore ripped blue jeans with a spiked knee-pad on the right leg and a normal one on the left, a bracer attached to an arm sleeve on its left arm, brass knuckles, and a dog tag around its neck.

That was the normal form but Jack was a powerful partner of a Tamer and he had even gotten a slide evolution by mixing with a Machmon.

Machmon resembled a living motorcycle monster. On its back were spine bones and its head was covered in a dark grey armor. Its skin was dark brown with subtle green stripes. On its head were two front-curving horns that resembled the two throttles of a motorcycle. It had a large back wheel and a smaller front wheel. Three triangular blades were connected to the front wheel, with two smaller blades on each side during a battle, but were hidden outside of it.

Jack was riding his partner Zeke, changing both of their forms. He was wearing full biker leather gear with a skull on the back and the helmet.

His werewolf form was bigger now and more humanoid. He had metallic implants on his body to enhance his skeletal system and increase his reactions. He was directly connected to Zeke and could communicate with him with his mind.

While Zeke's form had become sleek and lost some edge. It had lost the red and gained the blue color. It had become fully mechanical and gained a metallic tail at the back along with boosters.

There were hidden lasers on the bike.

The metal covering it had become upgraded and the mixture of both their powers put them in the highest parts of the Ultimate Digimon rank.

For further boost, Zeke could cover up Jack and act as his mech armor which would fully push them into the mega rank.

Machmon was a Digimon that yearned for speed. Dust clouds over barren plains were often caused by Machmons rampaging. Although its appearance resembled that of a bike, it lacked a seat, and no one was willing to ride it. However, it desired to find a Digimon destined to master it someday.

That was the life of a Machmon, race and journey to find the one. Zeke was old and had been racing the fields for decades.

When he came across Yamato on the streets of Albion, one of the Human cities in the Digital world, he challenged them to a race as Jack was in his wolf form.

He knew about Yamato from other Machmons and chose such a big target. His request was granted and Jack raced with Zeke through the streets of Albion to the north exit.

Jack was relentless and fast, especially once he gained boost from his partner. With the metallic light armor and boosters, Jack was too fast for Zeke.

But Zeke wanted to win and he decided to go out in a flame of victory. Zeke started burning his existence for power and speed.

His wheels moved fast enough to leave fire trails and his pipes were breathing out fire as he hit mach 100.

Yamato was shocked by his action and told him to stop but Zeke didn't listen. Yamato was the type that cared a lot for friendship and was very friendly with others even if he acted aloof.

Just like Tai was extremely brave. The Digi-destined was not just a random name, the team had found crests that represented concepts and gave power to the holder.

Yamato's crest was friendship and just like his namesake, he tried to save Zeke.

He couldn't allow a good digimon to commit suicide in front of him, where he could stop it.

With a command, Jack transformed into his werewolf form and jumped on to Zeke even though there was no seat.

Yamato talked to him and listened to his problems as the crest helped them connect. With tears released from the poor soul, Zeke and Jack merged to a new form.

Rider Garurumon

Zeke was saved and his wish was granted. He became one of Yamato's support digimon since he was a champion that could boost Jack.


"Morning Jack, where is Yamato?" Naruto greeted him and gave him a fist bump. Jack was a chill wolf, with a very outgoing personality,

He liked to race. He liked to relax. He liked to eat. He liked to fight. He liked rock music and even played it with his Tamer. He liked to spread his seed and could be found with all kinds of digimon when he wasn't with his partner or his best friend and Rival Ryu.

"What do you think, he is with Sora. Gotta give them the space man, or I will feel like a third wheel. She had been busy with her Clothing designs for the last week, so he is pounding her ass into the mattress." Jack answered with a laugh as he hit Naruto's back.

The difference between the young and old Jack was quite jarring for people who hadn't seen him in that time.

His speech wasn't clean as it used to be and he could be found making inappropriate jokes.

Naruto just shook his head while Rika glared at him. She didn't like when people talked like that.

"Ooh your girl is glaring holes in to my skull. You got to tame the beast before she ends up chaining you. Moving on from the boring chit chat, I am in the mood for speed and having some bros taste the dust. You up or you out?" Jack noticed her expression and gave her a toothy smile as he had taken off his helmet.

He was a very handsome werewolf.

Naruto turned to Rika and gave her a smile. He was in the mood and she agreed. This was the best date ever.

"Race you to Domino City, the loser pays for the lunch."

"Too safe, are you little babes or something? The loser acts like a dog and barks in the shopping mall, are you up for it?" Jack gave a challenging smile as he looked at them. They were friends but he did big challenges to get high, small consequences didn't give the feeling.

"Rika, ride with me." Naruto commanded

His tone and aura seemed to have changed, after the challenge had been issued. He didn't want Rika to take part since she would lose and she would definitely not want to act so degrading.

He could leave her but this was their date so it was best if they rode together. He had zero issue with a passenger.

Rika raised an eyebrow at his tone and felt her heart skip a beat. He looked so handsome at that moment, dashing.

She gave the command to the bike to go back home and sat in front of Naruto as he caught her by the waist and placed her there.

She would slip off if she was sitting at his back.

Jack was happy at the reaction, as it seems his friend was releasing his inner desires. He would never go along with such things before.

His instincts were always correct and he could tell that Naruto was a junkie like him.

"Let's go, the winner gets a generous reward!" With that the race started.


"You know, I never thought a day would come where I had to act like a dog." Naruto muttered after having gone around the shopping mall barking at people and moving on four limbs. Jack hadn't specified so he had just transformed into a cute golden retriever puppy with a red bowtie.

He was still in his puppy form and sat on Rika's lap as she wanted to hold him.

"I didn't think you would use a loophole. It would have been so much better if you didn't know how to transform." Jack muttered as they sat on the rooftop lunch area.

"Aren't you busy spreading the video you took? People already know that it was me." Naruto gave him a pointed look.

"I did, but I am a good friend so we kept it between friends and family."

Naruto shook his head as he looked at that wolf face. He had been confident in the win when Jack started the boosters and zipped ahead of him.

Reaction wise both of them were the same level but machine wise, Zeke was much better than his bike that was being enhanced by chakra.

"Is Tai still here or did he leave?" Rika asked as she patted Naruto.

"Are you interested in having an affair with the big boss or something?"

"Go Naruto!" Rika threw Naruto across the table at Jack.

He didn't expect that reaction, both of the males didn't.

Jack caught Naruto but ended up slipping to the ground as the metallic surface shifted along with his seat.

"Don't say such things Jack, Rika doesn't like it." Naruto looked into his eyes and said calmly before getting out of his grasp and turning human.

Just for a moment, Jack had felt like a powerful digimon had been looking at him. He was a mega level digimon so it felt like a joke to see such things from a human.

But just for a moment, he felt that Naruto was stronger than him.

'What a weird feeling? Maybe I saw the future of his partner looking down at me, lol.'

"Don't speak nonsense again wolf boy or I will have your partner dress you up as a girl." Rika warned as she glared at him. The thought of seeing someone else was disgusting.

"Haha, she's a keeper bro. Tai is still here for the day, he has a date with Akali tonight and would leave for a mission tomorrow. If that is all, I gotta bounce." Jack chuckled and answered the question before giving an elegant bow. Finishing up, he jumped from the rooftop and landed safely on Zeke who answered his call.

Safely for the ground, since the impact would caused damaged to the area while Jack wouldn't have felt a thing.